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Adobe and Microsoft Updates, Plus Maybe Oracle

Adobe and Microsoft Updates, Plus Maybe Oracle

Adobe and Microsoft released updates yesterday, as is customary on Tuesdays.  Here's what's included.

Let's go alphabetically and start with Adobe.  A big focus of Adobe's update was for Flash.  Between that and Adobe AIR, almost three dozen vulnerabilities were addressed, although it doesn't appear that any of the security hazards in AIR were being exploited yet.  The latest version of Flash Player is now  If you use the Google Chrome browser, Flash Player in it will automatically be updated with the most recent Chrome update.

Windows 10 just recently rolled out, but about 40% of the patches in Microsoft's update are for the new operating system.  Internet Explorer received an update as well, as did Microsoft Edge, the browser Microsoft hopes will overtake the flagging IE and maybe bring them back from being one of the more ridiculed Internet browsers.  IE got 13 updates, many of which can be used with no input from the user besides visiting a malware-infected website.

There are rumors that Oracle released a Java update, though they moved to doing quarterly updates.  Besides, even-numbered Java updates are usually not security patches and this would be Java 8 Update 60.

As far as Java and Flash go, if you don't need them you should just uninstall them.  Both are popular targets of hackers and are relatively easy to use to take control of a victim's computer.
Craig Petronella CIO/vCIO●CTO●Cyber Security Expert