
That's the ideal scenario +Alex Murphy, but I'm not as optimistic as you when it comes to our fellow humans, to be more specific people known as my clients... not all of course, but way too many for my taste. Of course if they were all astute - I wouldn't have my job, but philosophy aside here are a few examples for you. I have a client with about around 50 employees... most of which use computers and they've all been accustomed to the old way of sharing documents on their beloved LAN and using their MS Office apps... the usual in other words. I explain to them the value of Google Apps,

Google Inc Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt has been playing with his company's new combination glasses and mobile computer and said he finds the experience a little weird.

A Brief Discussion Google Glass :
That's the ideal scenario +Alex Murphy, but I'm not as optimistic as you when it comes to our fellow humans, to be more specific people known as my clients... not all of course, but way too many for my taste.  Of course if they were all astute - I wouldn't have my job, but philosophy aside here are a few examples for you.  I have a client with about around 50 employees... most of which use computers and they've all been accustomed to the old way of sharing documents on their beloved LAN and using their MS Office apps... the usual in other words.  I explain to them the value of Google Apps, the savings they'll gain immediately, as well as longer term, feed them the benefits of Google+, including use of hangouts, chew for them the details of being able to collaborate with their sister location etc., including offering to teach them all of this, on their time, for as long as it takes, without ANY additional cost to them of doing so and guess what?  They INSIST on using MS Office, forced the owner of the company, who happens to be a great friend of mine and respects my suggestions very much, to still reinstate their inept shared folders on their LAN, and buy a copy of new MS Office for their new computer (because the old copy walked away apparently, so they had to go blow $370+ to get a new one, which I have no doubt will find exactly the same path as the old one in no time).

This is just one example.  I'm talking to another person, who is technologically reasonably astute (accountant by trade), explaining the virtues of Hangouts vs Skype... and in the end - they still want to use Skype, because they "know how".  This kind of non-sense is everywhere unfortunately.  So, time will tell whether my concerns are valid or not.  And just for the record, I'm NOT knocking Glass here, just people.
iTech Dunya

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