
The mobile division wants to hire more outside talent and make some acquisitions : "There is something in the works right now." says the president of Samsung mobile. He denied market rumors that Samsung would look to acquire Canada's Research In Motion Ltd. that would give it access to RIM's operating software used in smartphones for businesses.

The mobile division wants to hire more outside talent and make some acquisitions : "There is something in the works right now." says the president of Samsung mobile.
He denied market rumors that Samsung would look to acquire Canada's Research In Motion Ltd. that would give it access to RIM's operating software used in smartphones for businesses.

However according to that interview in the WSJ Samsung is mostly interested in software innovation so with RIM out of the way, wouldn´t it make sense to buy British smart phone producer INQ? Let me make a case for the idea:

INQ has built their own layer on top of Android to integrate ´the cloud´ giving instant access to Facebook and Spotify with a level of integration much deeper than apps provide.

INQ consists of designers and software developers from all over Europe, based mostly in London. Their hardware will be some OEM device from China, but the added value is in the social layer they add to the phone.

It goes much deeper than Samsungs own TouchWiz and could differentiate their mobiles in the Android market. But Samsung also needs an OS for their cheaper phones and integrated social would be a perfect addition to Bada.

The majority owner of INQ is Li K-Shing who also invested in Spotify so the business has always been focused on fully integrating social in smart phones. With Samsung producing a whole range of perfect mobile hardware it seems an excellent acquisition. European design and software talent with experience in the mobile market could help Samsung further dominate the mobile market.

Time will tell, but it´s always fun to guess. Make your bet in the comments
iTech Dunya

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