
iTunes Is Free Now & Apple Wants You To Have It!iTunes Is Free & Apple Wants You To Have It! It’s very unusual not to learn something everyday, and last Thursda y was no exception, I did one of my signature “iPhone and Me workshops” at a local non-profit, One of the users reported a problem with his iPhone…. He’s using a PC with iTunes, as in syncing and back-up, and the last time he went to “sync”, he found he couldn’t do it! He specifically told me: “the sync button is grayed out…” FYI/as an Apple user, I know that’s a “signal” they key or “link” is disabled in "Apple/Speak". This problem confounded me, I suggested that he try “re-loading” or refreshing iTunes, this is what any Apple user would do!

iTunes Is Free & Apple Wants You To Have It!

It’s very unusual not to learn something everyday, and last Thursda
y was no exception, I did one of my signature “iPhone and Me workshops” at a local non-profit,

One of the users reported a problem with his iPhone….

He’s using a PC with iTunes, as in syncing and back-up, and the last time he went to “sync”, he found he couldn’t do it!

He specifically told me: “the sync button is grayed out…”

FYI/as an Apple user, I know that’s a “signal” they key or “link” is disabled in "Apple/Speak".

This problem confounded me, I suggested that he try “re-loading” or refreshing iTunes, this is what any Apple user would do!

I found out later that I am wrong, and here’s the “correct” 411

I was syncing my wife’s iPhone (a 4-S) to enable “find my iPhone”, and sure enough “the sync key” was grayed out or disabled, but here’s the difference between using an Apple, and a PC….

On my Apple I got the message — “that the iPhone software was out of date”, before I could sync, iOs 8.03 must be loaded to the iPhone 4-S, to bring it up to date, who knew?

I made the assumption that the other user had made, that the iPhone 4-S had maxed out with iOs-7, and iOs - 8 was for iPhone 5 and above. Apparently Apple is going to continue to “support” iPhone 4 — S for at least one more “upgrade” iPhone seven or is it going to be eight.

So fans when something is not right go back to basics, that will usually work!
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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