Rising to a feature on startling technological updates in your daily could not be a treat every morning. While clad in a pair of funky shorts, I am as usual pulling off an acrobatic position over the newspaper sprawled on the dining table. With a strategically held glass of tea in my right hand, I spotted an article in the supplement revealing the new LG smartphone that has an internal space of 32 GB and is expandable up to 2 TB.

(Sorry! I couldn't get a picture exacting my extraordinarily unique posture)
The news jogged my memories back to late 90's where again in a pair of shorts, I am drooling over the new Motorola mobile phone my dad got for himself. Few buttons studded to a fat black silicon-cake with an antennae and a tiny, plasticky, monochrome display to it. Sounds like I am swearing but that’s how it looked. And it didn’t even have Snakes in it. Nothing to attract even my 4-year old cousin who luxuriously performs yoga on an 8-inch tablet. But I was bubbling with curiosity, next to my dad who was trying to keenly read the manual as if laser tagging it with his eyes. That was the day when the word “mobile” began to mean anything that looks like that device.

Since then, a massive change has occurred till today. I was born into an era where memory was not available so freely outside the human capacities. There were plenty of instruments popular enough to facilitate humans in exercising their memory. Like the telephone booths, wherein you need to dial in the number manually. Dialing a number more than often would make us store it in our memory bank effortlessly. Memory was more of an entity found in us than in the devices we dealt with. I remembered around 12-15 phone numbers with which I had frequent call exchange (I am not bragging!)

The elephant in the room is that we have failed to exercise our memory powers, our potential to store all that our senses register. We stop by every scenic place not to delight in the ecstasy it offers but to record it on our device’s memory. Yes, indeed it’s a boon that we can get the impressions recorded to re-view them later. We can have our entire journeys recorded and stacked on some Cloud in the digital skies. But our reliance on technology is curbing to prime our own skills. More bytes we are allowed to have at our disposal, the lesser we exercise our own abilities. Hence, the boon is becoming the bane of our lives.

Life is made up of journeys. And journeys are not just meant to fetch us the best of comments and mounting likes on social media. It must be an experience to relieve us of all enervation and inspire us to strive for more such moments. It must be more than a “feed” that gets shared on the wall of our “followers”. Rather it must be a feeling that gets shared by recapping our experiences. It must bud out new bonds and prune the older ones.

Royal Arabian is founded on the same ground. It delights in an experience which is more human and loves to share the same with its clients. Experience life with a newer vision and lesser interruptions with Royal Arabian’s tour packages in Dubai and around.
And let Your memory expand with more of such memorable moments and experiences of life.
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