
Over the years people have advised me that they have bought an Apple MAC, iPhone, Android device (Samsung, HTC, etc) because "they're not prone to viruses like Windows" or techs that liked Linux said "just install Linux and then you don't have to worry about viruses"
Who said hacking and malware/viruses was just for Windows?
Over the years people have advised me that they have bought an Apple MAC, iPhone, Android device (Samsung, HTC, etc) because "they're not prone to viruses like Windows" or techs that liked Linux said "just install Linux and then you don't have to worry about viruses"

The reality is anything that is big enough will be subject to hacking, virus, and malware attempts and efforts. As Apple, Linux, and Android devices grow in their market penetration so does the risk of malware infection.

Here is an extract: 

"Recently, a rather disturbing flaw has been discovered in the Android platform. Joshua Drak, from Zimperium zLabs, reported some serious flaws in the Android platform back in April, 2015. Simply by knowing a user's phone number, someone could send a text to that number and break into the device. The end user doesn't need to open a file, click on a link, or install a third-party piece of software. They only need receive a text." 

Whatever device and operating system you are using, you must not be complacent or careless. Always use a package to protect your device and be vigilant (i.e. don't just go click on anyway) as malware is regularly pushing the boundaries of what commercial protection packages cover.
Guy Rowson
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iTech Dunya

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