
How I Started with the Social Media Do you need traffic for your website but you’re tired of spending outrageous amounts of money on advertising? Many online businesses spend loads of money in online advertising every month. If that sounds like you then maybe you would rather get that traffic for free or at least at a lower cost.
How I Started with the Social Media Do you need traffic for your website but you’re tired of spending outrageous amounts of money on advertising? Many online businesses spend loads of money in online advertising every month. If that sounds like you then maybe you would rather get that traffic for free or at least at a lower cost.

How I Started with the Social Media

Do you need traffic for your website but you’re tired of spending outrageous amounts of money on advertising? Many online businesses spend loads of money in online advertising every month. If that sounds like you then maybe you would rather get that traffic for free or at least at a lower cost.
The answer might be right in front of you and you don’t even realize it.
Hundreds of millions of people use social media each and every day. They use it like it’s their only connection to the world. In fact, there are many posts by people who could get an immediate answer from a simple Google search if they wanted, but instead they make a social media post about it looking for comments.
This sort of social media dependency has led to a huge opportunity for businesses looking to market their products or services online. But going about it the wrong way can be disastrous and if you’re not prepared you could be setting yourself up for failure.
When I first started using social media in some of my online campaigns there was a huge learning curve. Figuring out what worked best and how to get the most traffic out of each and every post was critical. Unfortunately, I could only muster a few hits from each posts.
I knew there was no way I could get huge amounts of traffic from it. There simply were not enough people reading the post to even get it off the ground. So I decided to change some things up a bit.
First Things First in Social Media
The very first thing I did was give something away. That’s right, I decided to give away a big secret in my industry. Now most of the experienced people already knew about it so it wasn’t very exclusive or anything but it did get some people talking.
After that I decided to give something else away, and for the next few posts that’s what I did. You see by giving them something they actually started to trust me. And when I did start promoting something it was met with open arms instead of a doubtful attitude.
Starting Social Media Accounts
That’s how I started gaining ground on social media. Actually, it was more focused on Twitter and it took ages for me to learn some of the stuff. What time to post, account authority, and Twitter cards were all very difficult to figure out and get right. Setting it all up wasn’t the problem but testing, testing, and more testing was taking a toll.
You don’ t need to do all that like I did however because there is a product called The Social Media Formula and it looks well beyond how to set up a social account and testing but it also looks at advertising as well.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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