
Over the course of my career, I’ve had the privilege to work with many amazing people who have challenged me and provided me with opportunities to develop and grow my career. One of the best pieces of career advice I could offer is to seek out a wide variety of perspectives and advisors. Here are my all-time top 10 career tips that I’ve learned since my very first days of holding a job:
My Top 10 Career Tips for all the man and woman regarding their career
Over the course of my career, I’ve had the privilege to work with many amazing people who have challenged me and provided me with opportunities to develop and grow my career. One of the best pieces of career advice I could offer is to seek out a wide variety of perspectives and advisors. Here are my all-time top 10 career tips that I’ve learned since my very first days of holding a job:
  1. Try out different areas of the business, especially early in your career. You may discover what you really love to do and it’s hard to predict how much venturing into new territory will pay off later.
  2. Develop multiple mentors and sponsors to gain diverse points of view. Don’t narrow your network to just a single leader, no matter how successful that person currently may be.
  3. When change is difficult, remind yourself that discomfort is part of growth.
  4. Treat everyone with respect.
  5. Be open-minded – to others’ opinions, cultural nuances or new approaches to solving problems.
  6. Speak up. Let yourself be heard in meetings and share what you know or what you need – you’ll both advance your career and further your relationships.
  7. Only become a manger if you find joy in working with and influencing other people. Don’t do it if your primary motivation is career advancement.
  8. Always deliver what you committed to. Communicate with others as soon as you know you can’t complete something, or need more time to finish.
  9. Set your own boundaries – for the jobs you’re willing to do, the risks you’re willing to take and when work stops and personal life begins. Only you can define your own successful balance and integration of life and work priorities.
  10. Always act with integrity. Integrity and trust go hand-in-hand; in fact, integrity drives trust. Do the right thing, regardless of the situation.
Career development looks different for everyone. Seize every learning opportunity you can for your development. And ask your coworkers about their experiences—what have they learned along their own career journeys? What would they have done differently? You may be surprised and enlightened by their advice.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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