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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
An Apple Car? Why Not?
GENEVA – Should I worry that Apple may be developing an electric vehicle to compete with Nissan and Renault?
This question came up more times than I could count this week while I attended Mobile World Congress, the big annual technology showcase in Barcelona, and the Geneva International Motor Show.
Worried? No.
Excited? Yes!
Why? Because Apple’s entry into the EV segment, if it comes to pass, will only help the cause of promoting zero-emissions vehicles and the expansion of the charging infrastructure. I have always looked at other automakers that build EVs as allies, not competitors. We are all promoting a technology that’s important for the sustainability of our industry and our planet.
I have always looked at other automakers that build EVs as allies, not competitors. We are all promoting a technology that’s important for the sustainability of our industry and our planet.
So it’s refreshing to think that one of the world’s top technology companies shares our conviction. It only validates the strategy we adopted nearly a decade ago when we set off to be the first automaker to mass-produce EVs.
Since the Nissan LEAF went on sale in 2010, the Renault-Nissan Alliance has expanded its EV lineup and sold nearly a quarter-million zero-emission cars and vans. The LEAF alone has traveled more than 2.5 billion kilometers, keeping an estimated 222 billion kilograms of CO2 out of the atmosphere.
Competition is always good. The more zero-emission choices our industry offers consumers, the more attention and interest it brings to EVs.
The EV segment remains a small slice of the overall vehicle market, but it’s growing steadily. Another question I was asked frequently in Geneva was what impact lower oil prices would have on EV sales.
In the short term, lower oil prices may affect EV sales. But our investment in zero-emissions vehicles is for the long term. It is not driven by the price of oil, which is notoriously unpredictable and, as we have seen in the last decade, subject to wild swings.
No, the main drivers that will ensure continued growth of zero-emission vehicle sales are tougher emissions regulations to combat climate change, an expanding charging infrastructure and improving battery technology.
The main drivers that will ensure continued growth of zero-emission vehicle sales are tougher emissions regulations to combat climate change, an expanding charging infrastructure and improving battery technology.
Today there are about 800 million vehicles on the world’s roads. By 2050, that number is expected to more than triple to as many as 2.5 billion. That number of fossil fuel-burning engines on the road is not sustainable if we want to mitigate the impact of climate change.
This is why governments around the world plan to impose tougher emissions restrictions in the coming decade. The only way automakers can meet those restrictions is by selling more EVs, which is why more have joined Renault and Nissan in offering a range of zero-emission vehicles.
The charging infrastructure has been the biggest issue holding back sales so far. We’ve been working hard with governments and businesses to expand the infrastructure. We’ve seen where it expands, sales follow.
In Europe, eight countries have built quick-charge highway corridors, and nine more are planning to do so. The number of charging stations in Europe increased by 60 percent last year.
In Japan, the number of public and private chargers already exceeds the number of gasoline service stations.
Finally, battery technology keeps advancing. You can expect to see continued improvements in our EVs’ range over the next few years. Our goal is to ensure our EVs eventually have the same range as a conventional car.
You can expect to see continued improvements in our EVs’ range over the next few years. Our goal is to ensure our EVs eventually have the same range as a conventional car.
As charging an EV gets easier and faster, more people will see that EVs offer the most practical, affordable and cleanest alternative to cars that run on fossil fuels.
So, like you, I’m curious to see what Apple might offer. And I say, welcome!
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Automobile crashes exact a high price when it comes to the loss of human life and injuries. Globally, nearly 1.3 million individuals are killed in crashes each year, which averages out to 3,287 deaths a day according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel. In the U.S., the NHTSA says that 33,561 people were killed in auto accidents in 2012, and 2.3 million were injured, although crash fatalities have steadily decreased since then.
The average auto liability claim for property damage was $3,073 in 2012, while the average bodily injury claim was $14,653, according to the Auto Injury Insurance Claims Study. The average collision claim ran $2,950, over $1,300 more than the average comprehensive claim at $1,585.
Car insurance is a mandatory risk management strategy for all drivers and how much you pay is determined by several factors. Carriers follow a number of guidelines when pricing a new policy. Data provider AudaExplore says these include what kind of car will be insured, how likely is it to be stolen or in an accident, what are the replacement or repair costs likely to be if it is stolen or damaged, and whether or not the vehicle has specific features that make it safer.
In addition to these questions, there are other risk factors that can impact how much a driver pays for insurance.
Financial issues
Gary Jennings of Strategic Claims Direction says that insurers look at whether or not a driver has let his or her auto insurance lapse, or has a poor credit score because those are predictors of risk (whether good or bad). Filing previous claims may also be a risk indicator and extends to homeowners and other insurance policies as well.
Driving habits
A driver who has been cited for speeding, moving violations, DUIs, or reckless driving can expect to pay more for insurance.
Jennings says frequent accidents, even minor ones, can impact liability coverage at renewal time, as will claims for severe accidents. Individuals who drive a high number of miles a year (usually over 2,000 a month) can expect to pay higher premiums because the risk of being involved in an accident is greater.
More drivers
Adding drivers to a policy, especially young teens, will increase premiums. The good news is that there are discounts for drivers identified as “good students” and some will last until the driver reaches the age of 25.
Location matters
Where a driver lives can impact their car insurance just like it does their homeowners insurance. Some geographic areas are inherently riskier because of traffic, road conditions, weather, crime and other factors, according to AudaExplore. The company and other data providers can provide underwriting and rating solutions that will help carriers monitor driving behavior, identify any undisclosed risks, and provide insight into the environment in which a vehicle is operated.
Jennings says that living in an area prone to weather-related events such as hail or tornadoes can impact premiums, as well as living in a low-lying area that sees frequent flooding.
Car choice
Face it, the more expensive a car is to replace or repair will affect its premium rates. High performance luxury cars like those from Jaguar, Mercedes, Porsche, Corvette, Maserati or Ferrari will cost more to insure than a more conservative Honda minivan or a Ford Focus. Vehicles that are more expensive to repair, even in minor accidents, can raise premiums, explains Jennings.
More likely to be stolen?
Selecting a vehicle that is more likely to be stolen is another factor affecting what you’ll pay for insurance. In 2013, the most frequently stolen vehicles were:
  1. Honda Accord
  2. Honda Civic
  3. Chevrolet Pickups (full-size)
  4. Ford Pickups (full-size)
  5. Toyota Camry
  6. Dodge Pickups (full-size)
  7. Dodge Caravan
  8. Jeep Grand Cherokee
  9. Toyota Corolla
  10. Nissan Altima
Tips for lowering premiums
Jennings says there are some practical ways for drivers to lower their premiums and it’s easier than most people might realize.
First, be honest about the number of drivers on the policy, the number of miles driven, and any other risk factors so the carrier knows up front which risks need to be managed.
Driving carefully, observing traffic rules and speed limits, avoiding moving violations and accidents will help tremendously. In the same vein, presenting a good “moral values” picture with a good credit score, no late payments and no criminal convictions will favorably impact rates.
Consider keeping your car longer since collision and comprehensive premiums drop as vehicles age. If you have an older car, it might be possible to eliminate collision coverage if you’re willing to absorb that risk. If you belong to an automobile club, towing coverage may not be necessary as part of your car insurance.
Purchasing multiple policies – e.g., homeowners, life insurance and auto insurance – can earn a driver multi-policy discounts on insurance.
If there are teen drivers in the family, make sure they take an approved driving course and keep their grades up so they can apply for “good student” discounts.
And with the variety of insurers willing to provide quotes online, make sure to check the market for competitive rates just to make sure your insurer is providing the best possible rates for the coverage you need.

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
China Social Networks ... in Cars?
The first time I heard of the Walkie-Talkie application as part of the InkaNet (as in in-car-net) service created by marketing company Pateo for the Roewe 350 in China, I assumed that it was for reporting traffic incidents. In fact, Walkie-Talkie was a social network for owners of InkaNet-equipped Roewe 350's (made by SAIC Motor in Shanghai) to communicate with other users of the same application driving the same car.
PHOTO: DiDi app in use in a Buick in China.
Now, I know what you're thinking: "Who would want to do that?" But when I sat in a Roewe 350 and checked out the chatter during rush hour, it would appear that plenty of people, many of them driving cars, want to do this - ie. communicate with other drivers of the same car model). Even worse, if I recall correctly, many of the communications in the form of chatting exchanges were written and related to the news of the day - certainly nothing so urgent as traffic conditions or even the presence of speed traps or red light cameras, or even calls for assistance at crash scenes - something that OnStar's Good Samaritan service is capable of performing. (By the way, the chatting almost completely ceased after rush hour.)
Now comes news of yet another social application platform, called DiDi, in development at GM's Shanghai subsidiary. DiDi has been a project for more than a year and enables in car integration of a smartphone along with gesture and voice recognition (including speech to text for messaging) and touch screen access.
The initial iterations of DiDi showed simple chatting applications, not unlike InkaNet's Walkie Talkie, but targeted at more personal interactions with friends and family. The suggested use case is to have the phone mounted to the right of the steering wheel and in reach and within the line of sight of the driver.
But it is just concept work - so there is no need to be alarmed - even if it is in China where almost anything goes on the increasingly crowded highways. The latest project from GM in China - which has been mistaken by some as an already introduced product - combines social networking with the driving experience prospectively allowing drivers of OnStar-equipped cars to communicate directly with one another. This communication is to be enabled by an application combined with a license-plate scanning and recognition function.
Autoblog reported on the application here:
All indications are that the primary objective of the application is to enable social interactions beyond the car - ie. dating. We are not far from the day when cars will be communicating directly with one another, regardless of whether they are from the same car company or using the same service.
These services and experiments in China suggest that what car companies might envision for inter-car communications is not entirely what consumers will want to communicate from car to car. It does highlight, though, the power of inter-vehicle communication of traffic, weather, road conditions, local law enforcement or just an opinion on the latest World Cup result.
Of course, these kinds of communications have a direct analog to CB communications between truckers. And CB communications, too, are rarely confined to business.
Perhaps it is the novelty of the driving experience that is spurring this innovation in China. We might turn our jaundiced Western eyes toward China to learn what it is to be excited about driving again. It seems that most press reports from outside China about driving these days are about not driving at all - either fewer people owning cars or leaving the driving to a robot. If we could dial up that driver up ahead, in the next lane, or coming directly toward us...what would we say? Or will we let the car do the talking?
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
An unbelievable choice of rare and beautiful cars on the upcoming Arizona 2016 auction

RM Sotheby’s official catalogue for their upcoming Arizona 2016 auction was officially released. The event will take place on the 28-29 January 2016, and is sure to attract plenty of attention, especially given the jaw dropping array of cars.

Among the best examples that will be for sale on this prestigious auction there are:

1965 Shelby 427 Competition Cobra - this is the headline American lot of the auction. It features 620 brake horsepower from a true 427 cubic inches and a race weight of 2,420 lbs. RM Sotheby’s estimate it will go for $2,500,000 – $3,300,000.
View more of the car lots available on the 2016 Arizona auction on:
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
The Best Cars At The 2016 NAIAS
The VLF Force 1 V10 is Henrik Fisker's latest creation, but it's not his greatest creation - that'll be his daughter Natasha, who helped her Dad unveil his latest car at the 2016 North American International Auto Show.
For a look at some of the best cars sitting at COBO Hall in Detroit for the next 12 days, check out this link:
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Autonomous Cars in Ontario for 2016
Ontario will become the first province to allow driver-less or autonomous vehicles on its roads. A pilot project begins in January 2016 that introduces this new technology, to be clear you will still see a person behind the steering wheel this is for safety reasons. As if a person will be able to regain control and avoid a collision during a high-speed accident, most people can't do this when they are driving now. This post isn't really about autonomous vehicles, I'm used this topic to discuss the old and new technology companies and something I've always wondered; How did GM, FORD and other century old manufactures secede car innovations to relative newcomers such as Apple, Google and Tesla?
Its something we should all analysis and understand and avoid in our own industries. You can become complacent keeping existing clients and markets, making the same product and while refining and improving on it lose sight of what is happing around you. Tesla was not the first auto-company to create a totally electric car, that distinction goes to the "Detroit Electric Co." in 1912. Surprised? Not really, the idea of an electric car goes back over a century. The concept was dismissed when gas engines and more importantly gas stations appeared. The problems with electric cars in the 1920's could have been overcome but the cheap gas and easy access to fuel made it impossible for electric cars to compete.
What is surprising about this is that even with this history once Elon Musk started Tesla to create the next Millennium vehicle no one at Ford, Chrysler or GM took much notice of this little startup cutting into their industry. Why didn't these companies start their own electric car to compete with Tesla, use the own innovations to create something better? Instead these dinosauric companies "kept to their knitting" and likely lost the chance forever of remaining viable in the long-term.  By this I mean being around in another hundred years.
Now Google will be entering the car industry  and if rumours are true likely Apple and Amazon are likely to follow. What these companies see is that cars represent a great space for technological advancement. Mainly because that for the last hundred years the greatest advancements in car technology by the old car-makers is computers to control fuel-injection. The new car technology from Google, Apple and other will focus on using the vehicle to connect the human inside with products outside.
The autonomous vehicle will be connected. Yes GPS and wireless technology will allow the drive and passengers to find their way around it will also free them to discover new things and places to go. Using search to find something they want or need; mapping their course and helping the passengers to even work while they travel. 
Now imagine your morning commute; your autonomous vehicle can inform you for traffic and weather issues of course, it can also suggest a coffee shop or other conveniences you may want or need. Is this a revenue source for Google Ads?
Being connected also means that your location, speed and destination is known. Imagine seeing a "smart billboard" en-route that changes to  display an add just for you? The board knows you, where you are going and also past knowledge based on your Amazon searches, the billboard can tell you about specials and offer discounts specific to where you are heading. If the destination is a mall with two or more competing stores, each can present offers to entice you to their establishment. Or perhaps a competitor across town can make a offer on you device in the car indicating or suggesting a route that is more convenient and with a better value to get you to come their way. All this would be done instantly and without disruption to you since it will be your autonomous car doing the processing. You can just sit back and be taken. 
Microsoft had a slogan awhile back "where do you want to go today?", its very appropriate for our technology to consider not just where we want to go, also where we will let ourselves be led to. Advancements in automotive engineering is only a portion of what the autonomous car can provide. The advancements in technology, connectivity and what I will call "human engineering" can make us better and can also make us slaves.
We can be masters of the technology or let the technology be our master
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
New year, new motor? Top 4 New Cars taking to the Tarmac in 2016
2016. New cars! The good news is that lots of them are high-quality and luxury too. Volkswagen, Toyota, Ford, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz are just a handful of the car manufacturers who are blasting their next-gen models into the New Year. Perhaps this list will help you decide which car to purchase in 2016…
The itestdrive team have gathered their favourites for your perusal. Enjoy!
BMW’s new 7-Series
Released early 2016, the new 7 Series of BMW is arriving in three different versions: 740i, 740d & 740Li. In total, five models are eagerly anticipated to be released. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why either, as there has been a facelift in base equipment and also the latest cutting edge tech including carbon core, display key and it’s even the first car with ‘gesture control’. You can watch how gesture control works here and don’t forget to subscribe to BMW’s Youtube channel.
Amongst the standard additions it will also include simply stunning interior design, surround sound, leather upholstery, glass sunroof and contrasting seam. It’s a wonderful combination.
Ford Mustang ...
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Top 5 Cars to Watch in 2016
With CES 2016 in the books and the Detroit Auto Show in full swing, 2016 is already off to a great start for those tracking the auto industry.  There will be many new rides released over the next 11 months, but there are 5 cars in particular that I believe deserve more attention than the rest.  Each one has an important role to play in its company’s future, and each vehicle’s success could have ripple effects on the industry as a whole.
1. Chevrolet Bolt EV
Announced at CES 2016, the Bolt EV is GM’s first fully battery electric mass production car since the EV-1 in the late 1990s.  As their only BEV currently, GM needs to make sure this car is a homerun with consumers.  Its 200-mile range is great, and its design is attractive and forward-looking.  Personally, I am a fan and hope to get behind the wheel after it launches at the end of 2016.  The Bolt EV represents a big departure for an established automaker like GM, but it looks like it could be a winner.  Depending on how well consumers respond, expect to see more battery electric vehicles being released by GM in the next several years.
2. Tesla Model X
To be fair, the Model X was launched in October of 2015, but only a few hundred have been delivered to customers to date.  It is the company’s 2nd mass-production vehicle after the Model S, and is their first SUV.  Tesla hopes to double their annual sales once production meets full capacity, but that is also dependent upon consumers wanting a large battery electric vehicle.  Thus far, consumer and journalist reviews have been very positive, with many consumers posting content online showing the high towing capacity of the Model X as well as its innovative features.  Since the Model X is still a newly-released vehicle, it is an important one to watch in 2016 and could potentially bring Tesla’s 3rd vehicle to market even faster.
3. Faraday Future’s potential 1st production car
If you follow me on Twitter (@j_w_scott), you may have seen some of my live-tweeting during Faraday Future’s CES 2016 vehicle concept launch on January 4th.  The FFZERO1, their non-production battery electric race car, is an embodiment of the technologies Faraday Future is currently developing and intend to release in their upcoming production vehicles.  It is still unknown what Faraday Future’s first mass-market vehicle will be, but given all the recent press surrounding the company - as well as its vast amount of funding – Faraday Future could end up being a major influence on the auto industry as a whole.  Keep an eye on FF, as it is called for short, because much is yet to come.
4. Chrysler Pacifica
This was a very surprising curveball to come out of the Detroit Auto Show this week.  The Pacifica replaces the Town & Country as Chrysler’s minivan, a segment the company created back in the 1980s.  With this generation, it has entirely leapfrogged the competition.  The Pacifica’s top trim level is a hybrid with an estimated 80 MPGe city rating, and a 30-mile all-electric range when the batteries are fully charged.  Considering this segment of the market had yet to see a competitive hybrid option, FCA took that fact and ran with it.  It also is an attractive design, and I bet consumers will react very positively.  My expectation is that sales numbers for the plug-in hybrid version will be much higher than predicted and if so, I would also expect to see the plug-in powertrain come up on other Chrysler products.
5. Lincoln Continental
For a long time, Lincoln has lacked a strong direction and cohesive design philosophy, but the upcoming Continental is supposed to change all of that.  By resurrecting an iconic Lincoln name, the company is starting anew and this car is supposed to set the benchmark for what is to come from the brand.  There is a great deal of pressure riding on the Continental, including the future of the Lincoln brand.  Lincoln’s design team has made it nearly identical to the concept, making it a great entrant into the competitive landscape.

Obviously, this list could be a lot longer.  What would be your Top 5?
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