Articles by "Innovation and Destruction"


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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
2016 Payment Trends & Predictions
I’ve spent a little time reflecting on 2015 and wanted to share with you my thoughts on what trends we might see with payments in 2016.
Plastic Card PaymentsExpect much of the same for plastic card payments in 2016. Plastic payments will still be king and the obituary for plastic cards won’t be written in 2016 for the simple reason that there is no payment type that is as ubiquitously accepted around the world just yet. U.S. issuers will continue with their rollout of chip cards, and you’ll continue to see more check and cash conversion to plastic payments.
We’ll continue the crawl toward ubiquitous chip acceptance at U.S. point of sale retailers, too. Toward the end of 2015 only 15% of retail locations enabled chip acceptance, which was a far cry from the 40% projected by many industry experts. And there was even less debit card chip acceptance thanks to Senator Durbin due to debit-specific network routing complications.   The checkout process when using a chip card can feel slower than the swipe of a card, especially at retailers where purchases under $50 didn’t historically require a signature. Perhaps the proximity of the October ’15 liability shift to the busy holiday spending season caused some merchants to delay enabling chip acceptance out of concern for how their checkout performance might be impacted.
Hopefully we can expect to also see a spike in dual acceptance (contact and contactless chip payments) as merchants continue to replace point of sale hardware and enable chip acceptance at their retail locations.   This might be the lift needed to help Near Field Communication (NFC) based mobile payments take off.
Wallets & Mobile PaymentsWe’ll continue to see further fragmentation (and confusion?) with mobile payments wallet options between handset and OS manufacturers, merchants, and white label financial institution offerings all battling for adoption. Expect a lot of ‘build or participate’ decisions to be made or solidified in 2016.
A strategy around participation in a number of mobile wallet and payment platforms acknowledge financial institutions can’t prevent consumer adoption of multiple platforms, and that their customers are more empowered than ever before to choose how they will transact with their financial institutions. This approach helps keep financial institutions payment products top-of-wallet even if the financial institution isn’t providing the wallet or payment method.
Whereas a strategy around building a white label wallet indicates there’s a value proposition at play greater than just maintaining top-of-wallet position for customer’s cards and accounts within these platforms.   This strategy is more likely to be successful when a financial institution has economies of scale with both the issuing and acquiring side of the payments ecosystem as a value proposition can be created for the financial institution, retailers who need to accept the wallet for payment, and the customer they share.  
Apple Pay, Samsung and Android Pay have created some really great frictionless payment experiences from their devices. At the end of the day these payment methods need to deliver a consistent experience for the user, and need close to ubiquitous acceptance at retailers to deliver on their promise of replacing your traditional wallet and plastic payment cards.
Retailers will jump into the fray with Wal-Mart already announcing a debut of their mobile payment app later this year.   Target has also been rumored to be working on a similar solution.   Look for these developments to further retailer’s efforts to delivery an omni-channel shopping experience and to leverage ways to reduce payment acceptance costs.
The Long Awaited MCX & CurrentC Debut2016 could be the year when retailer’s customers finally have access to the Merchant Customer Exchange’s (MCX) long awaited CurrentC app. The strategy behind the MCX consortium and their CurrentC app was always to reduce payment acceptance cost for participating retailers. Last year MCX inked an agreement with Chase that could very well help MCX achieve this objective through lower card acceptance costs while potentially providing Chase with preferred top-of-wallet position in the CurrentC wallet for their issued credit and debit cards.
The wild card will ultimately be consumer adoption of the CurrentC app.   One barrier they, and any other retailer or white label wallet faces, will be delivering the frictionless experience handset manufacturer’s have with their respective mobile payment solutions. CurrentC will also need to deliver a rich value proposition for consumers to ensure adoption. Beyond breaking through the payment acceptance barrier other mobile payment and wallet solutions face with NFC, perhaps the consumer’s value proposition revolves around richer loyalty perks and discounts at participating retailers.
Look for the CurrentC app to debut later in 2016.
A White Knuckle Year For Payment Fraud?Chip acceptance at retail locations, and other payment developments that remove sensitive card data from systems all together, like tokenization, will eventually make counterfeit cards and retailer data breaches less desirable options. Fraudsters will always target the path of least resistance, and right now the next path appearing leads us to ATMs and Automated Fuel Dispensers (AFD).  
ATM and AFD terminal owners have less incentive ahead of October 2017 to enable chip acceptance at their respective terminal locations.   Data skimming technology is also getting smaller and more sophisticated which makes it harder for the average cardholder to determine if a terminal has been compromised or not.   Look for more aggressive attempts to capture card data at these types of terminals through skimming devices, which could also include PINs, and as well as the actual fraud occurring at these terminals, too.
Faster PaymentsWe’ll see phase 1 of Same Day ACH debut in 2016 with Receiving Depository Financial Institutions (RDFI) required to accept Automated Clearing House (ACH) credits as the first Same Day ACH transactions. Who, and maybe more importantly how Originating Depository Financial Institutions (ODFI) and their respective 3rd party partners adopt Same Day ACH will ultimately determine if we’ll all be drinking from the fire hose, or if we’ll all have time to adjust and learn with a slower, more gradual volume of transactions.
Be sure you’re thinking beyond just achieving compliance with accepting Same Day ACH credits, but how ACH transactions originated by your business partners may intentionally, or unintentionally fall into the Same Day ACH processing windows. These could include your bill pay providers, person-to-person payment providers, credit card processors if you’re products are offline from your core system, and others that may create ACH files or originate payments on your institutions’ behalf.  
Be sure to proactively engage your respective Regional Payment Association for guidance and support well ahead of September.
We’ll also likely learn more about the Federal Reserve’s plans for providing a near real-time ubiquitous payment solution for the United States. There are currently two task forces; The Faster Payments Task Force and the Secure Payments Task Force, comprised of professionals representative of the entire payments ecosystem collaborating with the Federal Reserve to help develop a solution that will work for everyone.
Fintech & Payment TechnologyThe land of unicorns (and rainbows?) where Fintech startups backed by millions of venture capital dollars plot to reinvent how we all bank, transact, and manage our money might end up becoming business partners for the traditional financial institutions they set out to disrupt.    Look for more strategic partnerships, or outright acquisitions of the most promising Fintech ideas by individual financial institutions, industry consortiums, as well as many of the solution provides that already serve financial institutions with platforms and products today.
Tokenization of payment data made its debut late 2014 with Apple Pay followed by Samsung and Android Pay also adopting the technology.   Watch for more adoption of tokenization, first with services like Visa Checkout and MasterCard’s PayPass, and eventually with merchants who maintain card data on file for recurring payments.
And last but not least, watch out for more Blockchain technology developments in various mainstream financial services industries.   It might seem rather boring on the surface, and I’ll do my best to try and explain why Blockchain is attracting the attention it is. First, Blockchain isn’t Bitcoin, but instead is the ledger of accounts for all transactions that have ever been made through a system that utilizes Blockchain technology.   When transactions are authorized they are added as blocks to the blockchain. The blockchain can’t be altered which makes it more secure than traditional databases where data is authored by a single system or administrator.   Before a block is added to a Blockchain its authenticity must be validated by a number of different systems or entities simultaneously which helps ensures fraudulent transaction can’t add as legitimate blocks.
The list of mainstream financial services brands that are actively pursing Blockchain opportunities, or who are initially investing in R&D to validate opportunities is pretty impressive. The list includes names like Visa Europe and the NASDAQ. Consider adding Blockchain to your list of weekly industry reading if it isn’t already topic you’re following.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
In News: Feb 04, 2016 | Now Watch Football in VR on your Coffee Table!
It’s a Great Day!
Picture Credit: Pinterest 
In Business:
  • Cisco to Buy Internet of Things Firm Jasper for $1.4 Billion
  • Jasper Technologies Inc. is a startup that connects devices like cars and medical devices to the Internet
  • This is Cisco’s largest acquisition since 2013 when it acquired security company Sourcefire for $2.7 billion
  • Jasper connects devices like cars, jet engines and pacemakers to the Internet and also makes a software platform that helps monitor these devices once they are online

  • Cisco, which has acquired dozens of smaller companies over the years, is shifting its business towards high-end switches and routers and investing in new products such as data analytics software and cloud-based tools for data centers

  • In March 2015, another big legacy company, IBM, said it would invest $3 billion over the next four years to help companies track the data from sensor-equipped devices and smartphones
  • IBM calls its initiative the IoT Foundation. Other competitors in the space include GE and Microsoft

  • HTC Cards $101M Loss In Q4 2015, Its Third Successive Quarter In The Red
  • Nearly 20 percent quarter-on-quarter but down a massive 46 percent year-on-year
  • HTC implemented a series of restructuring initiatives in the latter part of 2015, which included laying off 15 percent of staff
  • HTC is putting a lot of emphasis on virtual reality (including its upcoming Vive product) and the Internet of things

  • Lenovo posts profit gain despite slowing PC sales, smartphone growth
  • Lenovo said net profit for the three months ended December 31 was $300 million, a 19 percent increase year-on-year and higher than the average estimate
  • Lenovo has suffered from a decline in global demand for PCs, which account for around a third of its revenue despite its efforts to diversify into other sectors, including the smartphone market
  • It bought Motorola from Google for $2.9 billion in October of 2014, soon after its purchase of IBM’s low-end server business as part of its strategy of broadening beyond PCs

  • Apple Ordered to Pay $625 Million in Patent Dispute With VirnetX
  • For using the patent licensing company's Internet security technology without permission in its FaceTime and iMessage features
  • In May 2010, VirnetX won a $200 million (roughly Rs. 1,357 crores) settlement from Microsoft Corp over the VPN technology

  • India moves ahead of the US to become second largest smartphone market: Report
  • India surged ahead of US in terms of active unique smartphone user base in the world with the base crossing 220 million users
  • Smartphone shipments in the country grew 23.3 percent to touch 100 million units during 2015, compared to 81.1 million devices in the previous year

  • India still has a long way to go as the smartphone penetration of the total potential population is still below 30 percent

  • In terms of the total market (smartphones and feature phones), Samsung again led the tally with 23.6 percent share, followed by Micromax (13.7 percent), Intex (13 percent), Lava (12.6 percent) and Lenovo (4.8 percent)

In Technology:
  • Microsoft Shows Off Possible Future of Football Viewing With HoloLens
  • Microsoft showed off its HoloLens technology at the Super Bowl this week as the company tries to redefine the experience of watching NFL football at home
  • With 3D capable cameras spread around the entire stadium, plays were able to be brought to your coffee table with the press of a button on your phone or the movement of your hands

  • All 3D forms of the 22 players were lined up and viewers could walk around the table to see different angles, pause the video or zoom in to certain parts of the field
  • The NFL has worked closely with Microsoft as its technology partner in developing the prototype showed off this week
Picture Credit: Microsoft
  • While the 3D view was the most eye-opening part of the demo, the HoloLens also allows for views of the telecast to expand from the confines of a television screen to fill an entire wall, allowing all 22 players to be seen at once

Know a Face!
Abid Ali Neemuchwala, CEO, Wipro
Worked for 23 years at TCS before jumping to Wipro.
Abid is passionate about service and diversity and volunteers in the community and at Wipro Cares. He also enjoys travelling, Indian music, reading fiction, and playing golf.
Photo Credits: Business Standard

Learn Something New
The Original Thought Theory
The "Original Thought Theory" states that – “Anything anyone can ever say, has already been said by someone else!
Meaning me telling you this was already told by someone to someone in the past! Whoa!
Did You Know!
Dr. Barry Marshall believed that H. Pylori bacteria caused stomach ulcers, but no one would believe him. Since it was illegal to test his theory on humans, he drank the bacteria himself, developed stomach ulcers within days, treated them with antibiotics and went on to win a Nobel Prize!

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
5 Digital Trends that Will Change Your Life in 2016
The digital space is always shifting, expanding, creating room for more. Our newsfeeds are inundated daily with fresh influxes of ICT-related information, and every week brings new advances in tech, big and small. With the constant buzz around innovation, we’re not always sure what’s really disrupting the industry, and what’s just fluff.

How Digital Will Change Your Life this Year

1. Virtual Reality (VR) for Everyday Life 
While the concept of VR has been around since the ‘70s, the technology never seemed to catch up, and there was no way to distribute the service to the public, who generally couldn’t afford the gadgetry required. Until now.
Smartphones have changed everything. With HD cameras, GPS and screen rotation functionality, as well as enhanced processing power, the Smartphone is fully capable of running VR software. This not only makes for a seamless VR experience, but also makes it accessible to anyone with a mobile smart device.
This year, HTC, Sony and the Facebook-owned Oculus will each release their own VR headsets, VIVEPlayStation VR and Oculus Rift, respectively. The much anticipated Oculus Rift is set to hit shelves from April 2016. Robust user experience (UX) testing paired with a dose of healthy competition means that we’re in for a life-changing VR experience.
  • At home, consumers will be able to play exhilarating online games, as well as be able to learn practical skills in real time instead of in theory - great for kids learning sports.
  • Training simulators will not only be reserved for astronauts and pilots, but fire fighters, engineers, doctors and disaster relief professionals will be able to practice dealing with occupational curve balls too.
As a fully immersive experience, VR will change the way we work, learn and entertain ourselves.
2. Sharing Economies Are All the Rage
Uber. Airbnb. Gumtree. Just some of the household names you’ve come to know. What you may not know, is that these innovative brands are part of what has now been dubbed the “sharing economy”, and it’s all the rage.
It’s all about access, really. Most people, especially millennial consumers, can’t afford to stay in hotels, buy high-end sports equipment or hire a full time employee at their start-up. This is what makes sharing communities so powerful - people can trade goods for goods, or get the experience, knowledge or help that they need at a fraction of what it would usually cost using traditional service providers.
Companies like AirbnbTaskRabbit and Uber allow regular Joe’s who just aren’t making enough money in their day jobs to turn their assets (such as apartments and cars) and skills into a means of earning a passive income. It’s genius, and amega disruptor for conventional business; companies will be competing with consumers who rent their goods out for a small fee, a bottle of wine or even a basket of home-grown vegetables. Who can compete with that?
3. User Experience (UX) Science Drives All Consumer-Facing Design
It’s not news that the marketing landscape has changed drastically over the last decade. Digital communities have influenced the way we buy, sell and strategise, and the consumer is now informing the business, not the other way around.
While some companies were slow to realise this shift, for brands that are at the forefront of their fields, consumer behaviour intelligence now drives all their business – from product concept and design, to marketing execution and delivery.
 UX is a vital element of product design – it is how the user feels when they interact with a digital product.  For those new to this concept, think of it as a product’s first impression on the user. You can already see why this is integral to brand adoption. There is a lot of competition out there; if a website or app is unattractive or difficult to use in any way, users will spend their clicks somewhere else.
Companies are pouring funds into consumer research, conducting user testing, marrying findings with the relevant Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and using this precious data to advise on their product design. According to UX Motel, for every $1 spent on UX design, there is a $100 ROI[i].
 Our new reality is that consumer attention is a commodity, which means thatintelligent UX design is no longer an option - it’s a top priority.
4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Breaks Barriers, Makes Our Lives Better
Despite films that put the fear of machines into us (think Terminator, I Robot, The Matrix), the field of robotics and AI has never been as prolific as it is now. Last year the industry saw huge leaps in robotic capability. International competitions, like Amazon’s Picking Challenge, the DARPA Robotics Challengeand the RoboCup pushed innovators to their creative limits, and we saw robots that can pack shelves, operate in disaster situations and perform as proxy surgeons in remote locations.
While there are still many milestones to reach in the field, experimentation and field testing are gaining ground and developers are using glitches to learn and make adjustments. Despite the setbacks that Google faced with the testing of itsself-driving cars, it’s only a matter of time before the kinks are ironed out and they move on to the next “impossible”.  
Newsworthy developments to look out for:
  • This year, China will be investing $154 billion in installing robots in its factories, replacing human workers in an effort to cut costs and make their production lines faster and more cost effective.
  • New algorithms will allow robots to learn from the internet and each other.
  • The increase in the threat of terror globally, along with major software enhancements, means that this could also be the year we have smart droneshovering in our skies, as well as robotic armed forces accompanying soldiersinto war zones.
5. Cyber Crime a Major Threat to Consumers, Retailers and Government Organisations
Imagine your child is playing innocently by herself with an electronic toy. She is chatting to the toy happily, when the toy starts to talk back – and not in a polite way. Entirely possible, as hackers proved when they breached digital toymaker VTech’s network last November, exposing the account information of 6.4 million children around the world.
Hacking is rifer than ever before and last year saw some really big attacks. The federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) had the sensitive details of over 21 million people stolen, as well as the finger print files of 5.6 million federal employees. The controversial website ‘Ashley Madison’ was hacked laughably, and the data of 37 million users released publicly, including credit card information and login credentials. Other hacking victims of yesteryear include Experian’s T-Mobile customers, the IRS, LastPass and CIA Director John Brennan.
What these breaches have taught us is that we need to tighten up security in an innovative way. Hackers and cyber security firms are neck-and-neck in the race to get ahead of the game, and with a predicted 30% increase in connected devices in 2016, there’s a lot of work to be done.
What kinds of criminal ingenuity do we have to look forward to?
  • “Headless” worms or viruses that will target “headless” devices, such as Smartwatches, Smartphones and medical hardware.
  • “Ghostware” designed to breach, steal and vanish before the break is discovered.
  • Cloud jailbreaks will become more frequent as more users migrate to virtual storage.
Vectra Networks CEO, Hitesh Sheth said in a recent interview that cyber security firms need to think outside the box and spend more time developing software that tracks hackers once the inevitable breach is made, and alerts security immediately, as opposed to just focusing on firewalls.
 Here’s what consumers can do to protect themselves:
  • Have a different password for each platform you use.
  • Change your email password once a month.
  • Your passwords should contain as many variables as possible, and be personal to you. Take a look at the most used passwords of 2015.
  • WiFi-connected toys and web cams are extremely vulnerable. Make sure your WiFi password is tight and you use reputable antivirus software.
  • Do not store your passwords virtually.
  • If you keep a password document on your PC, do not name it “password”. Give the file a name that is completely random and has nothing to do with security. Just don’t forget what it’s called.

    So those are the top five digital trends to watch in 2016. It’s going to be an exciting year in tech, and we’re looking forward to watching creativity and innovation flourish in our own country. Here's to mankind leaping forward in the online frontier!
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