Articles by "Laptop"


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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
 Tablet or Laptop: Which is Best for Students
At the beginning of this past school year, my youngest brother was off to college and needed a computer for his freshmen year. As his older brother, I am always looking for ways to help him out and steer him in the right direction. As the oldest, I sure wish I had someone there to help me along in the early years. So when he said that he needed a computer for school, I automatically think ok… laptop.
But then he questioned that and told me his school actually said either a laptop or tablet could work, as long as he had a keyboard. Now to me, and my old school thinking, I am shocked to think of a tablet as more than just something to cruise around the web with on Sunday mornings while relaxing on the couch.
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I hit the internet to do some comparison shopping to figure out which one would be best to fit his needs as a college freshman. USA Today, had a great article with a fantastic list of pros and cons to consider.
Pros: bigger screen, clamshell screen protection, connected keyboard. 

Cons: battery life, size and weight, costly software.
Initially my gut said, get a laptop. Back when I was in school I had a laptop and it was my lifeline. In the age of MySpace and Surge soda, they ruled the roost and allowed me to do all of my work no matter where I was.
After doing some research, I found that a good laptop (non-Mac) can be purchased for about $500. This would get him a decent size hard drive, processor and a good-sized monitor. Then I looked at a Google Chromebook and saw that it was $199. This was a little bit of a game changer; more on that to come. 


Pros: lightweight, no wait to power up, free or inexpensive software.
Cons: smaller screen size, harder to type on (unless there is a keyboard), lack of memory.
With my Sunday morning bias towards tablets I took a hard look at what was available on the market as well. There were definitely affordable options available and Samsung and Apple seemed to be the top two choices to choose from. The mire lack of selection with the tablets was certainly scary. Granted: there are some “no-name” brands available, but for some reason it just did not feel right with the off brand selection.
Our Conclusion
After looking through the selection online and then going to Best Buy to test drive each option, we decided to go with the Google Chromebook. This is kind of a hybrid between a laptop and a tablet when you get right down to it. You get the functionality of a laptop with the keyboard and bigger monitor, and also the price point of a tablet. Another great feature that is more tablet based is that fact that it runs on apps and not on actual software. This will keep the cost down for my brother when having to purchase new programs. One last thing that was definitely a tipping point was the cloud storage. Now typically I would rather have my documents saved locally, but I remember as a college student sometimes forgetting my laptop or storage device and wishing that I had an easy place to access it. With the cloud storage, my brother can access his work from virtually anywhere as he needs it.
But hey, this is completely my opinion and based on my own experiences and research.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Can The Tablet Replace The Laptop?

Tablet Vs Laptop 

The most pressing question on everyone's lips is will the tablet replace the laptop? Well maybe not the most pressing question at the moment, and probably not on anyone's lips, except mine. But still a worthy question to ponder. Recently I came across an article Tablet Industry Continues Steady Decline that claimed the tablet is in decline. While I might be inclined to agree that sales of tablets have slowed down, I wouldn't write off the tablet just yet.

Don't get me wrong, I love my laptop and would not get rid of it. But I decided a while back to see if I could use a tablet to replace my laptop. That and my laptop, if you could call it mine since it was a hand-me-down from my wife, really couldn't go more than five seconds unplugged. So when I got the tablet, another hand-me-down from my wife, I gave it a hard test drive.

A few years ago my wife was offered an iPad. Seeing how neither of us own any Apple products, and my firm belief that Apple is the Betamax of the computer industry, she opted for a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 inch screen. I was able to get her synced with her Android phone and she was off and running.

As it turned out, it wasn't much running. Shortly after she realized that while tablets are great, they are not a laptop. Although the bluetooth keyboard and the leather case was a great add on, she decided to get a new laptop. She got a small laptop that was more of an ultra book with touch screen technology, which meant I got another hand-me-down of her old laptop and the tablet.

First I started to use it at work during meetings. I'm a simple man when it comes to software, proudly I've made my career by not going above layer 3 (an inside joke for those who know OSI), so a basic text document app worked perfectly. And I didn't want to remove my wife's email account, so I found another freeware program. In fact the amount of freeware products for Android are vast and many of them are good. Of course you get what you pay for, but I have a lot of patience when it comes to apps. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

I avoided putting any games on the device since I know my obsessive nature would have me playing them non stop. So I started to download programs that work better on a tablet than ones for your phone such as watching old movies which is one of my hobbies. And watching a ten inch screen is not much different than the thirteen inch screen I grew up watching as a kid.

I even found an app that works like Office and had a text and spreadsheet program that could save in Windows Office format. Since I had the wireless keyboard I decided to use it to write my first novel Taste the Purple. It was a bit difficult since the keys had a tendency to spit out multiple letters or strange foreign characters often. And there really isn't a good spell check, or at least one that works with the freeware apps I was using. I just keep telling myself that I am frugal, not cheap, frugal, not cheap, frugal......

I believe I reached the full effect when I was at my brother's wedding on the other side of the county and got a repair phone call at midnight because a T1 was down. Using the table I was able to VPN into my work computer and on the tiny screen, was able to pull up information and the software I needed. Wasn't easy and was much slower than if I had a laptop, but it still worked.

Can the tablet replace the laptop? No it cannot. But I don't see them disappearing any time soon. They are good as a download device, just not so much as an input device. Either way I am glad that I tried this experiment and know for sure that I do work much better using a laptop.

Adam Mayer is a telecommunications manager and aspiring author who lives in Oregon

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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Dell Launch  the New XPS 15 with Borderless InfinityEdge Display
Dell has invigorated its XPS 15 model which accompanies a practically bezel-less screen called the Infinity Edge show. The configuration takes after the XPS 13, which additionally had a shocking just about edge to edge screen.

The new XPS 15 was uncovered by Microsoft's Corporate Vice President OEM Division, Nick Parker. Dell has been cited as calling its new XPS 15 "advanced for Windows 10" and asserting that XPS 15 is the "littlest 15 inch tablet on the planet". The portable workstation is for sure little and resembles a 13-14 inch gadget when the cover is shut.

The XPS 15's most conspicuous element, as we specified some time recently, is the InfinityEdge show yet it doesn't imply that there's nothing but the same old thing new other than that. There is a strong looking LED illuminated chiclet console with no Number cushion, in an average Dell style. There is a genuinely extensive touchpad underneath the console that has turn into a standard with the increment of touch signals. The entire of the armrest and the casing around the console includes a jewel design on a carbon fiber complete the process of running crosswise over it. Whatever remains of the body is made out of aluminum. The webcam is situated at the base of the screen to keep the bezels little.

Dell Launch  the New XPS 15 with Borderless InfinityEdge Display

Dell kept the gadget specs a mystery for the time being however agreeing reports the tablet will accompany specs like the XPS 13. The gadget will bolster designs supporting the most recent Intel Core arrangement Broadwell processors beginning with the Core i3 and setting off up to the Core i7. The RAM is accounted for to be beginning at 4GB and setting off the distance to 16GB. The tablet will bolster both SSD and HDD alternatives. Like the past XPS 15, HDDs of up to 1TB and SDDs of up to 512GB choices will be accessible. Coordinated Intel illustrations will accompany the fundamental setup yet extra Nvidia GPUs will likewise be accessible. The tablet utilizes MaxxAudio fueled speaker framework.

The tablet has the basic design with three USB 3.0 ports, a card peruser, a Kensington lock, earphone jack, a DisplayPort and a HDMI out. There is the up and coming USB Type C port too which is turning into the new business standard. The presentation alternatives will begin at 1080p for the ordinary screen and up to 4K determination for the touch empower model like the past XPS 15.

There is no subtle element accessible in regards to the cost or accessibility. Since the portable workstation was running Windows 10, it can be expected that the tablet will get to be accessible once Windows 10 dispatches.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Mattress Vs Laptops And How Apple makes you feel special
What a great example from a consultant (not a sales person) from Apple store, who helped me select my first mac book air.   There is a specific reason why i have mentioned a consultant not a sales person in my first line, i will elaborate that bit later.

He said, "we spend 5-7 years on our mattress every night and most of us don't take much time to decide on the right one, adding further to that he said these days we are spending similar amount of time on our PCs during the day, and we don't take our time buy the right one either." I was so impressed hearing this analogy, from this wonderful gentleman who was an avid traveller,using real life examples to help me make the right decision.

There was so much to learn from my experience with apple and the way i was  consulted, questions i was asked about what i use my laptop for, and most importantly made feel special. There was a genuine interest in finding more out about me, than to recommend me the right product. I wonder if i would have got the same experince buying from any other retailer.

For those of you who aspire to be great at solution sales, i would recommend following points to consider as a part of your learning.

  1. People don't care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. Your body language will say a lot about you than the words you choose to say as 90% of communication is non verbal.
  2. Work on giving real life examples to relate well. This helps create a picture in your clients mind about how you will make their life easy by what ever solution you have to offer. 
  3. Your first meeting should always be about building trust, i.e. understanding and connecting with every individual in the meeting at personal level.Getting them to like you. If you can manage to bring a smile on their face, even better, you have already gained an edge with your competition. This is an art that has to practised , i would highly recommend reading a book by John Maxwell, "Everyone Communicates Few Connect".

Back to my first line ,Consultant (not a sales person). In my opinion every individual who works in exchange for money is in sales, as you are selling your services to your employer. But surprisingly ,most of us don't like word Sales, and very reason is , WE ALL HATE TO BE SOLD, EVERY ONE LIKES TO BUY.

So in closing, as successful solution consultant ,your goal should be to make people feel that they want to buy from you. Most of us know what we want, as internet has wealth of information about anything and everything. We need trusted advisers to help us make the right decision. Understanding product is secondary, understanding people always comes first. 
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
How much longer can I go without it? So far it has been almost a month since it stopped working. My husband is missing it more than I am. He loves to watch you tube videos and look up stuff to put in his wish list on eBay and Amazon Prime.

Now that the sun has been shining bright for the last few days I am beginning to miss it when I want to venture out of the house instead of writing on my desktop.

A good thing about not having it to turn on is I am learning how to do more of my photo journaling from my iPhone. Yet my eyes get blurry much faster doing that than with the laptop.

I am hoping it is just a bad battery. The power went out at our house while I was doing a back up to a hard drive. Any day of the week I have a wonderful Apple store in Burlington that I can take it to. I just am not willing to pay another repair charge this soon. I've recently had it to them for other updates and adding ram.

True, it is getting to be an old one for a laptop anyway. It is my loyal companion, so I had plans on really trying to get rid of all the junk I'm no longer using, hence the backing up business.

I admit, it discouraged me at first. Plus, I have really been looking for an excuse to get an iPad. Now that my husband has decided he'd rather have the laptop back, there goes that idea. Only for another year though, when I can upgrade my iPhone, then, finally then, I will get my iPad.

In the meantime? I have a trip scheduled to go visiting up north to Skagit County next month. What is the worst they can tell me? It is totally broke. I am doubting that. Here is wishing for an inexpensive fix, since $100.00+ dollars has already been dumped into it.

Overall though considering I have had it since 2009 and a lot of that information still shows up on it someplace, I really have no reason to complain. Repairs and updates in all of that time? Roughly I have spent about $500.00 since then.

I bought it refurbished to boot, for $1000.00 then. Now to me, that really says something about the quality of a MacPro aluminum laptop. I have always been satisfied with the results and the continued road to learning about the computer world through all of Apple's updates and ever growing products.

So yes, my dear sweet, loyal little laptop, we will try once again to improve your performance with another repair. Here is sending up a little prayer that you will be fixed right and provide more of the computer pleasure of getting online, taking photographs and writing, maybe someday even a book.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Dell Launch New Android Tablet  Venue 10 7000

Dell Launch New Android Tablet  Venue 10 7000

Dell has announced a new 10.5″ pill targeting business users, once its acclaimed Venue 8 7000, the Venue 10 7000. It takes an inspiration from the Lenovo’s Yoga tablets and round cells, which are found at the bottom. the location also packs a couple of speakers and can also host a keyboard dock.

The display of the tablet comes with a 10.5″ OLED display with an impressive 2,560 x 1600 resolution. The design, as we’ve same is once more a talking feature because it is on the smaller model. The tablet is simply 6.2mm thick.


On the interior side, you get an Intel Atom Z3580 processor with 2 GB value RAM and thirty two GB value storage, that is expandable by up to 512 GB. On the back side, you get the same three Intel RealSense 3D cameras, and 8 megapixel resolution. The metal cylinder at the bottom houses a 7,000 mAh battery.

Connectivity options include microUSB, headphone jack and microSD. The pill runs on a rather customized version of android 5.0 Lollipop.

The Venue 10 7000 won’t return cheap. it'll price $499, that is that the same because the Surface three and iPad that are arguably the authority on tablets catered towards power users. The separate keyboard dock accessory will price $130.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.

Hp envy 6 Boxed arrived from Dubai:
15.6" Full HD light-emitting diode & digital camera
Intel Core i5 - 3320 third info Processor
ATI Radeon HD two.5GB Dedicated GFX
500 32GB SSD Harddisk
Lan, Wifi, Ext DVD, HDMI, Bluetooth, eSata, 3.0usbs, win8 etc full loaded notebook.