
Apple Watch First Impression of My Watch It's been a couple of weeks now with the Apple Watch and I want to share my observations on it. Overall, it's a very strong first version, of course not without hiccups but there is definitely something here. Firstly, for the Apple haters, here's the bad:
It's been a couple of weeks now with the Apple Watch and I want to share my observations on it.

Overall, it's a very strong first version, of course not without hiccups but there is definitely something here.

Firstly, for the Apple haters, here's the bad:

  • Size: I'm a man, with man-sized wrists, and the 42mm looks positively dainty on me. Clearly I'm not representative of most people but the quicker they come out with the Apple Watch Plus, the happier I will be
  •  Finish: Like most people I bought the Sport aluminum model and it just looks a! Kinda like silver painted plastic. I haven't seen the steel model but hopefully it looks better.
  • Apps: it's a new marketplace and a key reason I bought the Apple Watch was to see what developers come up with innovative apps, but for now there's not much to see here. Looking forward to seeing apps later this summer when Apple let's developers tap into all the core functionality of the watch. 

Now for the good:

  • Battery life: There was a lot of concern about battery life when it launched. I normally have 50-60% battery life left at the end of the day. I don't worry about battery life.
  • Glances: Apple has developed a cool system where it knows when you raise your wrist to look at your watch, so it turns on the watch face. Very cool and it works for me in most normal situations. For discreet glances you can always tap the screen to turn it on.
  • Taptic notifications: there is no way to describe this without trying it for yourself, but this system is genius. It strikes a balance between letting me know I have a notification and my need to check it immediately. It is very important that you review your notifications to make sure you're not constantly getting blasted and that only alerts that you can action on your wrist get through.
  • Navigation system: it has a clever way of scrolling through apps, with the center apps growing in size and the outer ones getting smaller. It's like a solar system of apps and I'd love to see it applied to the iPhone next - it's infinitely scrollable on one screen!
  • Fitness: the watch sends me reminders to get up and move once an hour, very helpful little reminders. I've gone for a few runs with it and it seems to work just fine as a fitness watch. It also tracks my heart rate throughout the day...its interesting to align when your heart rate spikes with what you did that day smile emoticon I also took it swimming last weekend at the pool at MBS, it handled it like a champ!

Bottom line, very happy with the Apple Watch. It's not for everyone and I would consider it emerging tech for now for most people. Now if they could come out with that Plus version sooner...
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

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