
Negative Keywords: The Cornerstone of a Quality AdWords Campaign Negative Keywords increase the quality of your ads and help you squeeze more bang out of your AdWords budget. The idea behind any quality marketing effort is to deliver your messages to interested consumers. Your aim is to increase awareness and drive qualified prospective customers to your website. This will require careful planning and continual optimization of your pay per click campaign.
Negative Keywords: The Cornerstone of a Quality AdWords Campaign

Negative Keywords: The Cornerstone of a Quality AdWords Campaign

Negative Keywords increase the quality of your ads and help you squeeze more bang out of your AdWords budget.

The idea behind any quality marketing effort is to deliver your messages to interested consumers. Your aim is to increase awareness and drive qualified prospective customers to your website. This will require careful planning and continual optimization of your pay per click campaign.

When used effectively, AdWords helps attract qualified prospects to your website. AdWords offers something called keyword match types that help to deliver ads only to interested consumers. Match types allow an advertiser’s ad to be shown for queries that match the list of keywords in an adgroup – at varying degrees of accuracy. There are four basic match types: Exact match, Phrase match, Broad match and Negative match.

Exact match keywords will trigger an ad to show only when a user enters in the exact keyword that appears in the advertisers adgroup. This match type is very limiting and prevents the ad from showing for even the closest related queries.

Phrase match keywords will trigger an ad when the query matches a keyword, but may also have additional words in the query. Phrase match keywords allow an ad to show more frequently than Exact match.

Broad match triggers an ad when a query closely matches a keyword. The number of queries matching Broad match keywords will be significantly higher. Broad match provides the advertisers an opportunity to maximize exposure. At the same time broad match can result in many unqualified clicks. Unqualified clicks can be controlled through the use of Negative match keywords (aka: negative keywords).

Negative match keywords are those words for which you do not want your ad to show. While lists of negative keywords can be added immediately, they are typically added over time as irrelevant queries are identified.

Using negative keywords in your AdWords campaign …
Prevents your ads from being shown to people searching for things that you don’t offer
Shows your ads to people who will be more likely to convert
Reduces wasted spend by excluding keywords that cause irrelevant clicks and unlikely customers from visiting your site
How to identify bad keywords – Google does not provide you with a list of queries for which your ad is displayed, but you do have the ability to see the queries for which your ads were clicked via the Search Terms Report. Reviewing this information will allow you to identify the words for which you do not want your ad to show.

Negative keywords enable you to reach a maximum number of interested customers, reduce cost and increase return on investment. When you add negative keywords to your adgroup, queries including those keywords will not trigger your ad to show.

We work with a water restoration company that provides services to homeowners who have suffered water damage. One of the broad Match keywords in an adgroup that caused a lot of irrelevant clicks was the very relevant term ‘water damage’. Upon closer inspection it was determined that the query “water damaged cell phone” led to many irrelevant clicks. We added ‘cell phone’ and other related terms as negatives. This led to a decrease in irrelevant clicks, a decrease in webpage bounce rates, an increase in click through rate, an increase in quality score, and an increase in overall ROI.

So, go forth and create an effective campaign! A quality marketing effort will deliver the message to only relevant, interested consumers, so be sure to include all the keyword match types and focus heavily on negative keywords.


Meaghan McCann
Written by

iTech Dunya

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