
Today is an important day for everyone at Microsoft. We are launching Windows 10 as a free upgrade in 190 countries, including Slovenia. This is an important milestone in our history, as we increasingly focus on delivering software as a service and realize this vision by delivering Windows as a service. I see Windows 10 more than just another product in a long product line that began in 1985 with Windows 1.0. I see it as a vision of how computing in the future will be different from what we know today. I would like to take a minute to quickly look at how technologies we deliver today show how computers look and work in the future.
Windows 10 is the future of computing.
Today is an important day for everyone at Microsoft. We are launching Windows 10 as a free upgrade in 190 countries, including Slovenia. This is an important milestone in our history, as we increasingly focus on delivering software as a service and realize this vision by delivering Windows as a service. 
I see Windows 10 more than just another product in a long product line that began in 1985 with Windows 1.0. I see it as a vision of how computing in the future will be different from what we know today. I would like to take a minute to quickly look at how technologies we deliver today show how computers look and work in the future.
Virtual reality. Virtual reality is already here with specialized products such as Oculus Rift and others. Our HoloLens is an augmented reality prototype that blends real world and virtual elements into an enhanced user experience. This could transform some applications such as medical science, architectural engineering and design and it will certainly be an amazing experience for Minecraft players young and old. While we’re at it, try out the Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, which comes out today.
New and more natural ways of interacting with computers. Windows 10 includes Cortana, a truly personal digital assistant. While Cortana will not be available in Slovenia initially, it still shows the promise of voice control and adaptive AI that is able to both understand the user and respond to their needs. This way, voice joins touch and pen as a way to naturally interact with computers. 
New approaches to security. Windows 10 is our most secure Windows yet and we’ve added a great new feature, named Windows Hello. It is biometric authentication that provides you instant access to your Windows 10 devices. Simply show your face or use your fingerprint to login to your new devices running Windows 10. I believe we are ushering a new era of security that is no longer based on username and password combinations but are instead based on biometric authentication as a more secure option. 
Single experience across devices. While our competitors are focused on developing separate platforms for desktop and mobile computing, we are focusing on mobility of experiences. This way it doesn’t matter, whether you are holding a mobile device or sitting in front of a computer, you get the same experience. We built the Continuum technology to help adjust the computer operation based on whether you are using touch or keyboard and mouse. I am certain that users will appreciate the fact that they can rely on a consistent user interface and experience regardless of what device they are using. We went even further and used the Xbox App to integrate the worlds of gaming consoles and PCs. 
Operating system as a service. Windows 10 is delivered as a service and kept automatically up-to-date with innovations and security updates. Not only is this new territory for us, it is also an immense challenge. We have the goal of getting Windows 10 on one billion devices and will begin updating millions of devices on the very first day of availability. We have millions of reserved copies and need to deliver them to users across the world, which is a technical and logistical feat I believe that no company has ever faced before. 
Windows 10 is therefore a real glimpse into the future. We have been working hard to design a new, fresh and personal experience and from today on, you will have the chance to try it for yourself. I encourage you all to dip your toes into the future of computing. We’ll be waiting for your feedback to make it even better.

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

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