Articles by "Windows 10"


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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
 Is Windows 10 Work Efficient
I've read many articles stating that the new Windows 10 is better then the Windows 7 OS when you "combine all of the changes". I'm sure this is true. However, I have not found that many articles that discuss whether or not it is more efficient in the work place. 

What have your experiences with Windows 10 been, with respect to your work load? (In other words, I don't care about it looking cooler, or being a better gaming operating system. I'm concerned if it will increase or decrease my work productivity.)
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Windows 10 is the future of computing.
Today is an important day for everyone at Microsoft. We are launching Windows 10 as a free upgrade in 190 countries, including Slovenia. This is an important milestone in our history, as we increasingly focus on delivering software as a service and realize this vision by delivering Windows as a service. 
I see Windows 10 more than just another product in a long product line that began in 1985 with Windows 1.0. I see it as a vision of how computing in the future will be different from what we know today. I would like to take a minute to quickly look at how technologies we deliver today show how computers look and work in the future.
Virtual reality. Virtual reality is already here with specialized products such as Oculus Rift and others. Our HoloLens is an augmented reality prototype that blends real world and virtual elements into an enhanced user experience. This could transform some applications such as medical science, architectural engineering and design and it will certainly be an amazing experience for Minecraft players young and old. While we’re at it, try out the Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, which comes out today.
New and more natural ways of interacting with computers. Windows 10 includes Cortana, a truly personal digital assistant. While Cortana will not be available in Slovenia initially, it still shows the promise of voice control and adaptive AI that is able to both understand the user and respond to their needs. This way, voice joins touch and pen as a way to naturally interact with computers. 
New approaches to security. Windows 10 is our most secure Windows yet and we’ve added a great new feature, named Windows Hello. It is biometric authentication that provides you instant access to your Windows 10 devices. Simply show your face or use your fingerprint to login to your new devices running Windows 10. I believe we are ushering a new era of security that is no longer based on username and password combinations but are instead based on biometric authentication as a more secure option. 
Single experience across devices. While our competitors are focused on developing separate platforms for desktop and mobile computing, we are focusing on mobility of experiences. This way it doesn’t matter, whether you are holding a mobile device or sitting in front of a computer, you get the same experience. We built the Continuum technology to help adjust the computer operation based on whether you are using touch or keyboard and mouse. I am certain that users will appreciate the fact that they can rely on a consistent user interface and experience regardless of what device they are using. We went even further and used the Xbox App to integrate the worlds of gaming consoles and PCs. 
Operating system as a service. Windows 10 is delivered as a service and kept automatically up-to-date with innovations and security updates. Not only is this new territory for us, it is also an immense challenge. We have the goal of getting Windows 10 on one billion devices and will begin updating millions of devices on the very first day of availability. We have millions of reserved copies and need to deliver them to users across the world, which is a technical and logistical feat I believe that no company has ever faced before. 
Windows 10 is therefore a real glimpse into the future. We have been working hard to design a new, fresh and personal experience and from today on, you will have the chance to try it for yourself. I encourage you all to dip your toes into the future of computing. We’ll be waiting for your feedback to make it even better.

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Upgrading to Windows 10 for FREE

Upgrading to Windows 10 for FREE

As a technologist. Many come to me for advice on upgrading their computers. Should I upgrade to Windows 10, will it work more effectively? To answer this question on your own, you should consider the age of your computer. In most cases, there will be no improvement on speed with newer desktops and possibly a slower experience on machines older than four years.

Before considering upgrading your machine. It would be wise to consult the Pros at Microsoft directly. They have created an upgrade tool the bottom right hand corner of your desktop. If you are curious about upgrading and do not see this icon, try visiting This Website on instructions to perform the upgrade manually. Before you upgrade, Microsoft will, of-course tell you about any conflicting software or hardware you may have.

With a new polished OS, that comes with a price-tag of zero. Why would you not upgrade your PC or notebook? For starters, the User Interface (UI) is slightly different than Windows 7. If you are not content with changes in how specific settings or changes, I would advise you stick with familiar territory. For the more adventurous, who are curious about diving into new features like Cortana: A virtual assistant, similar to Siri and S-Voice. I'd say go for it!

Windows 10 is free and comes with a Start Menu, Yes; Windows 8 haters! It's back for good now! Windows 10 also comes with built in security "Windows Defender" , a free anti-virus solution from Microsoft. Please be advised, that if you purchased a PC from a vendor, this feature is turned off by default. To turn it on, simply uninstall the trial-ware anti-virus that came with your machine.

The new and improved action center will notify you of software updates and computer problems. If you have a lot of software on your machine, it could become quite naggy, by asking you to perform updates. Fortunately, this feature can be turned off by right clicking the action center icon and clicking on "quiet hours."

Windows 10 is the best of Windows 7 and 8 combined into one. The flexibility of a simple start menu, and the novelty of an all-in-one platform that can work as well with tablets as they can with the desktop. The Windows app store is fully available on the Windows 10 desktop operating system, as it is on the Windows 10 Tablet operating system. Wait! It's the same operating system for both devices.

What are your thoughts on Windows 10? Have you been successful in downloading it to your machine? Please share your thoughts, about what you might like about it, or even have come to despise. Thank you.

Anthony Filingeri
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Windows 10 has been well received, with Microsoft putting right much of what it got wrong in Windows 8. But let's be clear, it's still Windows, weighed down with features and functions that many users – both business and consumer – can do without. Microsoft must be concerned, as it can see that Google's Chrome OS is gaining market interest and it knows that Apple is introducing Windows-like productivity features with iOS 9. With Windows RT all but abandoned, Microsoft needs a new approach to protect its flank.

Microsoft still needs a replacement for Windows RT
You can almost hear the sound of relief as Microsoft executives read the positive reviews extolling the virtues of Windows 10. Let there be no doubt, Windows 10 is a robust and reliable workstation-grade operating system, but this only gets the desktop market back on track after the derailment caused by Windows 8 three years ago.

Windows 10 Mobile – the successor to Windows Phone 8 – is still in beta, but it's expected to ship before the end of the year. Designed for smartphones and small tablets with a screen size of less than eight inches, the new user interface is refreshingly different and, in my opinion, a joy to use. Windows 10 Mobile may benefit from Microsoft's investments in the desktop OS and its new Windows Universal Office apps, but the company is scaling back its expectations in the smartphone market, having written-off the Nokia acquisition and all but conceded this device segment to Google and Apple.

With desktop, smartphone, and small tablet accounted for, Microsoft still has to address the threat posed by iPads (especially when coupled with a Bluetooth keyboard cover) and Chromebooks in the entry-level laptop/large tablet and screen market. Windows RT was Microsoft's answer to this threat back in 2012, but the company has abandoned the project in its current form, with only minor updates expected for the remainder of the operating system's support lifecycle.

As any IT support professional will tell you, the Windows operating system is a high-maintenance product, even with a sophisticated set of management tools. A typical installation of Windows 10 consists of more than two hundred services that need managing, maintaining and protecting, and there are more than one hundred features that can be turned on or off! It's not a lightweight, maintenance-free, cloud-first, mobile-first operating system! So, Microsoft still needs to present a suitable offering for those users who don't want or need a workstation-grade operating system, but are still looking for a familiar, more traditional, keyboard-centric, "compatible" computing experience.

Microsoft might have just such a the solution hidden up its sleeve: a new Lumia 'superphone' or 'phablet' capable of running Windows Continuum for Phones. Windows Continuum is a new feature that enables a touch screen device to work with a keyboard and mouse. Microsoft is thought to be working on just such a device which might also be able to power a second screen, such as an HDMI TV or monitor, thanks to new Qualcomm hardware. Complete with Office compatible Windows Universal apps, such as Word Mobile, Excel Mobile and PowerPoint Mobile, such a device might appeal to some business users and the prosumer market. We will have to wait and see.
Richard Edwards
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Windows 10 Live account bug

Windows 10 Live account bug

Win 10 and its MS Live account linking has a nice bug.
I upgraded from win 7 to win 10 , everything was nice and all was working fine. One day I had to create a Windows Live Account to get into the MS app store and find some cool games for my son.
While signing up  I wrote wrong email address and was not able to verify my account. Then I used the correct email and was able to verify the account  and all fine. It was working fine 1 week or so ,with restarts. Today , windows was doing UPDATES. Everything is fine with updates BUT after that windows 10 is asking me to log in with that first typo email that is not a real email !!! And my old local account is gone , can't switch. After 5 hours asking help from MS "community" , trying to get online help it looks really crappy service because still no comments no answers and no access to my laptop.

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
My Windows 10 malpractice

My Windows 10 malpractice

If you’re thinking of upgrading to Windows 10, here’s a tale of woe from someone you know. Results may vary.

I got an early start this morning and switched over to Windows 10, a task which I optimistically foolishly expected to go smoothly. For the most part it did. After about a day of downloading in the background, Win10 was ready to load this morning and I executed the loading task and initialization in about an hour. The fleeting sensation of a successful heart transplant faded as I spent the next several hours fighting organ rejection. Symptomatically it manifested as an incredibly slow system, with hang time between clicks or keystrokes topping 10-15 seconds! The last time I experienced that kind of bog AOL was still mailing CDs to people! What the fun!?!? Not a good way to be introduced to Win10.

I threw open the resource monitor and found the hard drive’s disk activity pegged at 100%! What caused it? An obscure (to me at least) pair of functions known as Prefetcher and SuperFetch, each designed in earlier Win incarnations to preload commonly used applications into memory for the purpose of reducing load times. Or so they should. In my particular case, Win10 and my aging system (i7 processor, 64-bit monster) were not part of the medical trials and some of the worst side effects were now in play. Lucky for me I have an equally vintage iPad that stood in as a reliable surgical nurse, guiding me through regedit and resmon.exe procedures necessary to disable the functions and restore disc activity to single digit numbers.

Despite experiences like this, I hold out for a day when upgrades and migrations go flawlessly in open-architecture environments like Windows and Linux. In that utopian vision we also have reigned back our endless creep toward infinite passwords, develop a reliable, cross-platform bookmarking solution and stopped reinventing new ways to manage music files that completely dismantle our collections. I can dream.
Eric R Morley
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.

Windows Phone dead or alive?

Windows Phone dead or alive?

The above image shows the unified Windows operating system for PC's, Xbox and Windows Phone.

Despite a July 29 release date for Windows 10, most of us didn't read the fine print, if there was any.  The release on the PC seems sketchy.  You have to sign up to reserve a copy and then wait to be notified when it is ready.  These are digital products not something you run out of!  And if they're worried about bandwidth, there must have been sometime late night or early morning when they could have downloaded it to my laptop.

For Windows 10 Mobile we found out, we will have to wait until later in the year -- possibly as late as mid November according to some analysts.  I understand the Xbox version has also been delayed similarly.

Meanwhile our Windows Phone games were migrated from the old Windows Phone 8 store to create dummy listings in the Windows 10 phone store.  The descriptions say "requires Windows 10".  We have several new games that have already been released on iOS and Android, but due to the current state of limbo we are unsure if we should attempt to place them in the Widows Phone Store.  If we make a Windows 10 game, can those that still have Windows 8 or 8.1 on their Windows Phones (almost everyone except developers) still download it?  Or would they have to wait until Windows 10 Mobile is released.

Furthermore the average game player doesn't understand that just because Microsoft says one version will play on PC, Xbox and phone, doesn't mean it will know how to take advantages of the special features of each, or worse rely on some feature that is missing on one or more.

When we and other developers complained that there weren't enough customers with Windows Phones to make it worthwhile to spend the time it takes to submit the game.  And this is assuming that the developer used Unity or some similar multi-platform engine so that they can easily export builds for the various devices.  Our problem has not been PC and Xbox, although it might be nice to be able to reach them as well.  Many of our games were designed for a handheld device, to be played when you're riding on the subway, or waiting for someone to meet you.  The problem has been the total lack of customers and Microsoft didn't understand how to help create a vibrant marketplace.  Twitter offers special ad cards to promote your apps.  You include the iOS and Android IDs and tweet about your game with built-in links to the App Store and Google Play.  Someone at Microsoft could have called Twitter and requested equal access, as we suggested to them.  Instead Microsoft's solution to game developers was to just offer them free handsets and then free credits with the Unity Asset Store.  To be honest, without which we probably never would have considered publishing the 6 titles that we currently have in the Windows Phone Store.

Then the announcement that Microsoft was closing the entire Nokia wireless division they had just bought a year earlier.  See: Ballmer's phone blunder cost Microsoft $10B  That virtually eliminates the largest supplier of Windows Phones.  Unless Samsung and HTC step up production, we are doomed to selling games to a line of phones that only achieved a 2.5% market share.  We sell thousands of copies of an iOS game, hundreds of an Android, and single digits on the Windows Phone.  Of course, if I believe that PC or Xbox owners would like to play the same game on a much larger screen with completely different input devices and gameplay.

There's also the issue of if the Windows Phone is still alive.  See: Told ya so: Microsoft Lumia, Windows Phone are DEAD

Of course I'd like to call Microsoft and ask them where things stand, but it appears the only people that probably could answer my questions were part of the 7,800 in the Windows Phone division that were let go.  And the others don't seem to return phone calls or emails.  So for now, we -- like other publishers -- are in a state of limbo regarding our future support for the Windows Phone.
Ed Magnin
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Let me Tell You Initial thoughts on Windows 10

Let me Tell You Initial thoughts on Windows 10

I like the look of the new start menu. It's a sleek mix of the old style that was easy to navigate and the new version which affords great customization. Oh, and the entire menu system is also really easy to navigate touchscreen on my Yoga Netbook. Bonus points for functioning smoothly on a hybrid device.

I didn't like the hiccups of the upgrade process. Previously I had my Google Drive and my OneDrive sync'd on my machine. The upgrade process defaulted my OneDrive INTO my Google Drive as its own folder, duplicating everything. I didn't notice, but somehow my OneNote notebooks were updating in my GoogleDrive/OneDrive/OneNote folder, but my Excel documents were updating in my GoogleDrive/Excel folder, so I had to manually re-sync some things.

I'm also annoyed that I can't easily add extra search engines directly to the Cortana. Automatically generating a bing link for any of your default browsers instead of allowing the user to choose the search engine is the kind of not-playing-well-with-others attitude I expect from Apple, not Microsoft.

Finally, I'm glad there's no more Internet Explorer. I don't have much to say about Edge yet, but it looks like a re-imagining. Hopefully good will come of it.

It's going to take some getting used to, but the interface is a definitely overall upgrade from Windows 8, so I expect it'll grow on me.  Keep this up and I might actually get a Windows Phone next as the latest Google Nexus phone no longer has the super-affordable price tag that kept me with them.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Top Ten Great Features in Windows 10

Top Ten Great Features in Windows 10

This week is the Public Release of Windows 10 from Microsoft.  If you are thinking about upgrading, here are 10 great features you can expect from Windows 10.  Before you upgrade though, make sure all of your files and settings are backed up.  There are many reports of default file extensions being lost during the transition as well, so make sure you plan accordingly!

10. Enhanced Security -

 While this is my personal #1 best feature, it was voted to #10 in my poll of non-techies.  Ease of use won spots 1-9 on the list.  (I will post more about tightening security within Windows 10 soon)

9. Enhanced Indexing Leads to Faster Searches –

 Again, the boredom of the topic of indexing kept this item low on the list, but it does mean that Windows performs MUCH faster searches from both the Start menu and Windows Explorer screen.  Faster searches equals better productivity!
Top Ten Great Features in Windows 10

8. Enhanced Split Screen Feature – 

Windows snapping is the best thing to happen since the Snipping Tool.  While Windows 7 gave us the option to easily snap programs and apps to either side of the screen for a split screen feature, Windows 10 allows us to easily split 4 screens.  This is mainly useful for larger monitors.  Simply drag the title bar of an open application to one of the corners of the screen, and it will open up in that quarter of the screen, and you can repeat for each corner.

Try these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows Key+Left — snap active window to the left.

  • Windows Key+Right — snap active window to the right.

  • Windows Key+Up — snap the active window to the top.

  • Windows Key+Down — snap the active window to the bottom.

7. Multiple Desktops – 

Windows 10 now opens allows you to open multiple desktops.  This can be especially useful when you have your multiple programs opened on your screen, but have to leave that work to handle another task.  Simply open another desktop, accomplish your tasks, then you can jump back to your first desktop unaffected by programs used in the second desktop. Each desktop can have its own set of apps but shortcuts and wallpaper stay consistent across the board.

This feature was NOT intended for keeping your games on one desktop and work on the other, ready for the swap when the boss walks by!!

Try these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows Key+Ctrl+D — create a new virtual desktop.

  • Windows Key+Ctrl+Left — scroll through your desktops to the left.

  • Windows Key+Ctrl+Right — scroll through your desktops to the right.

  • Windows Key+Ctrl+F4 — close the current desktop.

  • Windows Key+Tab — see all your desktops (and open apps) via the Task View page.

  • Swipe from left to right — opens the Task View page for access to all desktops.

6. Action Center - 

The Action Center is an important part of Windows 10.   It’s a place where you can view all Windows security alerts, along with app notifications such as news emails, eBay alerts and Facebook updates, without having to launch individual apps. Launch the Action Center by clicking the square box with three lines in the taskbar or by swiping from the right to left.  Windows 8’s live tiles were cool in theory, but since they all had varied placement, it wasn’t a convenient option. The Action Center can be fully customized, so you only get the alerts you want.  Underneath the notifications you’ll see 13 squares containing quick actions such as: Note, Battery saver, Bluetooth and Airplane mode.  Although most of these options are for use with tablets and laptops, we can be happy that Microsoft is staying consistent with the placement of options between devices!

5. Tablet mode – 

Opening the Action Center allows you to swap from Classic Windows mode to Tablet Mode.  The Start menu in Tablet mode resembles Windows 8, making the tiles occupy the entire screen and thus making them easier to see.

4. Edge Integration with OneNote -

 Edge is the replacement of Internet Explorer (IE).  Windows 8 was so confusing that it included not one but TWO versions of IE!  Internet Explorer will still be available for enterprise users but for the rest of us, we have found that the Edge browser is quite handy.  The integration with OneNote allows you to markup a website and share it quite easily.  I highly suggest that you check out this feature for easily sharing ideas when browsing the web.
Top Ten Great Features in Windows 10

3. Cortana - 

Cortana started as a fictional artificially intelligent (AI) character in the Halo video game series and is now Microsoft’s virtual assistant and works similar to Siri on Apple devices. You will have to enable Cortana as it is not turned on by default.  Click the Start button, choose Cortana, then open the Notebook (third icon down)—you can turn Cortana on and off as well as enable or disable the “Hey Cortana!” voice command. If you don’t feel entirely comfortable shouting out “Hey Cortana!” then there are keyboard shortcuts that can help—once Cortana is active, you can use voice or keyboard input.

Try these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows Key+Q — open up Cortana ready for voice input.

  • Windows Key+S — open up Cortana ready for typed input.

  • Windows Key+I — open up the Windows 10 settings pane.

  • Windows Key+A — open up Windows 10 notifications (Action Center).

  • Windows Key+X — open the Start button context menu

2. Apps now open in Windows – 

In windows 8, if you opened an app, it would open in the Separate Metro Interface and take up the entire screen.  Now Apps are opened in individual Windows, allowing you to move the window as needed.

1. Ease of layout within the GUI – 

The Start Button is back, need we say more?!?  The layout in Windows 10 is much more intuitive than any previous versions of Windows, and even allows us to find the Power settings without the use Sherpas!

Overall if you were pleased with Windows 7, you are not going to be disappointed with the upgrade to Windows 10.  If you were running Windows 8, you have probably already upgraded if you hadn’t already thrown it out the window!

Thomas Craig
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Windows 10 is Win 7 With a New Coat of Paint

Windows 10 is Win 7 With a New Coat of Paint

Here's What I Do Like:

  • The upgrade was pretty straightforward, and worked fine on both my desktop and laptop.
  • The new flat design is very nice. I like it a lot.
  • The interface is no longer the bi-polar, mobile-centric garbage of Windows 8.
  • The volume and screen brightness indicators are built-in and have that consistent, flat design. It meant I could remove the Dell-provided app that was doing an Apple-like overlays.
  • The new desktops features and the Windows+Tab view for switching between apps.
  • I can snap some apps like Edge browser to 1/3 of the screen (instead of 1/2). Lame that other apps won't do it.
  • The interface is much more consistent than Windows 8/8.1 and nearly universally redesigned in the new flat design.
  • The various sys-tray item notifications have a consistent interface, that takes a set side-bar-width of the screen (wifi/network, notifications, etc) 
  • I can use my Gmail/Google Apps for the Calendar and notifications, etc. Kinda handy, though Chrome was already doing that for me.

What I Don't Like:

  • Doesn't seem any faster than Win7. Chrome actually seems slower since the upgrade.
  • It's still somewhat bi-polar: there's duplicates of a number of things. Such as the new "System" area which is a much better approach to the old Control Panel. But guess what? Control Panel is still there, and just the same (almost) as it was in Win7. Wha....?
  • Some things are still using the same icons, or very similar looking ones as Win7, they don't fit with the new flat design.
  • Cortana is cool on a phone, not so useful on a laptop/desktop. I'll stick with Google Now on my phone for all that contextual info.
  • Can't remove a lot of apps such as mail, calendar, Cortana, etc.
  • Had to force reboot once, had another crash coming out of sleep, and the display wigged out and required a hard shutdown. So it's not as stable as Win 7. And patches are already being released.

Wrap-Up and Thoughts on the Future

Overall I think it's a solid upgrade. However, it's most helpful if you're heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem (Windows Phone, Skype, Live/Hotmail, Outlook or Exchange), etc. I'm not, so it's not that helpful to me.

It also drove home another point: the cloud is the future. Right now Google's way ahead on the cloud stuff. Thus, Chromebooks are the future. My next laptop will likely be a Chromebook Pixel. Those who aren't as techie will follow soon enough, unless they happen to be the new incarnation of the Luddite: the Enterprise-ite. Defined as: people who still think Windows, Office, enterprise software, and local storage are where it's at.
Tevya Washburn
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Why Windows 10 might be a fatal blow for the PC industry

Why Windows 10 might be a fatal blow for the PC industry

To borrow a quote from Winston Churchill, Microsoft will always do the right thing ... after they've exhausted all the alternatives. Years of forcing iOS and Android users into third party apps when they wanted to view PowerPoint, Excel and Word documents on their smartphone or tablet are finally over with porting Office to those platforms. And after Windows 8 turned out to be another Windows Vista, a Windows you skipped, Windows 10 appears to be a truly decent product that will make users happy and engaged. Also, making the upgrade to Windows 10 free for users of Windows 7 and 8 is the right move following the lead of Apple with OS X and Google with Chrome OS. Or is it?

In fact, Windows 10 might prove to be a fatal blow for the already ailing PC industry and backfire on Microsoft. Here is why:

No incentive to upgrade - All previous generations of Windows were hungry for performance. They required the latest CPU and the biggest memory to run well. Windows 8 in addition triggered an industry wide push for multi-touch displays. In stark contrast, Windows 10 is so efficient that it runs smoothly on hardware that is five or even more years old. While this is great news for consumers it is bad news for an industry that is already dealing with a 10% year over year decline. Yes, some of the new Windows 10 features like biometric login with Windows Hello and Windows Continuum for 2-in-1 devices like Microsoft Surface will trigger desire for new hardware but it is nowhere close to the hardware pull of previous generations. And it gets worse.

Making new PCs relatively more expensive - Microsoft may have overlooked this but they are actually making a switch to new hardware more expensive relatively speaking. While consumers get free upgrades for the none-pirated Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed on their old machines, PC makers still have to pay Microsoft a license fee of roughly $40 for every new computer they sell. Let's assume that PC makers pass this license fee through to the consumer without any markup. In the past, a consumer had to pay $100 on average for an OS upgrade. So when buying a new PC instead of upgrading the old one, a consumer "saved" $60 because the OEM offered the new OS cheaper. Put in relation to the average price of $400 for a new PC, this is a massive distortion of perceived prices.

Microsoft sits at the center of a fantastic and multi-tierd eco-system of hardware OEMs, ODMs and component suppliers that is spanning the globe. But it has been weakened by the lack of growth brought upon it by ever more capable smartphones. Further stressing this eco-system is not in Microsoft's interest as the demise of one or even several key players may trigger an uncontrollable domino effect. The right thing for Microsoft to do is to slash the license fee for PC makers now.
Christian Schuh
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.

My First Experience While Using  Windows 10. I am here to tell the story.

This morning I was invited to update my Asus Windows 8.1 laptop to Windows 10. The notice said that it would take a while, but I decided to let rip as I had other things to do and other PCs to do them on.

It took roughly 3 1/2 hours to do. There is little interaction to do while you are waiting. At the end, it offers a "standard" set up.

After Windows 8.1, I am impressed. The Start Menu is much more accessible than in 8.1. All my apps (this is my development and demo laptop) all still work including those mission critical financial applications using 15 year old Access files and also I have SQL Server Express on it and that still works.

The appearance is slightly different, and they now call Internet Explorer "Microsoft Edge". It doesn't look a great deal different than IE. It has a few features which are more frills than genuine revolution.

At the same time, they seem to have released Visual Studio 2015. They are claiming that it can develop for Windows, Android and iOS which would be a big help to me -- but give me some time to see if this is all true (I'll download VS 2015 this afternoon and see how I get on).

This is not a Windows promo article. It is just me, as an independent, saying what my first impressions are. And you don't get a second chance to make them.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Windows 10 Will Be Launch 29th July with Cost $119 USD for Windows 10 Home and $199 USD for Pro

Windows 10 Will Be Launch 29th July with Cost $119 USD for Windows 10 Home and $199 USD for Windows 10 Pro

The Cost of Windows 10  $119 USD for Windows 10 Home and $199 USD for Windows 10 Pro.
Microsoft has affirmed that the Windows 10 is advancing this late spring on 29th of July.

The new working framework will be accessible as a free redesign for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 clients beginning from the said date. The OS will be free for any individual who has purchased a PC in the previous six years and is running Windows 7 or a later form. Tablets running Windows 8.1 are likewise piece of the free update cycle.

To save your free overhaul, you need to utilize the Windows 10 application. Basically tap on the little Windows symbol in the taskbar, snap 'Save your free redesign' and enter your email location to get an affirmation. Tapping on the popup likewise raises a slideshow itemizing the new elements of Windows 10 and its advantages such Cortana, Edge, Passport and the new begin menu. In the event that you have various qualified gadgets, you'll need to rehash the procedure for each of them.

On the off chance that you can't see the symbol in your taskbar, check and affirm in the event that you have Windows upgrades empowered. On the off chance that you have, then either Microsoft is dealing with drivers for your gadget or you don't fit the bill for the free overhaul.

Windows 10 Will Be Launch 29th July with Cost $119 USD for Windows 10 Home and $199 USD for Pro
Windows 10 depends intensely on the new all inclusive Windows Apps and those parts of the working framework can be effortlessly redesigned before the new OS hits the business sector. General framework redesigns can likewise convey fixes after the discharge date to dispose of those last little imperfections in the OS.

Windows 10 Mobile will likewise be discharged at some point in the not so distant future however no date has been specified. Microsoft has just two months until the desktop form discharges so they have a challenging situation to deal with. How about we trust that all goes well and we get a cleaned new Windows.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Top 10 features of Windows 10

Top 10 features of Windows 10

After a gauging take by Microsoft to handle the Windows business it was very much well assumed that Microsoft will come for new up-gradations for Windows and this came out to be Windows 10.
Let’s see some of the best features of Windows 10 which makes it different from the earlier versions. 
    The start menu is back with the Windows 10, as we used to work on Windows 7 similarly the Start windows button is at the bottom left of the screen. The left column is pinned and the recent apps with the most used apps. 
    The power button is at the top which come with the options of computer standby, Shut-down and Hibernate. A selection of live tiles at the right column which can easily be changed in size and can be customized.
    The new OS has come up with the Touch and charm. The new Touch UI is said to be unique and will be more evolved, the task switching will no longer on the left. 
    Microsoft's Joe Belfiore said at the preview: 
"We want Windows 7 users to feel like they upgraded from a [Toyota] Prius to a Tesla, but they don't need to learn a new way to drive."

    You will get a great no finger lifting Cortana on Windows 10 desktop. This Microsoft voice-controlled digital assistant Cortana helps in making the work much easier and better. Users can easily search the hard drive for specific files.  Choose the dates and get the pictures clicked on that date. 
    Top 10 features of Windows 10
    The browser will be replaced with the project Spartan which includes a PDF support, a much renewed note taking feature and a new reading mode that improves the overall view of long articles. The new Project Spartan has a  Cortana support within the browser, and work in any order and you can easily get whatever you want.
    This all new feature gets multiple screens on one single screen,  one can manage a horde of open windows and applications.This will help in setting up different desktops according to the needs, and can be differentiated as work, shopping, entertainment. With this new OS we can with good convenience either go the Task View button directly or as earlier we can choose from the left side by swiping. 
    Windows 10 has come up with a new version of Office apps i.e. Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook which now have a touch interface for all the three working areas. The Phones, Tablets and the PC’s all three have a persistent function ribbon above the applications which is now an app bar itself which will appear only when you need it. Just like in our phones now on our laptops if you want to delete messages from mails just a swipe will help. 
    With the new technology of laptop and tablet in one device, Microsoft wanted to make it easier to shift between both the modes. How this works? The laptop if in case detached from keyboard or mouse, there will be a pop up notification on the screen from the task bar which will ask if you want the Tablet mode or not.  And then the Touch friendly profile is activated. Similarly if you want to switch from a tablet to a laptop and connect the keyboard there will be a pop to exit tablet mode. 
    Action Center is the new way in the Windows 10 OS which collects all the alerts from all the apps on the system and comes at one side of the Desktop screen. The Action Center helps in handling the connectivity features as one can easily adjust the brightness and contrast. 
    This is a new Software which makes the transition across devices more smoothly. Microsoft is planning to build its own Universal App with the Operating System, including maps, Videos, Photos, Messaging and People which will work the same on PC, Tablets and smartphones. One thing new is the Photo App, all the pictures will be coming across the PC, mobile phones and will sync automatically through OneDrive. The system is so much improvised that no duplication is their just one copy is saved and created a well presentable albums. 
    In Windows 10 the Control Panel and the Unified settings are now one, earlier there were two apps to control device settings. Things are much easier working with Microsoft, it is not at all confusing and one can manage all the tasks under one roof.
    Top 10 features of Windows 10

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Microsoft Introduce Microsoft Payments With Window 10 Mobile

Microsoft Introduce Microsoft Payments With Window 10 Mobile

After Apple, Google and Samsung, Microsoft is getting nearer to its own payments obtaining. The so-called “Microsoft Payments” is all but confirmed currently and can make an appearance once Windows 10 for phones hits the market.

A similar “tap to pay” feature has already been shown at a Windows hardware partners’ conference in China. The service,  like Apple Pay and others uses NFC for payments and supports Host Card Emulation on Windows 10, which means you won’t need a SIM card or carrier support in order to hold out transactions.

It’s still not better-known whether some sort of secondary encryption within the form of fingerprint scanners will be necessary, but Windows 10 does support a large range of encryption ways, as well as iris, face and biometric-sensor support.

That’s to not say that wireless payments haven’t been offered on Windows Phones up till currently. Microsoft has already partnered with PayPal to support PayPal Here while a few third-party app developers such as Softcard already have their solutions for Redmond’s Mobile OS.

However, this will be the first time that Microsoft itself is working as a primary entity in this cause. With a relatively limited reach until now, it'll be interesting to see whether the new service, which will get a formal launch soon catches fire or not.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.

First, all desktop computers can share the exact same Taskbar. the sole thanks to tell that buttons ar that on the Taskbar is by a really delicate overlay.
Second, creating use of the [Alt] + [Tab] keyboard cutoff can cycle through all open applications, despite that personal computer they're on.
Third, Microsoft seems to possess established  the beginning Screen into the beginning Menu. On the left aspect of the menu, you will find all of your applications and also the links to things that have historically been on right aspect. On the correct aspect there's a fly-out panel designed for the fashionable App tiles, together with Live Tiles.
We will keep you updated as additional data is discovered....
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.

Windows hello is Microsoft’s attempt at creating hacking tougher and logging-in straightforward. Microsoft turns our bodies to our passwords during this new update. With Windows hi, users of the approaching Windows ten are going to be able to log onto their devices victimization their fingerprint, face or maybe the iris of their eyes.

Microsoft developed this technology as a part of their Xbox Kinect depth camera that shipped with each Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and was additionally on the market for Windows PCs. With this advanced technology, hi are going to be able to recognize you to a lower place your beard or makeup and judge of it’s very you.

Employing this new plan, Microsoft intends to eliminate the billions of passwords that Windows users crate and forget or maybe erroneously leak onto the net. hi can build use of a fingerprint device or a camera to certify you.

This new technology isn't restricted to work into Windows, users will even sign-in to supported apps and even websites that support Microsoft Passport. Microsoft Passport could be a user vault wherever a Microsoft Windows user security info like passwords or alternative authentication info are going to be hold on.

Joe Belfiore, Microsoft’s company VP of in operation systems said:

You — unambiguously you — and your device area unit the keys to your Windows expertise, apps, knowledge and even websites and services, not a random assortment of letters and numbers that area unit simply forgotten, hacked or written down and stapled to a bulletin board
Hello relies on a technology referred to as uneven key cryptography, wont to establish a telephone to a network. in keeping with Belfoire, hacking has become a regular job and other people victimization constant passwords on all their devices and internet services doesn't facilitate their security. bio metric identification, that confirms UN agency individuals area unit by victimization their distinctive physical characteristics, guarantees to place up an extra wall of security between devices and malicious third parties.

In case users area unit disturbed that hackers can be disturbed that their bio metric knowledge could get taken, Before says to not worry

We perceive however important it's to safeguard your bio metric knowledge from thieving, and for this reason your ‘bio metric signature’ is secured regionally on the device and shared with nobody however you
The catch, if there's one, seems to be the hardware. in an exceedingly video (embedded below) Microsoft notes that hi would force “specialized hardware, as well as a fingerprint reader, lighted IR device or alternative biometric sensors.” meaning that the portable computer would want a intrinsical Kinect-like device, designed by Microsoft or a RealSense 3D device from Intel that supports each iris and biometric authentication.

With Windows ten expected to unharness in an exceedingly few months, we have a tendency to aren't far before we will use these new safety features in our daily lives.