
My First Experience While Using Windows 10. I am here to tell the story. This morning I was invited to update my Asus Windows 8.1 laptop to Windows 10. The notice said that it would take a while, but I decided to let rip as I had other things to do and other PCs to do them on. It took roughly 3 1/2 hours to do. There is little interaction to do while you are waiting. At the end, it offers a "standard" set up. After Windows 8.1, I am impressed. The Start Menu is much more accessible than in 8.1. All my apps (this is my development and demo laptop) all still work including those mission critical financial applications using 15 year old Access files and also I have SQL Server Express on it and that still works.

My First Experience While Using  Windows 10. I am here to tell the story.

This morning I was invited to update my Asus Windows 8.1 laptop to Windows 10. The notice said that it would take a while, but I decided to let rip as I had other things to do and other PCs to do them on.

It took roughly 3 1/2 hours to do. There is little interaction to do while you are waiting. At the end, it offers a "standard" set up.

After Windows 8.1, I am impressed. The Start Menu is much more accessible than in 8.1. All my apps (this is my development and demo laptop) all still work including those mission critical financial applications using 15 year old Access files and also I have SQL Server Express on it and that still works.

The appearance is slightly different, and they now call Internet Explorer "Microsoft Edge". It doesn't look a great deal different than IE. It has a few features which are more frills than genuine revolution.

At the same time, they seem to have released Visual Studio 2015. They are claiming that it can develop for Windows, Android and iOS which would be a big help to me -- but give me some time to see if this is all true (I'll download VS 2015 this afternoon and see how I get on).

This is not a Windows promo article. It is just me, as an independent, saying what my first impressions are. And you don't get a second chance to make them.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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