Articles by "Health Tips"


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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
By Lesley Baird Chapin, Psy.D.

Millions of people experience sleep problems every year. Many things can interfere with the duration and quality of one’s sleep and it is not uncommon to experience some periods of sleep difficulty in life. Sleep is an important aspect of mental health and sleep disruption can often be associated with other mental health issues including depression and anxiety. Mental health professionals and sleep experts have known for years that there are a number of fairly simple behavioral modifications that people can make to improve their ability to fall asleep. If you have been struggling with sleep, use these tips to get yourself back on track.

  1. Keep a schedule. This is easier said than done. Although it may be tempting to allow yourself to sleep in on weekends after a long week of early mornings, this can actually disrupt your sleep in the long run. Going to bed at approximately the same time most nights and waking up at approximately the same time each morning is essential, particularly if you are already having difficulty sleeping.
  2. Cut the caffeine. That cup of coffee might be the perfect jump-start to your morning routine, but you may want to reconsider sipping those lattes throughout the day or having that extra soda for an afternoon energy boost. Caffeine can impact people differently and sometimes indulging after even three in the afternoon can impact your bedtime routine. Many experts recommend you stop consuming caffeine at least four to six hours before you head to bed.
  3. Have a routine. If you have kids, you probably know the importance of the bedtime routine. For example, parents may do a bedtime snack, bath, pajamas, toothbrushing, and a bedtime story in the same order with their children each night before bed. Sometimes as adults, we lose this routine, but having the same evening “wind down” ritual each night can be very beneficial for helping you get into the mindset for sleep. Choosing a routine that includes the same few steps each night can help condition you to become sleepy at the time you want to be heading to bed.
  4. Limit the use of your bed. Your bed should function solely as a place for sleep and sex. Using your bed as a multipurpose space for television, work, etc. can break the association your brain makes between your bed and sleep. As with the nighttime routine, you want to train your brain so that it learns that when you’re heading to bed, you’re going right to sleep.
  5. If you aren’t sleeping, get up! In order to help train your brain to associate your bed with sleep, you have to also train it not to associate your bed with not sleeping. This means that if you are laying in bed fruitlessly trying to sleep, you should get up and get out of bed. 20 minutes is about the longest you want to allow yourself to lay sleepless in bed. When you get up, try to do something quiet, not particularly effortful, and not especially stimulating. Something like listening quietly to public/talk radio or a book on tape may be the perfect solution. Remember, when you do get tired, head straight to bed! Repeat as necessary if you continue laying awake once back in bed. It may also be useful to ditch the clock when you’re struggling to fall asleep. Staring at a clock tends to make people more anxious and frustrated, which is typically not conducive to bringing on sleep.
  6.  Beware of screens. More and more, experts are suggesting that electronics before bed are negatively impacting sleep. This occurs for a number of reasons including correlational issues like what you are doing on that screen. For example, playing an action-packed video game can increase excitement and wakefulness, and trying to get work done can increase stress. Additionally, some research suggests that the amount of time spent with screens in the evening is generally related to later bedtimes. However, one of the biggest problems with screen time before bed is how the brightness and type of light impacts overall wakefulness. Most experts recommend unplugging from our screens at least 30 minutes before bed, whereas others suggest up to two hours is best.
  7. Stop Napping. This may seem self-explanatory, but we all know the temptation of an afternoon nap when we didn’t sleep well the night before. Giving into that urge for a quick daytime snooze can become very detrimental to some people’s sleep schedule. Those daytime naps often cause you to be less tired at night when you’d like to sleep, which can become a cycle of even less sleep at night due to increased sleep during the day. If you find it difficult to get through the day without a nap, be diligent about keeping it to less than 30 minutes.
  8.  Exercise. Aerobic exercise has a number of benefits including helping to regulate sleep. For many people, vigorous exercise should be scheduled for earlier in the day due to the endorphins released causing an uptick in energy afterwards. The timing of exercise appears more important for some people than others.
  9.   Cut out the night-cap. Although consuming alcohol can elicit a quick onset of fatigue for many people, more than one drink close to bedtime is also associated with poorer quality of sleep and earlier waking times. Not to mention that it could also contribute to extra night wakening to use the bathroom.
  10. No noise or white noise. “Quiet” tends to be part of the ideal image for a bedtime space. Many find that the use of earplugs can help them achieve a “quiet enough” atmosphere, even while sleeping next to a snoring partner. Others, prefer white noise such as the constant whirring of a fan or use of a sound machine. The trick to using noise effectively is to pick something low, neutral, and constant. The variable noise of something like television or radio can actually hamper quality of sleep throughout the night.

Depending on your current sleep habits, making these changes during a rough patch of sleep can be very difficult. However, this can be worth the extra effort and can actually start to improve the onset and quality of your sleep in a relatively short timeframe. If after committing to these modifications for several weeks, you have not noticed an improvement in your sleep, you should speak with your physician.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Ayurveda Health Tips
Drinking Hot Water
Drinking hot water regularly is a classical Ayurvedic recommendation for balancing Vata and Kapha dosha, strengthening digestive power, and reducing metabolic waste (Ama) that may have accumulated. Boil a sufficient amount of unchlorinated tap water or (still) mineral water in an open saucepan, for at least ten minutes. Keep this water in a thermos flask and take a few sips (or more, if you are thirsty) every half-hour throughout the day. It is the frequency rather than the quantity that is important here. To increase the positive effect you can add 1-2 slices of fresh ginger (or a pinch of ginger powder) to the water when boiling it.
Exercising for Good Health
Exercise is an important part of Maharishi Ayurveda but as with many good things in life, there is a limit to the amount of exercise that should be taken, and if one goes beyond this, the results will be negative rather than positive.
1. Do not strain the body in your daily exercise. Remain within 50% of your capacity When you begin to breathe heavily or perspire a lot, then you should stop or slow down. 2. Regularity is the key to success. A quarter of an hour each day is better than five hours once a week. 3. Do your exercise preferably in the mornings between 6 and 10 o'clock. 4. Follow a healthy diet, and support mind and body with Ayurvedic food supplements. 5. Observe the important relaxation and regeneration phase after exercise. 6. Practise Yoga Asanas regularly.
Daily Oil Massage
One of the most enjoyable things you can do for your body and health is to have a full-body oil massage in the morning before your bath or shower. An oil massage has a soothing effect on the nervous system (Vata), strengthens the circulation, and helps to remove toxins from the body. The Ayurvedic texts explain that the use of oil massage brings about a soft, flexible, strong and attractive body. It is extremely beneficial for the skin and should therefore be done regularly.
Guidelines for oil massage
Allow about 15 minutes, in the morning. The massage can be done either standing up or sitting down, in a comfortably warm room. Ideally the oil should be heated beforehand to a little above body temperature. Massage slowly and evenly, using the whole hand. By the end of the massage, a thin film of oil should cover the whole body.
Start by massaging the head region, with small circular movements. Then do the neck, throat, shoulders, arms and hands. Massage the limbs with long straight strokes up and down; for the joints use circular movements. The chest and stomach area should be massaged very gently. Use circular strokes on the chest, straight up-and-down strokes over the breastbone and solar plexus. For the abdomen use a slow, circular, clockwise movement. Massage the back and the base of spine up and down with the flat of the hands - as far as you can comfortably reach. The legs are done in the same manner as the arms: circular movements on the joints, straight strokes on the limbs. Finally, massage the feet and the soles of the feet. Best results are achieved if you leave the oil on for 15 minutes at least, before taking a bath or a shower, so that the body has time to absorb the oil. If you are short of time, then massage only the head, ears and soles of the feet.
Soothing Sleep
Nowadays many people find it difficult to switch off in the evening and enjoy a good, deep sleep. The Ayurvedic texts give the following recommendations for people who have difficulty in sleeping: Regular oil massages; occupying oneself with pleasant and uplifting things; warm baths; light food in the evening (e.g. soups) and not taken too late; use of aroma oils; listening to relaxing and pleasing music; a comfortable bed and a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom. Ayurveda recommends going to bed before ten o'clock: Each time of day has a different "quality". From 6 to 10 in the evening Kapha dosha is predominant, which facilitates failing asleep. From 10 o'clock onwards is Pitta time, when mental experiences should be being processed during sleep. If instead one remains awake, it is a common experience that the tiredness gradually disappears and one is then unable to fall asleep till well past midnight.
Recipes for Lassi
Lassi is an Ayurvedic yoghurt drink, which not only tastes wonderful but also helps digestion and balances all the doshas. Yogurt and lassi are not considered the same thing in Maharishi Ayurveda. Lassi is best taken after lunch or late afternoon rather than evening. Basic recipe for making lassi: Blend thoroughly one part fresh, set yoghurt with 2-4 parts water, preferably using a mixer or a whisk). The flavours may be varied to suit your taste and the season. Try cooling rose or coconut, and cardamom with a little sugar in summer, and warming almond or salt in winter. Rose lassi: Before mixing, add a few drops of rosewater, and sweeten if desired (rosewater can be obtained in delicatessen and chemist shops). Almond Energy lassi: Before mixing, add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of "Almond Energy" powder. Coconut lassi: Add a dash of coconut milk or coconut puree, and cane sugar if desired. An added refinement could be to add a pinch of vanilla and cardamom. Digestive lassi (helpful for gas problems): Add some rock salt, ground cumin, and two pinches of cumin, half a tsp of fresh coriander chopped. According to Ayurveda, salt lassi is particularly good for the digestion. Also try lassi with vanilla, cardamom or cinnamon.
Relaxed Meals for Good Health
The following tips on healthy eating are simple and yet very effective. If your eating and dietary habits are substantially different from these, introduce the Ayurvedic guidelines gradually. These tips are for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat, diagnose or mitigate a disease. If you are under the care of a doctor check with her/him the suitability for you of these suggestions.
Eat only when genuinely hungry and when your last meal is fully digested (about 3-6 hours after a main meal). Eat in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere. While eating you should not read, work or watch television. Always sit down to eat. Do not over eat. After eating, the stomach should be only up to 3/4 full. Sit quietly for 5-10 minutes at the end of each meal Lunch should be the main meal of the day. Breakfast and evening meals should be light. The evening meal should not be taken too late. In the evening avoid heavy foods such as meat, fish, yoghurt, cheese, buttermilk and fromage frais. Try to be regular in your meal times. Eat at the same times each day. Avoid eating between meals. Instead drink hot water, or if necessary eat ripe sweet fruit. Food should be freshly prepared; it should be wholesome and should taste good. Avoid reheated or stale food. Most of one's food should be cooked, as the body can more easily absorb cooked food. Raw food should be eaten only as a side dish (e. g. salad). Make use of culinary spices. They not only make the food tasty, but support the digestive processes as well. Include all 6 tastes in each meal: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. The tastes also have their own influence on the subtle inner balance of the physiology. During meals you may sip liquids such as water, juice or lassi. Do not drink a lot and avoid ice-cold drinks - they dampen down the digestive processes. Milk should not be drunk with the main meal. It can be taken alone or with a light meal of sweet tasting foods (e.g. toast, cereals etc). Minimise food of other tastes. Honey should not be heated above body temperature (40 degrees C) and therefore should not be used in cooking or baking. Take appropriate food supplements as required.
Ghee or Clarified Butter
Ghee has many fine qualities according to ayurveda. Used in cooking it enhances the sattva or pure quality in food. Also it acts as a digestive. It is good for both Vata and Pitta. Take 250g or more unsalted butter and melt slowly in a large pan. Gently simmer for 30-40 minutes. When the frothing has stopped and the ghee is clear and golden brown, remove from the heat and strain through muslin into glass jars. Ghee does not need to be refrigerated.
Profound but gentle cleansing is an important element of Panchakarma treatment. At home Ayurveda recommends a short period of gentle cleansing at the start of each season and especially in springtime. The general advice is to follow a light diet for about ten days, together with regular drinking of hot water and food supplements to support the digestive power
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Health & Fitness Tips for everyone.
You’ve attempted diet plan following diet plan, you’ve suffered workout program following workout program, as well as following all that, a person nevertheless wish to know how to proceed if you cannot slim down. In the event that which been there as well, after that you need to know that you’re not by yourself. Many people possess attempted all kinds of things to get rid of pounds, just about all with no enduring achievement. Certain, you might shed some weight however you will get the majority of this back again (or actually wind up evaluating a lot more than whenever you started).
Despite the fact that many people possess this issue, presently there truly is not a common answer; that is simply because everyone differs. Nevertheless, there are also a few basics associated with weight reduction which affect practically anyone.
If you’re presently on the diet plan, as well as can’t remove sufficient pounds, after that you need to have a near consider the diet regime to determine in the event that it may truly function. Focus on the entire quantity of calories from fat this suggests daily, and find out if it’s overweight or even limited upon particular categories of meals.
Each individual requires a various quantity of calories from fat, based on numerous elements. For within much more calories from fat compared to you’ll need, after that this appears in order to cause which reducing your weight is not likely to occur. However, the actual issue could be consuming not enough calories from fat. As you might shed a few pounds, the body goes in to hunger setting, as well as shop the higher portion of the calorie intake. Quite simply, it’s not going to lose as numerous calories from fat since it usually might. This causes it to be difficult in order to drop some pounds. Consequently, you have to be on the diet plan which has the best quantity of calories from fat to suit your needs.
Another point to take into consideration is actually diet programs which are out of balance. The majority of trend diet programs obtain well-liked simply because they possess a trick associated with some sort. The actual Grapefruit Diet plan,Cabbage Diet plan as well as Pad Parmesan cheese Diet plan really are a couple of good examples which place a good increased exposure of consuming a specific meals. There’s also diet programs that limit carbs or even body fat, however when they do not consist of an array of meals options then your likelihood of your own obtaining answers are reduced, and also the likelihood of getting long term answers are actually reduce.
May all those diet programs function? Indeed! However… there’s a capture. Mentioned above previously, these people more often than not possess a trick associated with some sort. It is this particular trick which makes all of them well-liked. These people make use of their own small methods to cover the actual “secret” at the rear of reducing your weight. This really is essential if you are nevertheless asking yourself how to proceed if you cannot slim down. The actual solution is actually this particular: The only method to get rid of pounds would be to burn off much more calories from fat compared to a person consume.
That could not really market lots of trend diet programs, however that is exactly what everything boils down in order to. If you cannot appear to eliminate individuals unwanted weight, after that you have to possibly decrease the number of calories from fat you are consuming, or even improve the number of calories from fat you are burning up away.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
All in All Health TIP: " A Healthier Heart in 1-2-3-4!

All in All Health TIP: " A Healthier Heart in 1-2-3-4!

Want to lower your blood pressure in four simple steps? It's not as difficult as you think, and the benefits include a decreased risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, eye problems, erectile dysfunction, cognitive difficulties and osteoporosis. Adopt the following: 
- Ditch the cigarettes. Smoking can temporarily spike blood pressure, damage blood vessel walls, and raise your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. 
- Get moving. Research shows that regular aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, swimming and cycling, can reduce blood pressure, possibly by keeping blood vessels flexible. Regular exercise can also help you lose weight and keep it off, which is crucial to the success of any high blood pressure treatment plan. Start slowly and aim for 30 minutes of aerobic activity most days of the week.
- Stay calm. Stress can raise blood pressure, while relaxation techniques appear to lower it. Learn and practice a mind-body approach such as breath work, yoga or meditation and take advantage of its benefits regularly.
- Eat a healthy diet. Adequate intake of micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, is essential to maintain blood vessel tone and healthy circulation.
Have a Healthy and Happy Day!
Reference: Dr. Andrew Weil
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Nutrition is the ”A” & ”Z” To Live A Happy, Healthy and Wealthy Life.

Nutrition is the ”A” & ”Z” To Live A Happy, Healthy and Wealthy Life.

Whether that you are at your ideal bodyweight or striving to achieve your bodyweight goal could it be simply a new matter connected with burning a lot more calories compared to you ingest? The remedy, I propose, is simply no! Overall entire body health improvement in addition to weight gain or loss should be factored to the equation or you’re likely to be heading intended for problems. Correct nutrition will help reduce danger of a new miriad connected with health-related issues, the almost all frightening which are surely cardiovascular disease and cancer. Proper healthy eating plan, however, entails eating many different foods, monitoring your consumption of some foods and drink items, as well as counting unhealthy calories. Good diets offer balanced nutrition which reduces cholesterol, blood vessels pressure, and supports weight manage. Also all of these combined with all natural Trim365 Spray can boost your diet much better.
To perform nutrition properly, for your whole body must hold the correct mix of nutrients:
Carbohydrates. They include the primary way to obtain ammunition in what you eat. The entire body uses carbohydrates to develop glucose which may be used quickly or stored in the human body for in the future. Too significantly glucose, nonetheless, is stored as extra fat. There are usually two types of carbohydrates : simple as well as complex. All kinds of sugar are simple carbohydrates. Starches as well as fibers are usually complex carbs.
Proteins. Proteins help your whole body build and gaze after muscles along with tissues. In addition they function inside the creation connected with hormones. Including carbohydrates, unwanted protein is usually stored while fat.
Animal as well as vegetable include the two major types of proteins. An excessive amount of animal protein can cause high cholesterol, the way it is high in saturated extra fat.
Fat. Strange as it can seem; fat is usually another nutrient your whole body requires. It is available in both saturated and unsaturated forms. Saturated extra fat puts you at risk of health issues. Unsaturated extra fat is healthy, but when it goes thru any type of refinement course of action, it can be saturated extra fat.
Vitamins. These are also needed nutrients. Different vitamin supplements perform different tasks within the body. They can function with your metabolism that can help with levels of energy for almost any task you possibly can think of that you might want your body to perform. It has been noted that certain vitamins could prevent ailment.
For instance, vitamins C and E, also referred to as antioxidants, can assist with preventing coronary artery ailment by keeping build up from happening on artery surfaces. Vitamin B-1 is required for food digestion and right nervous process function. Vitamin B-2 is required for normal cell progress. Vitamin B-3 helps you to detoxify your whole body. Folic acid solution assists having production connected with red blood vessels cells. Vitamin D assists with the absorption connected with calcium. Vitamin K helps prevent clogging of your blood vessels. I also recommend this natural Shield and Peak Sprays full of vitamins and minerals that you need for your general health and well-being.
Vitamins and track elements. These are another nutrient your whole body requires. Both are employed in many different body functions. Minerals such as chlorine produce your digestive : juices. Phosphorus facilitates build strong bones. Both can be found in the food items we consume, but that has a trace aspect, your entire body just needs a tiny total. Salt is usually one final nutrient your whole body requires. You ought not consume greater than 2400 milligrams each day, though, as it can certainly raise your blood strain.
You must follow a number of nutrition guidelines to create a well balanced, nutritional diet regime. First, try to consume two then one half cups of vegetables as well as two cups of fruit each day. When making your nutrition selections for each day time, be sure to choose a very good variety. A great nutrition guide is to eat as many different colors as you can, this will assist you to select from all the 5 vegetable subgroups at the least four times a week.
You must eat at least three ounces of whole grain products each day. At least 50% of your food intake must be whole grain based. Milk must also be included in a proper diet. Consume at least forty-eight ounces of low fat milk or dairy food on a daily basis. Your total fat intake should just be between 10 and 30% of your calories. Most of the fats people consume must be by means of unsaturated fat, as bad fats can do much for you to damage your wellbeing. Meat, chicken, dry beans, and whole milk or dairy food should most be slender, low-fat, or perhaps fat-free. Below 10% of the calories should originate from saturated fat, and it is best to try to stop trans-fatty acid solution.
Fiber-rich fruits, vegetables as well as whole grains must be a regular part of your diet regime. Alcohol-based drinks should just be used in small amounts.
Excellent nutrition is the basis of nutrition.
Here you can find some information on the all-natural nutrition ingredients in Shield & Peak Sprays that can help you improve your general health day by day like how they had improved my health. And YES, find also some information on our latest nutrition spraysTRIM365. Can’t leave home without them!

Click here for more nutrition details

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
10 Things to Be Grateful For

10 Things to Be Grateful For

Yes, we’re thankful for our health, our safety, our loved ones. But what else? What do we take for granted? What moves us? What would fill our hearts daily if we would just notice it?
1.   The senses. Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste—daily miracles each them.
2.  The plant world. From the productivity of a late-summer tomato plant, the delicate unfurling of a fern, nature’s exuberance and tenderness is something to behold.
 3.  Opportunity. Our steady companion, opportunity is always ready to take us down a path yet unknown. (Hint: We have to say “Yes!”)
 4.  Beauty. What do your eyes feast on? What splendor makes your soul rejoice? It is all around us every day. How often do you stop to drink it in?  
 5.  The ability to learn. There is no age limit on learning—period. When we stop learning, we really stop living.  
 6.  Young children. They model for us innocence, faith, resilience, playfulness and unconditional love.
 7.  Music. What inspires you, lifts your mood? Rock & roll, African drumming, violin concertos, gospel? A nightingale?
 8.  The ability to give. Every act of love benefits the giver as much as the receiver.
 9.  Color. Sunsets, roses, lavender, green peppers, blue eyes. Imagine a world without color….
10. Change. It’s unavoidable; the only constant. Change can be unsettling or challenging. But the mystery of it and what lies beyond it can keep us young at heart.
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Keep Thriving!                                                                                                           Gretchen and Dr. Jerri
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Digital Consumers Driving The Fitness Technology Evolution
‘If a fitness brand doesn't acquire some sort of technological resources, it will be outpaced’ Mashable, 2015

Today’s digital consumers: Driving the fitness technology evolution

Technology is transforming the fitness industry inside and out. The rapid advancement of smart technology is giving consumers more choice and convenience than ever before. The driving force behind this transformation is today’s digital consumer. The modern fitness member expects and demands flexibility as well as solutions crafted and delivered at their fingertips anytime and anywhere. This is why health clubs nowadays cannot afford to exclude technology when they shape their service, with innovation playing a major role in every new product offered to today’s fitness users.

Millennials: The way they redefine fitness

Millennials are an important generation for the fitness industry as they are redefining fitness and moving away from contract based membership plans. According to an IHSRA consumer trends report for 2015, club members who are 18-34 years old tend to visit the club less frequently than any other age group. Therefore, for a health club operator to stay relevant in the technology-driven mindset of the millennials, they need to adapt and offer fitness products that will satisfy their needs for convenience and variety.

Practically speaking, a smart solution for operators to appeal to millennials would be to include virtual group exercise in the club’s digital eco-system. This way health clubs can expand their reach and service and attend to the needs of the contemporary fitness user.

Streaming: The consumer-centric delivery of fitness

Although valuable in a club setting, an interesting thing about virtual fitness is that it is not confined to the four walls of the club, which means much more opportunity to reach members outside the four walls of the club. Streaming exercise classes is a great example of the new consumer-centric way of delivery, along with health and fitness apps and wearable fitness trackers.

By giving members the opportunity for digital attendance, health clubs are able to break the walls down from the inside and reach further than the physical club.  Through adding virtual fitness classes to their own apps, clubs group can offer access to group fitness on members’ own consoles (TV, smartphones, and tablets). This is a great way to deliver fitness to millennials who are more hesitant to attend clubs or commit time and money to a contract based membership.

Also, remembering that clubs can be a scary place for potential members, this service can act as a stepping-stone into a membership. Exploring the gym from their own phone or TV at home creates an opportunity to overcome the intimidation factor and develop confidence to advance their fitness experiences. Inevitably, the digital attendance leads to more interactions with the clubs’ brand, thus creating more loyal members and higher retention rates.

 The virtual technology: Flexible and adaptable

Group exercise is constantly evolving and virtual technology is extremely flexible and adaptable to different group exercise scenarios and users. Having visual support provided by virtual fitness, makes group exercise classes more accessible and engaging through supporting the instructors’ delivery. Executing the class in this way benefits new members, while creating more interaction for those who need it.

Looking at this from an overall perspective, health club operators are faced with many challenges today, and adding another tech solution like virtual fitness may seem like just another service that needs to be maintained. But if executed well, it can become a valuable part of a club digital eco-system.  Having this complete digital eco-system in place can be the competitive advantage and the ultimate selling and retention tool that will guarantee a place in the brave new future of fitness.

Paul Bowman
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