Articles by "LG"


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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
In loving memory of our... Expandable Memory

Rising to a feature on startling technological updates in your daily could not be a treat every morning. While clad in a pair of funky shorts, I am as usual pulling off an acrobatic position over the newspaper sprawled on the dining table. With a strategically held glass of tea in my right hand, I spotted an article in the supplement revealing the new LG smartphone that has an internal space of 32 GB and is expandable up to 2 TB.

(Sorry! I couldn't get a picture exacting my extraordinarily unique posture)

The news jogged my memories back to late 90's where again in a pair of shorts, I am drooling over the new Motorola mobile phone my dad got for himself. Few buttons studded to a fat black silicon-cake with an antennae and a tiny, plasticky, monochrome display to it. Sounds like I am swearing but that’s how it looked. And it didn’t even have Snakes in it. Nothing to attract even my 4-year old cousin who luxuriously performs yoga on an 8-inch tablet. But I was bubbling with curiosity, next to my dad who was trying to keenly read the manual as if laser tagging it with his eyes. That was the day when the word “mobile” began to mean anything that looks like that device.

Since then, a massive change has occurred till today. I was born into an era where memory was not available so freely outside the human capacities. There were plenty of instruments popular enough to facilitate humans in exercising their memory. Like the telephone booths, wherein you need to dial in the number manually. Dialing a number more than often would make us store it in our memory bank effortlessly. Memory was more of an entity found in us than in the devices we dealt with. I remembered around 12-15 phone numbers with which I had frequent call exchange (I am not bragging!)

The elephant in the room is that we have failed to exercise our memory powers, our potential to store all that our senses register. We stop by every scenic place not to delight in the ecstasy it offers but to record it on our device’s memory. Yes, indeed it’s a boon that we can get the impressions recorded to re-view them later. We can have our entire journeys recorded and stacked on some Cloud in the digital skies. But our reliance on technology is curbing to prime our own skills. More bytes we are allowed to have at our disposal, the lesser we exercise our own abilities. Hence, the boon is becoming the bane of our lives.

Life is made up of journeys. And journeys are not just meant to fetch us the best of comments and mounting likes on social media. It must be an experience to relieve us of all enervation and inspire us to strive for more such moments. It must be more than a “feed” that gets shared on the wall of our “followers”. Rather it must be a feeling that gets shared by recapping our experiences. It must bud out new bonds and prune the older ones.

Royal Arabian is founded on the same ground. It delights in an experience which is more human and loves to share the same with its clients. Experience life with a newer vision and lesser interruptions with Royal Arabian’s tour packages in Dubai and around.

And let Your memory expand with more of such memorable moments and experiences of life.
Royal Arabian
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iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
LG G4, the best android moment

LG G4, the best android moment

By now there are a significant number of technical information on the LG G4.Your IPS LCD screen of 5.5 '' offers a resolution of 1,440 x 2,560 pixels (538 dpi), with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 processor, manufacturing technology 20 nm, based on quad-core architecture Cortex big.LITTLE A- 53 Task 1,44GHz poor performance and dual-core Cortex A-57 64-bit 1,82GHz for tasks that demand high performance. As for communications, LG has G4 LTE Ct 6 rear camera has a sensor 1 / 2.6 '' 16: 9 greater in size than, for example, the sensor iPhone 6 ( 1/3 '') and, like the other terminals competing with the terminal in the high-end smartphones. This sensor has 16 Mpx, of which only 12 Megapixel advantage when shooting in 4: 3 to be a sensor type 16: 9. By contrast, the iPhone has a sensor 4: 3. The sensor is accompanied by a very bright f1.8 optics with an angle of 28mm (35mm format equivalent). The front camera has 8MP and f2.0 aperture.

Megapixel sensor 16 and optics with fixed aperture F1.8 are two camera components LG G4.

RAM is 3GB, with 32 GB of internal storage, but with microSD card slot up to 2 TB. The battery is 3000 mAh (11.6 WHR), replaceable thanks to LG maintains the classic format with removable back cover unibody design versus other manufacturers. This circumstance makes it an easily repairable terminal, as you can see on page ifixit .

LG has a very interesting ergonomic advantage: the location of the buttons on the back, which makes it a suitable for right and left-handers alike terminal, while saving valuable space on the sides. The result is a screen 5,5 '' in a more compact than other terminals with similar or even smaller screen format.

Pie: The rear buttons are exceptional when it comes to improving the ergonomics of the smartphone and save space on the sides.

In the area of ​​aesthetics, choice of a leather back cover adds a touch of class, but without materials like aluminum, unibody design itself. For demanding chapter of finished users can be a major shortcoming, but it should not be a problem for users who value balance and a quality / price consistent with this "conventional" finish.

The screen has a slight curvature, which is also reflected in the back, but does not affect internal components such as battery, which is conventional.
Smart Decisions

LG has made the right decision when building this mobile. The, 808 Snapdragon processor is not as advanced on the paper with the Snapdragon 810 other terminals of competition, but instead maintains under control the temperature of the chip. A problem that particularly suffers the HTC One M9. Samsung solved it with its own Exynos processor with a manufacturing technology of 14 nm, but also with a big.LITTLE 64-bit architecture.

In fact, the negative effect is obtained in practice levels lower than those of other terminals as benchmarks Geekbench Antutu or performance. But there is a significant and measurable impact on the response of the terminal. But using a less ambitious processor allows relax the thermodynamic aspect of cooling some processors which are not exactly the best in the history of Qualcomm. And right now there are not many options. Intel is not better, and Mediatek is not a sure bet yet despite the evolution experienced. NVIDIA also offers optimal integration technology for processing CPU / GPU and communications. And Apple has the best processors for smartphones and tablets, but they are just that: Apple, with the Cyclone architecture, capable of yielding more than a six-core processor with only two.

In the section of the image processor, Qualcomm none of the proposals big.LITTLE architecture of the moment overshadows Apple. The slow motion video on the iPhone 6 reaches 240 fps for 720p resolution, while the Galaxy S6 or self LG G4 remain at 120 fps. For bursts, iphone 6 allows unlimited streams at 10 fps, while Samsung and LG stay at 30 fps.

Pie: The image processor is as important as the camera itself when it comes to getting the best results for photos and video.

On the video, Apple can take pictures while FullHD video recording at 60 fps, while Samsung and LG are staying in 30 fps for this option. In exchange, they recorded in UHD (4K) format, but regardless of technical elements like digital stabilization.
An outstanding camera

LG G4 merit lies in integrating a simply outstanding despite the limitations of its processing capacity in the multimedia section camera. The benchmark for camera phones is the iPhone 6 Plus, with its optical stabilizer, versatile easy to make adjustments beyond the automatic exposure and focus, speed of response and final results of remarkable quality interface but, image free of artifacts and a reduced noise level by combining ISO values ​​as low as possible with optimum shutter speed. So much so, that even with 8MP, the experience of using the iPhone's camera surpasses that of other smartphones with 12 Megapixel, 16 Mpx or even 20 Mpx.

LG, with the G4, has managed to take pictures with your mobile is as easy as with the iPhone, with a quality on par with Apple, but with 16 Megapixel instead of 8MP, and some additional plus, as the manual control Parameters such as ISO or shutter speed, optical stabilization of three axes, opening f1.8, the ease of doing selfies, control the camera with the back button or the ability to capture in RAW mode. Additionally, the quick start mode the camera has the option to take the picture at the same time, which makes it very easy to make a picture based on the mobile at rest simply by double clicking on the button to reduce volume the back part.

As I said before, you have the button on the back facilitates the grip of the smartphone without fear of pressing the side buttons. You can take either way, because it will not suspended, descend or climb nor the volume or activate or deactivate the camera by mistake.

Pie: the application interface of the camera is easy to use and flexible. It requires a minimum of training in manual mode. But in return they get excellent photos.

The camera interface is one of the best arguments LG G4 in their photographic skills. It offers three modes: simple, basic and manual. In simple mode no options. It is no more point and shoot. In basic mode there are options to disable the flash, use special modes such as panoramic or double shooting, or set parameters like e Timer, screen, voice activation or form factor (1: 1, 4: 3 or 16: 9).The manual mode opens the door to RAW mode, or ISO settings, exposure compensation, shutter speed or exposure lock (AE-L). You can also turn the histogram view, useful for testing in a precise manner that no areas of over- or under-exposed picture without our knowledge or approval.
The speed and control, well balanced

Those looking to make the best pictures with your smartphone two dependent variables depend on each other. The speed at the time of taking the picture, and the ability to control the light reaching the sensor. Although the sensor is good, as is the case with many phones of this generation, if you can not control the light reaching the same, or can not make an agile way, just because they can not make the photos we want.

The light control can be carried out in different ways. On one side is the classical approach in which you choose what areas of the scene you want to measure light: in a timely manner, center-weighted or matrix across the image. But while making this change in an SLR camera is easy thanks to the presence of dedicated buttons for this in a smartphone, with only three or four physical buttons, it is more problematic. If the option is in a menu, change means losing precious time and ruin a solvent chamber.

Apple has solved this point an elegant and simple way, by measuring the light in the area where we touch the screen with your finger. If you hold down your finger will block exposure and exposure enfoque.Si yet still not to our liking, we can compensate directly on the screen using a slider.

Pie: the iPhone, control of exposure compensation to adjust the amount of light reaching a more precise measurement than touching the screen where you want to locate the correct exposure of the scene sensor.

LG has managed to improve the way light control by adding manual controls on the screen, just as he did in his day in his family Nokia Lumia, but with a more streamlined interface and algorithms that combine the automatic camera with custom settings for white balance, manual focus, the eV control, ISO sensitivity, shutter speed and exposure lock AE-L. At first it may intimidate, but it is very easy to manage sliders for each setting. If we, for example, a night scene overexposed, we can use the ISO control to decrease the sensitivity, so we got to adjust the light and avoid high ISO enter a lot of noise in the picture.

Pie: the manual controls on the LG G4 to adjust with precision and agility light reaching the sensor.

Speed ​​is another of the elements that define a good camera. LG solves technologically-focus very quickly on one side, along with a escelente ergonomics in the back button set to take pictures, works in a very agile way. Activating the camera from sleep is also very quick in good light conditions, and less when they are indoors, with the advantage that the photo automatically. Size is not too severe thanks to its fit to the screen without leaving little room between it and the housing design problem.

iPhone gets that quickly thanks to a sensor system integrated approach to high speed, and a camera activation from sleep very agile, but the side button set to take the picture is not as convenient to use as how we catch mobile. iPhone 6 Plus model is especially difficult to handle for smaller hands.

G4 is where LG is not as fast as capturing actions bursts, or video capture slow motion. something that depends on the particular processor.
Quality and RAW mode

Once the camera is fast, the good sensor and optimal control, the final step has to be also true for a camera that can be considered "round". And in the case of LG G4, quality does not disappoint. Quite the opposite. At a time when there were hardly any surprises in the world of cameras, with the exception of the continuity of the iPhone 6 as a reference, and bold proposals like the Samsung Galaxy S6, the LG G4 is a pleasant surprise.

The quality of images obtained in conventional camera mode is extremely satisfactory. The technologies incorporated for managing color space or the manual controls for changing photographic parameters (with the exception of the opening, which is fixed), or stabilizing three axes are reflected in the final result, which is what counts in the Ultimately opening cabo.La f1: 8 gives the game when choosing slow shutter speeds bajas.Con with low light sensitivity with ISO 2700, the result is not optimal, but can work up to ISO 400. Above , noting begins to image noise, although with some editing work can be leveraged catches.

In this sense, the RAW mode allows use images without being processed to apply the corresponding conversion to jpeg files. For example, you can change the white balance and work without the aggressive noise reduction applied by the image processor.

Pie: RAW mode lets you work with images "raw" without any filters or noise reduction applied.

In any case, together with some time devoted to expedite the use of manual controls, the end will end up taking the picture we want and not what you want mobile. And in practice we can replace a compact camera by LG G4 without fear of losing quality and creative possibilities in most situations. This, coupled with the ease of sharing images with social networks or messaging applications, makes the LG G4 is a Swiss Army Knife of mobile photography. ç

I did some pictures with the LG G4 and I have shared in this Flickr gallery:

Flickr gallery with photos taken with the LG G 4
but if...

Despite the enormous strengths of LG and selfies G4 conventional photography, there are gaps that are not well resolved. As part of the panorama. iPhone 6 remains above in this section. LG Panorama mode G4 is well posed, but the results are not optimal and the time it takes to process the image is high. As much of the same with the gusts, or the video in slow motion. Some modes where the iPhone 6 is still better.

Pie: panoramic exceptional size but have a photo generating areas appear blurred.

Overall, this is a highly recommended terminal, and considering that its price is among the most sensible of the current high-end. In stores such as Mediamarkt you can find free € 549 or € 599 for the 32GB model. If you are going to make many pictures is advisable to purchase a microSD high capacity card, though.

When the iPhone 6S (if you call it that), it seems difficult to re-position itself as the quintessential terminal to take pictures, adding better quality sensor (supposedly 12 Megapixel) with enhanced multimedia skills, as slow motion or bursts. Presumably there will be more options for manual control of light, and even a RAW mode, but Apple is difficult to speculate. Yes, the price of this new iPhone may exceed several hundred euros to the LG G4.

Other manufacturers like Sony, the Xperia Z4, also have the opportunity to position themselves better in this respect if they improve the weaknesses of other models, although using a Qualcomm processor 810 (or 815) is too complicated to implement technological innovations. We will see.
And it's a smartphone

Besides being a good camera, the LG G4 is a good Android. With version 5.1 standard, it integrates LG's own applications, as QuickMemo +, one of the best, which makes it possible to capture the screen and make notes on it and then share it or save it. Simple but effective.

You can use more than one app at a time, and has FM radio, as well as tools for managing the internal storage or application to monitor physical activity LGHealth. Useful sections are grateful to have well defined and the hand. And last but not least, the European model seems rooteable easily. It's next to do, especially to install Android apps like Lost for security management in case of theft or loss of the terminal.

Performance tests reflect've done what I said at the beginning of the article: the figures are not as bulky as in the case of Samsung Galaxy S6, but in return the terminal is much more sensible. It is not as hot as the HTC One M9, and no significant differences in use. Moreover, in performance tests with a single core, it is faster than the Snapdragon terminal processor 810. If we had to find a reason for it, may be in the best thermal performance, which prevents the chip into court for protect electronics against high temperatures.

Pie: Performance tests yield lower results as Antutu than 810 models with Qualcomm processors, it does not pose an appreciable difference in the day. On the contrary, use a Snapdragon 8080 makes it a more rational smartphone.

In terms battery duration in intensive use, it is difficult to reach an .Especially day if the camera / video is used. But still, it is a solvent bank in the current scene:

Pie: Autonomy is not miraculous. It depends on what you do with your smartphone to last you one day, two, or less than one. Bring with you charger or an external battery, or an additional advantage that the LG G4 can change.

In any case, the processor is a variable that does not depend on LG. Apple makes its own CPU, and Huawei and Samsung. But LG relies on suppliers like Qualcomm and Mediatek (or Hi Silicon) and have to choose the best you have at any given time. And in this case, LG has chosen wisely, facing the smartphone and not face marketing.

As depends LG, elections are correct. The camera (hardware and application) is a very important differentiator. And the UI is balanced in terms of bloatware installed. And it's useful, with examples like QuickMemo +.

Ergonomics, balance of price, technology, finishing materials like leather in the back and preinstalled applications are areas where the LG G4 has a lot to say. And for good.

The natural competitor of LG G4, today, is the iPhone 6. The next iPhone that this (supposedly) in September has the responsibility to clearly position itself above the terminal as LG G4, and considering what is and the time that has passed since the iPhone 6, presumably the following reference in mobile telephony will be coming from the Apple factory, but at a high price, if the policy does not change.

But the LG G4, waiting for him to do also with the Sony Xperia Z4 in a few weeks, or Google with the Nexus, can be considered from many aspects the best moment Android.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.

Top Smartphone of Mobile Plateau

When the iPhone 5s came out, I wanted to love it, to be enamored by its advancements. I really did, but despite my desire to yearn for it, the longing and admiration just wasn't there. The iPhone 5s is a fine phone, but the level of improvements over the iPhone 4S just were not enough to convince me to immediately upgrade. There were some niceties such as the addition of LTE and Touch ID, but those still weren't enough. Much of the low hanging fruit had already been plucked, and the yearly advancements in mobile technologies were tapering off.

Eager to find something fresh, my gaze extend outside of the Apple ecosphere. Many Android phones are slabs of poorly designed plastic, lacking the level of precision and quality which I was accustomed to with Apple products. One product which did catch my eye was the 2013 edition of the HTC One (M7).

I've used two versions of the M7, a silver Google Play edition and a metallic blue Verizon version. Externally, the phones are nearly identical except for the coloring and the addition of a carrier logo on the Verizon phone. The phone is a good size (quite a bit larger than the iPhone 4S), and feels very solid. However, one thing I missed about iOS was having a Home button to wake up the phone. Otherwise, the build quality is excellent.

The Google Play edition resolved one of Android's biggest hurdles by being able to upgrade to the latest version of KitKat (Android 4.4), whereas the Verizon version was restricted to version 4.2.2, with no word that Verizon has any plans on updating the software on the phone. The only work around to get future versions of Android looks like to root the device and upgrade it manually. This may not be the worst idea, since the Verizon M7 comes cluttered with a bunch of their carrier-branded crapware (which can't be manually uninstalled, either), so wiping the device and upgrading might be a worthwhile endeavor. I used these phones as testing devices (no SIM cards), which need to be put into Airplane Mode to get them to work properly with Wi-Fi. On the software front, getting the Google Play version of a device is certainly the way to go. No corporate branding, no unwanted crapware, and an easy upgrade path.

In September 2014, Apple announced the yearly update to the iPhone line: the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 was Apple phone I was hoping for that would impress me again and make upgrading worthwhile. After using my trusty workhorse of an iPhone 4S for three years, trading up to the iPhone 6 came with numerous perks.

  • Larger 4.7" screen for easier typing and reading
  • 128 GB of storage
  • NFC for Apple Pay
  • Touch ID
  • LTE networking

General hardware improvements in the camera, speed, memory
The iPhone 6 line builds upon its predecessors, so some of these features had already been around for a year or few, but the larger screen size and expanded storage space were great additions. The 3.5" screen on the first several iterations of the iPhone looked astounding in comparison to the bevy of phones it supplanted, but it began to look diminutive in comparison to some of the newer Android phones, such as the HTC One's gorgeous 4.7" screen.

The iPhone 6 is an amazing device, one which I hope to be using well into 2017. The two year cycle of replacing phones might become more a thing of the past as the hardware and software improves to a point where these devices' lifespans can reach out to 3+ years (barring the usual accidents). Personal computers in the 1980s had a life expectancy of around three years before they became too antiquated to run the latest software. The computers built in the 21st century have reached a point where they can easily reach 5, 7, or more years of use. The youngest of the three Macs I use regularly at home is 8 and the oldest is now a dozen years in age.

Google's and Apple's developer conferences, Google I/O and WWDC respectively, are used as the platforms to announce their latest advancements and things to look forward to in the coming year. Normally these conferences bring about some interesting changes, especially in the realm of mobile technologies, but 2015 was quite the bust for both conferences. Aside from the Google Photos service, Google I/O elicited not much more than a yawn from me. I was hoping that WWDC would hold more promise.

The potential was there, but it was not met. Aside from the now yearly upgrades to OS X and iOS, there was the introduction of Apple Music, which was only marginally more interesting to me than Google Photos. For the past three years I've been hoping for an upgrade to the Apple TV that would be amazing enough that it would finally convince the rest of my family to cut the TV cable. No announcement yet, but there is always hope that something like this is in the works.

The iPhone in 2007 heralded the beginning of the current generation of smart phones, turning a device with twelve buttons into an amazing computer that fits into your pocket. The biggest shortcomings have been addressed and now Google and Apple are grasping to find interesting and important problems to tackle in the mobile space. We have reached a plateau in this space, where the annual leaps in technology are no longer being met. This is a lull in the storm for the time being, but things will eventually be churned up again, bringing about the next set of technological advancements, whether that is in mobile or another area altogether.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Best Ranking Smartphone of 2015

List of Top 10 Best Ranking Smartphone of 2015 

In the smartphone market producers simply can not afford to stay with our arms folded, and as such try every day to offer the public more and more advanced products.

Hundreds of different smartphone annually launched on the market very often create confusion in the consumer's purchasing choice, especially for the huge selection of products for every price range.

Increasingly large screens, cameras can take pictures as close as possible to reality and feature hardware and software to facilitate the life of every day.

But what is the best smartphone of 2015?

1) Samsung Galaxy S6
1) Samsung Galaxy S6

The Samsung Galaxy S6 comes with a display of 5.1 inches (the same size as its predecessor Galaxy S5) with Super AMOLED technology and a stunning Quad HD resolution 1440 x 2560 pixels at 577 ppi.

It 'features a powerful processor Exynos 7420 Octa-Core 64-bit ( Quad-core 1.5 GHz Cortex A53 and  Quad-core 2.1 GHz Cortex A57 ), 3 GB of RAM LPDDR4, Mali-T760 graphics card and memory storage 32 GB, 64 GB or 128 GB (not expandable).

The multimedia sector is something never seen before. In fact, the Samsung Galaxy S6 sports a rear camera with 16 megapixels resolution 2988 x 5312 pixels , optical stabilization, autofocus, LED flash, Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, Auto HDR and panorama mode. The video recording is at 2160p @ 30fps with ability to use both cameras simultaneously.

Before we find a 5-megapixel camera with 1080p video recording @ 30fps, video call and dual Auto HDR.

On a device of this level could not certainly miss the complete set of sensors: barometer, compass, gyroscope, accelerometer, torch and wireless charging .

Also present was the fingerprint reader for secure access to the smartphone and secure shopping on the web (Paypal certified and Samsung Pay).

Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac, Dual-band, WiFi Direct, WiFi hotspots, Bluetooth 4.1, A2DP, GPS, A-GPS, GLONASS, NFC, infrared port, microUSB.

The Samsung Galaxy S6 comes with the operating system  Android 5.0.2 Lollipop and a Li-Ion 2550 mAh (not removable).

Available colors: Pearl White, Black Sapphire, Gold, Blue Topaz and Emerald Green.

2) Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Samsung Galaxy Note 4

The famous  phablet  of the Korean Samsung reaches its fourth versione.Malgrado its abundant size and nature from phablet, deserves a place of honor as the best Android smartphone in 2015 thanks to its performance eccellenti.Il new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 presents a display of  5.7 inches with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels Full HD  to 515 ppi (among the highest resolutions in circulation) technology Super AMOLED Gorilla Glass and 3.Dotato chipset  Qualcom Snapdragon 805 CPU and Quad Core 2.7 GHz  and well  3 GB of RAM , this device will be able to never miss a beat even with applications very hungry risorse.La new  Adreno 420 GPU  also gives the Galaxy Note IV excellent performance when running graphics applications and memory gaming.Come storage are  32 GB  expandable via microSD up to 64 further GB.Il multimedia sector of Note 4 is certainly well equipped with a rear camera well 16 megapixel with LED flash , zoom and BSI sensor that allows recording of video with quality 4K (2160p) , and a front camera of 3.7 megapixel up to 1080p, perfect for self-portraits and video calls in high quality. All this is supported by the software for Samsung camera that offers dozens of settings and how to improve shots (as seen on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3) .The real gem of hese devices is undoubtedly the use of the  S Pen  and its functions. With the digital pen can be supplied scrap of a certain part of the screen instead of the usual screenshot and save it in the "Scrapbook", or simply write any notes by hand, such as a phone number, and the device process your scrittura.Dal perspective connectivity supporting HSDPA at 42.2 Mbps and,  in LTE , up to the incredible 100 Mbps .There are plenty of classic dual-band WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS with Glonass technology, NFC and Infrared IRDA to use the device as a remote control televisione.Il Samsung Galaxy Note IV comes with Android 4.4.4 KitKat and a battery of 3220 mAh well.

3) Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Heir of the line of success Apple, the iPhone 6 is one of the most anticipated products of the end of 2014 and is the answer to  Apple  the top range of  Samsung, HTC and Sony .The new iPhone has formed entirely new, changing the rules to which Apple had accustomed us until ora.Sono were in fact launched two versions of the product, with Retina Display Multi-Touch widescreen 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus.Rispetto to 5s, the news is definitely bigger CPU related. Iphone 6 is in fact equipped with the new processor Apple A8 1.4 GHz Dual Core with 64-bit architecture in connection to the new processor movement M8 (combination already tested successfully, albeit with different specifications of iPhone 5s) designed to improve battery life and responsible for carrying out the operation more simple, so remove the main CPU load. The RAM on both models is 1 GB.La storage memory varies depending on the model chosen when purchasing  16 Gb , 64 Gb or 128 Gb  (not expandable, as is traditional Apple) .As graphics processor are the sixth generation of  PowerVR  already made ​​for iPhone 5s in fact the first GPU to smartphone to support  OpenGL 3.0 and DirectX 10 .The fingerprint reader provides a level more in the sicurezza.Il sensor Touch ID is embedded in the Home key , then just put over your finger to access the device. The touch ID can also be used to purchase content on  iTunes Store  and  App Store. The photographic industry, compared to iPhone 5s, was naturally improved. The megapixel remain the same, 8 MP for the rear camera and 1.2 MP for that anteriore.Il  dual LED flash True Tone  is very useful in photographs in low-light conditions, where a little 'all smartphones are in trouble. Announcements biggest concern mostly stabilization, different from version 4.7 "and the Plus version. On the iPhone 6 was adopted digital stabilization, while on iPhone 6 Plus optical. The result is significantly better and will be evident as soon as you will click your first picture. New modes, 43 megapixel panoramic pictures and Burst for anteriore.Inoltre camera will record video in  slow motion  in Full HD. The front camera is 1.2 megapixels and can record video in HD at 720p.Connettività: 3G, LTE, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS with Glonass, WiFi.Viene provided with the latest operating system from Apple iOS and 8 battery 1810 mAh for iPhone 6 and battery 2915 mAh for iPhone 6 Plus.

4) LG G4

Successor to the G3, G4 is the new smartphone that LG has recently launched to compete with the new top of the range of mid-2015 LCD 5.5-inch  qHD resolution with 1440 × 2560 pixels at 434 ppi (among the highest in the current market) and IPS technology Quantum, protected by Gorilla Glass 4 .The new LG G4 features the chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8992 808 with 6-Core CPU (Core 2 1.8 GHz Cortex-A57 and 4 Core  1:44 GHz Cortex-A53 ) that consumes less energy and heats up considerably less than the 810 version to eight core.Come other hardware specifications are Adreno 418 GPU, memory RAM LPDDR3 3 GB and 32 GB of storage memory (expandable via the microSD slot) .The photographic industry is a large step forward compared to that seen on the G3, in fact, the new G4 mounting a rear camera  16 megapixel  with dual LED flash, resolution 5312 x 2998 pixels , aperture f / 1.8, laser focus, optical stabilizer three axes. This hardware configuration allows you to take great photos in any condizione.Come front camera is equipped with an 8 megapixel camera that can also give excellent scatti.Connettività: 3G, LTE , Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, WiFi, GPS and Glonass, microUSB. LG G4 comes with Android 5.1 LG Lollipop interface and lithium battery 3000 mAh

5) HTC One M9

HTC One M9

One M9 is the current top of the range smartphone of the house Taiwanese HTC and successor of One M8.Possiede a large 5-inch display Super LCD3 with HD 1080 x 1920 resolution at 440 ppi, protected by Gorilla Glass 4.Sotto the body, undoubtedly well taken care of, we find the chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8994 810 (Quad Core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 + Quad Core 2.0 GHz Cortex-A57) , Adreno 430 GPU, 3GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage memory (expandable to 128 GB through slot for microSD) .htc M9 One stands out for its excellent multimedia sector, in fact, there is a 20-megapixel main camera with digital stabilization, autofocus and dual LED flash that can take pictures at a maximum resolution of 5376 x 3752 pixels and record video in 4K (2160p) at 30 fps.Frontalmente we find a canonical 4-megapixel camera that can take great pictures and record video in Full HD still 30 fps.Connettività: 4G LTE, 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.1 with A2DP, NFC, microUSB 2.0, GPS with A-GPS and GLONASS, IRDA, FM Radio .Seonsori: proximity, accelerometer, compass, gyroscope, barometer, gesture.Il new HTC One M9 comes with Android OS 5.0 Lollipop with custom UI HTC and a Lithium battery 2840 mAh .

6) Sony Xperia and Xperia Z3 Z3 Compact
Sony Xperia and Xperia Z3 Z3 Compact

In fifth place on our list of  Best Smartphone 2015 here is the third version of the lodging "Z" of Sony, this time in two versions almost identical except for screen size and some changes tecnico.Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact are high-end smartphones design very nice and catchy are also suitable for use extreme, in fact  resistant to water and dust  certified IP68.Display IPS LCD from 5.2 inches with resolution 1920 × 1080 pixel Full HD to 423 ppi for the Z3 and display 4.6-inch HD 1280 × 720 pixels at 319 ppi for the Z3 Compact.Questi devices boast a processor  Qualcom Snapdragon 801 Quad-Core 2.5 GHz , Adreno 330 GPU, making them faster and offering performance using common applications and under stress. The credit goes in large part to the RAM on that Z3 is 3 GB, while on Z3 Compact 2 GB.Eccellente the multimedia sector that offers a  20.7 megapixel back camera  with flash LED, G lens, 8x digital zoom, capable to take pictures with resolution 5248 x 3936 pixels and record video in 4K. Also a 2-megapixel front camera for video calls in HD and excellent autoscatti.Connettività: 3G, LTE , HSDPA, WiFi Dualband. Bluetooth 4.0, GPS with GLONASS, NFC and FM radio.Vengono provided both running Android 4.4.4 Kitkat, a battery of 3100 mAh for Z3 and 2600 mAh for Z3 Compact, exceeding the stress tests, offering a great range of up to evening.

Differences between Sony Xperia and Xperia Z3 Z3 Compact? Beyond the sale price, the only differences "palpable" are 1 GB of RAM in most of Z3, display of different sizes and different amperage battery. Read our review of Sony Xperia Z3

7) Motorola Moto X1
Motorola Moto X1

Available from October, the Moto X in 2014 is the flagship of Motorola's home and brings with it many changes from the first version (Moto X 2013) .Display larger by  5.2-inch AMOLED  with resolution Full HD 1080 × 1920 at 424 ppi , protected by Gorilla Glass 3 and treatment anti-impronte.Il side hardware has also been upgraded from chipset, this time is Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8974 801-AC with Quad Core 2.5 GHz , Adreno 330 GPU, 2 GB of RAM and ROM memory 32 GB (not expandable) .very interesting feature voice control (already seen on Google Glass) configurable with the unique stamp of voice of the owner.
You can ask, for example,  "Where is my phone? "  or  "Call * subject *"  to perform operations on the part telefono.Anche media was not at all overlooked. The photographic industry has been enhanced with a rear camera  13 megapixel  with autofocus and LED flash capable of taking fantastic pictures with a resolution of 4128 x 3096 pixels and record video in 4K 2160p and a 2 megapixel front camera, all with an excellent software dedicato.Connettività: LTE (4G), WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, A-GPS, Glonass, MicroUSB 2.0.Il Moto X 2014 comes with the operating system  Android 4.4.4 Kitkat  and a 2300 mAh lithium battery (non-removable ) .Available in the colors  White  and  Black  , and customizable in details at Motorola with Moto Maker.

8) HTC Desire Eye
HTC Desire Eye

New high-end device HTC home that once again launches a multimedia smartphone, youthful and cheerful, but more attention to detail and quality of materiali.Rappresenta the top of the range for lovers of selfie and for those who like to capture every moment their vita.La EYE Experience HTC indeed born with this regard, with two 13-megapixel cameras  (front and rear) with very powerful opening f / 2.0 autofocus and 2 LED flash and a new mode of recognition of movements facial allows picture taking just smiling at fotocamera.La recording 1080p HD video is excellent and allows dual recording to capture both themselves and the environment circostante.Curato also audio with two stereo speakers Boomsound offering a great quality when playing movies and musica.Il display is a 5.2-inch IPS LCD with a resolution Full HD 1920 × 1080 protected from accidental bumps and scratches by Gorilla Glass 3.E 'has chipset  Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor and Quad- Core 2.3 GHz , Adreno 330 GPU, 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal memory (expandable via microSD slot) .Connettività: 3G, LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC.Viene provided with the operating system Android 4.4.4 KitKat and a battery from 2400 mAh.HTC Desire Eye is available in three different colors: Blue, Red and White.

9) LG G3
9) LG G3

Successor of the G2 (already awarded as  best Android smartphones of 2013  by two of the most important magazines in the US industry )  and new flagship of the LG home. Display of 5.5 inches  with resolution 2560 × 1440 pixels (among the highest in the current market) and IPS LCD technology, protected by Gorilla Glass 3 .The heart of the G3 processor is a  Quad Core 2.5 GHz , Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 chipset, 2GB of RAM, Adreno 330 GPU and 16GB of storage memory, expandable by microSD.Il photographic industry, as the G2, it has been well cared for, in fact, has a back camera  13 megapixel  with dual LED flash, with resolution 4160 x 3120 pixels and video recording slow-motion to 4K (2160p) . As front camera comes with a 2.1 megapixel camera, perfect for video calling and autoscatti.Connettività: 3G, LTE , Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, WiFi, microUSB.LG G3 comes with Android 4.4.2 KitKat interface LG and lithium 3000 mAh.

10)One OnePlus

One OnePlus
The OnePlus One is definitely one of the most discussed of all the devices in 2014 and is one of the top end of its price range. OnePlus promises performance from top of the range at a price almost dimezzato.Display IPS 5.5-inch LCD with a resolution of Full HD 1920 x 1080 at 401 ppi protected from scratches and accidental bumps from Gorilla Glass 3 .E 'equipped with Qualcomm MSM8974 Snapdragon-AC 801 Processor and Quad Core 2.5 GHz , Adreno 330 GPU, 3GB of RAM and 64 GB (max) memory storage (not expandable) .The photographic industry has a 13-megapixel rear camera with digital stabilization and Dual LED flash capable to take pictures at a resolution of 4128 x 3096 pixels, while the front camera is a 5 megapixel camera, perfect for the most common uses as selfie, video calling, video recording etc.La supports 4K (2160p) and slow motion 120 fps. Connectivity: 3G, LTE (4G), Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, A-GPS, Glonass.Viene provided with the operating system  Android 4.4 CyanogenMod 11S LiPo battery and a 3100 mAh.Sicuramente one of the best Android smartphones as a value of 2015 .
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
LG Launch LG Mid-Range G4c
LG is under the propensity for discharging mid-range cell phones under its leader moniker and its most recent offering is very little distinctive. The broadly reputed G4c has at last been discharged now, with mid-range specs and a couple components of the lead for an appealing $275.

The showcase is a 5" board, and accompanies 720p determination which is not really rousing at this point. The OS you run is Android 5.1 Lollipop with LG UX 4.0.

Underneath, you get a quad-center 1.2 Ghz Snapdragon 410 processor with 1 GB RAM and 8 GB stockpiling. It is expandable by means of microSD card, however. You likewise get a pair of 8 and 5 megapixel cameras on the back and front individually.

The outline of the telephone is motivated from the top of the line G4 lead, which ought to work in the lesser cell phone's support. It additionally accompanies a couple of helpful traps under its sack, essentially the Knock Code, Gesture Shot and Glance View programming components. 4G LTE network is additionally an or more point.

Still, there's no denying that at the cost, you get likely get a much, vastly improved telephone, that is obviously, unless you're not very enthusiastic about a maturing star. Here are the specs of the LG G4c at the end of the day:

LG G4c Specifications:

  • CPU: 1.2 Ghz quad-core processor
  • Chipset:  Qualcomm Snapdragon 410
  • OS: Android 5.1 Lollipop with LG UX 4.0
  • Supported Networks: 2G, 3G, 4G LTE
  • Display: 5” with 720p resolution
  • 294 ppi
  • Memory:
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Internal: 8 GB
  • Card slot: expandable by 128 GB
  • Camera:
  • Primary: 8 megapixel with Flash
  • Secondary: 5 megapixel
  • Connectivity: LTE, Bluetooth, NFC, dual-band Wi-Fi
  • Battery: 2,540 mAh
  • Price: $275
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
The phones may carry the G4’s name but they don’t even come close to the flagship in terms of specifications. Both phones are passable mid-rangers at best.

The G4 Stylus

The G4 Stylus (a rebranded G Stylo that is already out there in North America and Korea), options a five.7 in. seven20p show that is slightly larger than the G4’s five.5-inch show. The phone options a Rubberdium Stylus that enables for simple note taking and drawing on the five.7-inch phablet. The phone encompasses a plain style product of a similar plastic that's out there for the G4.
The phone comes in 2 versions, one with support for 4G and a quad-core one,2GHz processor and therefore the different one with 3G property and one.4GHz octa-core processor. The 3G version comes with associate degree 8MP camera and therefore the 4G one comes with a 13MP camera however the front camera remains a similar 5MP shooter.
Both version accompany otherwise same internals. They carry 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage with microSD card support. G4 Stylus has some G4 like options that like Knock Code, optical maser automotive vehicle Focus, Gesture Shot and look read. The phone comes with a three,000mAh removable battery underneath the hood.

LG G4 Stylus Specifications:

  1. CPU: Quad-core 1.2 Ghz Cortex-A53(LTE) / 1.4GHz Octa-Core (3G)
  2. GPU: Adreno 306 (LTE)/ TBA (3G)
  3. Chipset: Snapdragon 410 (LTE) / MediaTek (3G)
  4. OS: Android 5.0 Lollipop
  5. Supported Networks: 2G, 3G, 4G(some markets)
  6. Design:
  7. Dimensions: 154.3 x 79.2 x 9.6 mm
  8. Weight: 163 grams
  9. Display: 5.7” with 720p resolution (258 ppi)
  10. Scratch-resistant glass
  11. Stylus touch support
  12. Memory:
  13. RAM: 1 GB RAM
  14. Internal: 8GB
  15. Card slot: expandable by 128 GB via microSD
  16. Camera:
  17. Primary: 13MP (LTE) or 8MP (3G) with 1080p video, OIS, HDR and Flash
  18. Secondary: 5MP
  19. Connectivity: Bluetooth 4.1, GPS with GLONASS, Wifi
  20. Battery: 3,000 mAh
  21. Colours: Metallic Silver, Floral White
  22. Price: 349 Euros

LG G4c

The G4c could be a LG G4 mini that comes with most of the G4 options and therefore the same style during a compact kind issue. The phone could be a mid-ranger once considering the specs however it's really the choice to G4 for those who like smaller screen sizes.
The G4c comes with a quad-core processor not to mention 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage expandable via MicroSD card. The front of the phone options a 5-inch 720p show during a} very tiny body. The camera department options associate degree 8MP camera at the rear and a 5MP shooter at the front with all of the G4 specific code camera options (Does not embrace optical maser automotive vehicle Focus and part detection). The phone comes with a a pair of,540mAh removable battery underneath the interchangeable back

LG G4c Specifications:

  1. CPU: Quad-core 1.2 Ghz Cortex-A53
  2. GPU: Adreno 306
  3. Chipset: Snapdragon 410
  4. OS: Android 5.0 Lollipop
  5. Supported Networks: 2G, 3G, 4G
  6. Design:
  7. Dimensions: 139.7 x 69.8 x 10.2 mm
  8. Weight: 136 grams
  9. Display: 5.0” with 720p resolution (294 ppi)
  10. Scratch-resistant glass
  11. Memory:
  12. RAM: 1 GB RAM
  13. Internal: 8GB
  14. Card slot: expandable by 128 GB via microSD
  15. Camera:
  16. Primary: 8MP with 1080p video, HDR and Flash
  17. Secondary: 5MP
  18. Connectivity: Bluetooth 4.1 with A2DP LE, GPS with GLONASS, Wifi
  19. Battery: 2,540 mAh
  20. Colours: Metallic Gray, Ceramic White, Shiny Gold
  21. Price: 249 Euros

Both phones accompany mechanical man five.0 Lollipop preinstalled and therefore the latest Optimus married woman four.0. The phones ar priced adequately yet with 349 Euros for the G4 Stylus and 249 Euros for the G4c. The phones have mediocre specs however they need associate degree optimised computer program and code options that bring lots of potential to each the devices in terms of usability. The phones ar already out there in some markets and LG has proclaimed that each phones are going to be discharged within the remainder of the world markets within the coming back months.
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
LG G4 Launched on April 2015

LG G4 Launched on April 2015

LG’s latest flagship are going to be undraped on april 28th, the smartphone maker has announced. The teaser poster saying the date additionally revealed an improved camera with f/1.8 (up from f/1.9), dual-tone led Flash and laser autofocus. there'll even be a leather back cover.

Earlier, it additionally unveiled the update skin dubbed ux 4.0, that brings UI enhancements and a couple of new options, as well as Camera Manual Mode and smart Notice. the former provides you further control over the photographs you capture. A feature called fast Shot allows you to take photos by double-tapping the back button.

LG G4 Launched on April 2015
Smart Notice tracks your activity as you spend more time with the phone, and provides vital information accordingly. further specifications are not exactly confirmed but we already recognize them as a results of many leaks.

The display of the phone is a 5.5″ QHD display, which was unveiled by LG earlier this month. It comes with 120 percent color gamut, 30 percent increase in brightness and 50 percent increase in contrast. All this without an increase in power consumption.

Underneath, you get a snapdragon 808 processor (no 810 this time), 3 GB RAM, 16 mp main camera with 4K video and 8 mp 4K front shooter.

The phone has all the potential to become a bestseller, though its processor could be a bit lacking. keep tuned for a lot of information on the G4.