
Whether you're new to blogging or a veteran blogger, there will be times that you struggle for ideas and coming up with enough different topics to keep your audience interested and attract in ideal readers. Lack of ideas can be a form of blogger's block that prevents you from ever writing another blog post! (Well, it seems that way at the time) However, if you know the right places to look, you will discover that the topics you can write about really are unlimited. The first thing you should do is start a list. I know... But a list is a handy tool, people love lists in the form of blog posts (because the number in the list indicates how long it will take to read) and because they can help keep you accountable and on track. I could write a list about lists! Anytime you come up with an idea for a future blog post, write it down somewhere.
Coming Up With Ideas For Blog Posts
Whether you're new to blogging or a veteran blogger, there will be times that you struggle for ideas and coming up with enough different topics to keep your audience interested and attract in ideal readers.

Lack of ideas can be a form of blogger's block that prevents you from ever writing another blog post! (Well, it seems that way at the time)

However, if you know the right places to look, you will discover that the topics you can write about really are unlimited.

The first thing you should do is start a list. I know... But a list is a handy tool, people love lists in the form of blog posts (because the number in the list indicates how long it will take to read) and because they can help keep you accountable and on track. I could write a list about lists!

Anytime you come up with an idea for a future blog post, write it down somewhere.

You should even keep a notebook and pen next to your bed because sometimes the best ideas happen late at night or when you first wake up. Don't use an app on your smartphone, the bright light wakes you up and then you struggle to go back to sleep. If your ideas happen in the shower, get a diver's slate.

If your ideas happen in the shower, get a diver's slate. If they happen while you drive, get a recording device. One click to record, one click to stop. You'll never lose another idea again. Better (and safer) still, use the voice activated part of your smart phone to record your ideas.

You may think that you will be able to remember your great idea, but it usually doesn't happen that way - write it down. The amount of great ideas I've not remembered doesn't bear thinking about.

You should also keep this list visible as a constant reminder that you're looking for possible blogging topics.

Once you get into a habit of keeping track of your ideas, your list will eventually become large enough so you have multiple topics to pick from.

Visiting several websites that are related to your topic is another way to come up with ideas for your blog. An easy way to do this is to subscribe to an RSS feed to show the latest headlines from these websites.

Once a week, scan the headlines and look for ideas to add to your list. Notice I said scan the headlines, and NOT write what they're writing about! Why shouldn't you copy someone else? Aside from bad karma, you'll be writing for their ideal reader and not your own ideal reader...

Sometimes it will be helpful to also keep track of the URL for the article you saw to reference when you start writing your blog post. Yes, link to your sources to enhance your credibility.

Looking at forums and communities related to your industry is another place to look for ideas.

Find out what everyone else is talking about. Trending topics on the Linkedin Pulse with give you a good idea what people are interested in. In fact, Linkedin is one of my favourite places for inspiration online!

Better yet,  explore Linkedin groups and find out what people are asking questions about, then you can answer those questions in the form of the blog post.

You can generate hundreds of ideas for blog posts if you know where to look and how to capture and keep those ideas.

The next step is to turn them into blog posts.

Sarah Arrow has been blogging for what seems like forever and she's organised successful business blogging challenges since 2007. You can join in here if you'd like free help in getting more exposure via your blogging.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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