Articles by "BlackBerry"


Showing posts with label BlackBerry. Show all posts
What BlackBerry should do in order to survive in very competitive world of Smart phones and stay unique?
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
What BlackBerry should do in order to survive in very competitive world of Smart phones and not lose its uniqueness?(My point of view) Recent years the world market...
Can Android can Save Blackberry?
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
When Charles Warner said “Politics makes strange bedfellows” little did he know that 150 years later, the same quote will equally apply to technology companies! Microsoft-Salesforce,...
3 Things To Know About The Blackberry
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
After years of living in Apple’s shadow, Blackberry might just be on the verge of a revival. Priv, the company’s newly released mobile device, is giving smartphone...
What if Facebook partnered with Blackberry?
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
What if Facebook partnered with Blackberry? Facebook has gone under scrutiny lately for its security practices. With nearly a quarter of the world’s population...
Blackberry, the Experiment Begins
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Blackberry, the Experiment Begins Like so many others I was worried about my phone addiction. I didn't need any numbers to pontificate or graphs to compare, I simply...
Blackberry Will Move to Android
iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in tech-related topics.Our GOAL is to produce high-quality content for our millions of readers.
Subsequent to procuring itself to some degree constrained accomplishment with the BB10 OS over the recent years, the diminishing Canadian cell phone organization...
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