The start of a New Era for Medicine and our youth
As we rise every morning get our kids up and going, trying to meet dead lines on getting kids dropped off at school on time, pick up something for the meetings first thing for your client, or just getting motivated to go into work period. We still dig deep and get it done. Our children see this and as they get older see how upsetting and stressful life is now.
I don't know about you? But it seems like with the current job status being mostly sales positions, entry level, support services in retail or food services we just cope and tell ourselves who are stuck in middle management--- this is it? The way life is going to be here on out. Grad school is now the new "Bachelors Degree" to get into a good paying career and well our choices are very expensive with already undergrad debt to pay off.
It's getting tough whatever career path our youth is leaning towards. For instance I have seen first hand the following observations at work.
I am sure you have read or heard about Attorneys signing "Career Associate" contracts at the firms they are signing with instead of any possible hope of getting "Partner" do to the issues with our over crowding attorney's we are producing and aggressive "dog eat dog" world of business, even for lawyers they eat their own.
Working in Healthcare and in New York State Medical College at Westchester Medical Center while also have built the first Medical School in Northern Virginia at Inova Fairfax Hospital in the Claude Moore Building Inova/VCU; I built with Turner Construction. I noticed a sizable and respectful surge of our allied friend India sending many of their students to become doctors in the USA. Very impressive and quite intimidating in both medical schools the same amount of students to ratio being of Eastern Asian Indian Descent most noticeable and women to men much more greater. I admire their dedication and discipline I see each and every day on how focused and well emotionless they can become tied into constant rounds and OJT oral exams as 3rd year residents. I work very closely with a woman who helps with the office of administrations and 500 plus applicants apply quarterly for acceptance at New York Medical College and WMC Trauma center one of TWO Trauma centers in NY who can take on burn victims and mass trauma. So being said the best get in and well its concerning why we are not more diverse?

As a person with interest in running for US Congress, I have started to put together ideas on how we at the junior high level get our gifted science students the idea and passion to want to give their lives to medicine? Oh did I forget to mention this about why most choose Law over Medicine from the many I have asked?
Law you can diversify from the legal field to pretty much any Sr Executive position from hard work in most industries to even a Broker on Wall Street running Hedge funds.
Medicine you have to live this field in either teaching, research, practicing in all fields of study and specialist to leading medical specific corporations to better the good of humanity. It's a 24/7 365 + leap year of medicine that our younger generation seems to not care for b/c a "work life balance" is important.
So how do we create a "Work life Balance" to Entice medical school applicants that are born and educated here in the United States? With major Health System's like my old system Inova Health Systems. Genomic research and Gene historic tracking and mapping, we could actually lesson the time for doctors to spend diagnosing patients and using data cloud based storage of a persons genomic gene map, which is like our "finger print" where only one person can own this will find some "work life balance" to use. Using scientific technology and new Bio and Nano cell research will lesson the time spent identifying the source of a patient's needs. Remember Star Trek? "Bones" would scan over a body and it would tell what the diagnosis was? We are getting their people...Cutting time also cuts expenses and healthcare cost that will lesson our burden. Less test less hours spent when your genetic make up actually can tell our scientist your future health issues.
The second issue is Medical school is not cheap and the cost of debt you must take on is down right scary with starting salaries not that high for the amount of debt and education you have... Finding more grants and scholarships as well perhaps more funding from the federal government that takes more importance in saving our medical field and stop outsourcing then other programs that are doing nothing to help our current needs be diverted.

We Americans especially THREE generations and beyond are loosing the battle against other countries who are emerging and seeking the positions Americans don't seem to want anymore. I even heard from a colleague in Lab Research work that we are so behind in creating scientist we are now recruiting from Brazil and other South American countries to come to America and work in Labs.
I have to put my respect and admiration for all my clients who live in those very countries and what great accomplishments their schools and students are achieving. But to become these great doctors and scientist to put America first as a Congressman if elected we need to step it up quickly for our own sake.
I have created a list of friends from Inova and some NYC hospitals to be a part of a committee to view our issues and work on resolutions on how to get back on top once again as a state and a nation in my campaign.

We could also do a "Military program" for students to get their experience and training with a live Military Unit from all branches to cut the cost from Private Med School with a co-share program where we can identify the impacts of tuition to be broken up and worked off by serving your country if need be.
I hope congress can submit a Bill to be passed that will favor students to attend pre Med and MCAT testing so that we can lesson our Law Schools-MBA Grad Schools who are overcrowded and balance out our Medical Schools once again from our own citizens, no matter what race, religion, sex or whatever nay sayers want to say because it's your American birth right to be the best you can be.
I know and understand the issues faced with the "Affordable care act" and how my doctor friends say all the time, "There is no money to be made anymore" for the intent reason why they chose medicine for the lure of power and bank accounts on top of playing God as we kid around.
That the other countries it is a way out and is one reason why other countries are beating us at our own game. We look at "Money & Power" first then the cause!
The Indian-Asians,South Americans, Africans etc etc all have one thing in common and it's not "Money"? Its to help there struggling people back home and to better their own lives and family earning a strong modest living.
We have let "Capitalism" get a little out of control and I blame reality TV and Professional Athletes who show off their wealth to make our youth want wealth over modesty and morals. We the parents do need to teach our children that some of this reality TV is still scripted work and that money just does not just come to you b/c you can be fit and beautiful with 1000 plus twitter selfies will gain you fashion contract success or athletic fame. Pretty soon we will see a boxing match where TWO athletes will earn $100 million dollars each in a 2 hour event or a 5 min round, while some small countries operate on smaller budgets to defend and retain strong being a country.
Its time to fix our youth and our nation one day at a time by all pitching in as Americans, to better ourselves the way the rest of the world views us as entitled unattached citizens to other countries dilemma's like Hunger and Disease.
Vote sensible, vote common sense to what will benefit our future in 2016 for all elected races to once again unite as a country.
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