
It happens every once in a while to every business – a client you’ve been courting gives you the bad news that they’re not going to work with you. Hey, we get it – you can’t win ‘em all. But one thing that really gets our goat is when non-online marketing companies choose to build their own website or do their own online marketing in-house. We’ve channeled our inner serenity to provide five good reasons why you should hire a professional website design company instead of doing it yourself. You Don’t Have the Expertise We say this in the most respectful way possible, but you simply don’t have the expertise to build a great website if you’re not a professional website designer. There’s much more to building a great website than meets the eye. Everything on a website should drive towards the goals of the website. The structure, the layout, the formatting, the images, the copywriting, the header, the footer, and the contact forms – these are all elements that must be carefully aligned if you’re going to build an effective website. Chances are if you’re not a professional web designer these concepts are foreign to you.
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Website Design Company
It happens every once in a while to every business – a client you’ve been courting gives you the bad news that they’re not going to work with you. Hey, we get it – you can’t win ‘em all. But one thing that really gets our goat is when non-online marketing companies choose to build their own website or do their own online marketing in-house. We’ve channeled our inner serenity to provide five good reasons why you should hire a professional website design company instead of doing it yourself.

You Don’t Have the Expertise

We say this in the most respectful way possible, but you simply don’t have the expertise to build a great website if you’re not a professional website designer. There’s much more to building a great website than meets the eye.

Everything on a website should drive towards the goals of the website. The structure, the layout, the formatting, the images, the copywriting, the header, the footer, and the contact forms – these are all elements that must be carefully aligned if you’re going to build an effective website.

Chances are if you’re not a professional web designer these concepts are foreign to you.

Tools Aren’t Everything

Imagine this: you went to the dentist and they said you have a cavity and asked you to schedule an appointment to come back and have it filled. But you don’t like that idea, because that’ll cost your insurance a couple of hundred bucks, and you don’t want to pay the deductible. So you mention it to a few people, and finally somebody says, “I have a drill and some drywall filler in my garage. Come over after work and I’ll take care of it for you for a case of beer.”

Sounds ludicrous, right?

But for companies that look around and see that they have access to the necessary tools to build a website, this is what you’re doing. Just because you have access to the tools to build a website doesn’t mean you should build your own site.

Experience Counts

You know what’s better than the last website we built? The next website we’ll build.

When you build websites for a living, you learn a thing or two along the way. This includes best practices, evolving trends, pitfalls and pratfalls, and much more. These are all things that a good web designer will inherently know. That marketing assistant that you’re thinking about to rebuild your company website? Yeah, they’re going to make all the same mistakes that we made oh so long ago while we were cutting our web design teeth.

Do you really want someone learning on-the-go on your site? Or do you want a site that attracts the right kind of traffic, generates leads for your sales funnel, and becomes a valuable tool for your business?

It Starts with Strategy

Your website is the foundation of building an online presence that delivers business value. Your website goals shouldn’t be products and services pages, some contact information, and an ‘About’ page, but business oriented deliverables: How will your site drive awareness or deliver qualified sales leads? Which step in your sales process does your website support? Which keywords should you be aiming for your site to rank for? Who is your ideal customer and what do they want to see when they get to your site? What is the conversion path through your site once a visitor lands on your site?

These are but a few of the questions that a professional web designer should be asking at the beginning of a project, and they’re also questions that your in-house resource probably wouldn’t know or think to ask.

Time and Priorities

You know what’s more important than your new website? Well, we’re guessing there are quite a few things in your business that – once the initial novelty of the website redesign dies down – will take priority. Customers will have emergency needs that’ll need all hands on deck, you’ll get signed up for a new tradeshow that needs to be coordinated, you’ll get a new VP Sales & Marketing who’ll come in and want to survey the lay of the land.

Your poor website project will pull the lowest priority because nobody is screaming for it and will go the way of the New Year’s resolution gym membership.


Hiring a professional website design company to build a new site or rebuild your existing site gives you the advantage of the knowledge, expertise and experience that you don’t get if you use an in-house approach, especially if that person hasn’t built a lot of websites before.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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