Poison Ivy as an Agent of Change
Recently I came down with the worst case of poison ivy I’ve ever experienced, perhaps even seen. And I’ve had many encounters. As a fifth grader I once caught it while a neighbor burned the noxious weed in his backyard. Plus camping with the Boy Scouts tends to put you in harms’ way. Yet despite my rich history with the plant, I never saw a doctor. Time and liberal application of calamine lotion seemed to always do the trick.

So when the inevitable came and my hand started to swell, then blister, concerned friends and family began offering recommendations. I needed to stop marveling at how poisonous poison ivy really is and get some drugs. Specifically steroids.
The wisdom of the crowd thus dispensed, my task turned to obtaining a prescription. Urgent care clinics are great for this, but my go-to generally runs $100 a visit. Plus I would need to get in the car. All in I was looking at 45 minutes of wasted time, probably more.
Enter Teladoc.

That said, as a would-be customer looking to participate in the future of medicine, the website was not optimized for my experience. After 90 seconds I resorted to decidedly old school tactics and called their 800 number. A very pleasant customer service rep gave me the website address of People's Health Express where I could create an account and access Teledoc. The signup process was fairly straightforward, though for someone with a pressing need the “up to two weeks to process submission” message was a little discouraging. Nevertheless, another very pleasant “health advocate” at People's Health Express encouraged me to call Teledoc, explain the situation, and likely expedite my new customer on-boarding process.

Of course, not lost on me is my own little time arbitrage, trading wasted commute time for higher quality specialist time. Remarkable. I halfway expect an Amazon Prime-like convenience premium will surface. In the meantime I'll enjoy this mis-priced life hack all the more.
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