
It is amazing as to how internet and the social media and few trending #hastags have started to question and shape the way we think, feel about almost anything. Under closer observation, we find ourselves in this constant vicious cycle of posting something and then that painful waiting process- waiting for incessant validations from your social media friends to tell you if your thoughts/beliefs or your pictures are worth it. Does the number of likes on your Instagram/ Facebook picture determine your worth? Do we need the news feeds, those endless supply of validation, confirmation to actually feed our soul?

It is amazing as to how internet and the social media and few trending #hastags have started to question and shape the way we think, feel about almost anything. Under closer observation, we find ourselves in this constant vicious cycle of posting something and then that painful waiting process- waiting for incessant  validations from your social media friends to tell you if your thoughts/beliefs or your pictures are worth it. Does the number of likes on your Instagram/ Facebook picture determine your worth? Do we need the news feeds, those endless supply of validation, confirmation to actually feed our soul?

#DontJudgeChallenge had recently swept over the internet like a wildfire. It is strange as to how these #hashtags have casted our way of thinking, forcing us the trending feed, make us a part of those big conspiracy either we like it or not. For those of you who are unaware of this trending hash tag, the underlying motto of this challenge was to appreciate beauty in all its forms. Soon we saw videos of users sporting fake/ drawn facial features–glasses, fake uni-brows, face full of acne, messed up hair, stained teeth,  massive fuller lips, facial hair to name a few . When I first saw it, I thought to my self – what a good cause. But soon this idea started troubling me as this idea had totally back lashed. How? It was totally ironic as to how the #DontJudgeChallenge was actually encouraring people to start ‘Judging’ the people through those exaggerate physical features by mocking them excessively. It doesn’t even end here, after taking a mic out of people who might naturally sport similar feature that they term as “ugly” they also later reveal their beautiful selves.

  There have been many trends on the internet like the ALS Bucket challenge – which was a brilliant cause that brought the ALS disease in the lime light and in turn helped raise million dollar donations from all over the world.  There have been more like the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge where wanna be girls sucked on a bottle or a cup to swell their lips to mimic Kylie’s injected lips.  However, I feel that #DontJudgeChallenge, is by far the most insensitive internet sensation which received a lot of popularity and backlash too.

Being beautiful, not for themselves but for the eyes of the beholder is such a big deal that people go to dangerous extent. These days with the easy penetration of internet, our beauty standards have risen impossibly. Being flawless, size zero, thigh gap, impeccable nails, picture perfect hair is what all girls should aim for – that is the message these social networking site are giving to the girls as young as 10-11. The sad part is that the ultimate reality that the girls are much more capable than just be beautiful is somewhere forgotten. But, the girls at a very young age are being limited knowingly/ unknowingly by their family and relatives, social media, TV, magazines to the impossible standards that they need to meet.  Kids are made to feel that the good hips, long legs, perky breasts, flawless skin should come to them naturally and if not then its fine to loathe your body and go for enhancements.

Another issue that makes me extremely upset  is raised by this series of ‘break the internet’ sensations are how they personify that beauty is the ultimate thing people should be channeling their energies. Recently, an idiot had who deserved a Grand Slap for ranting on twitter that the amazing Grand Slam winner Serena Williams has been so successful in her career because she portrayed features of a Man.  Since when being beautiful greater than being self-centered, egoistic, ungrateful, cruel, rude and insensitive?  What is the use of the porcelain skin and raven hair with those perfect thigh gaps if you are an unkind person who is nothing but hollow?

Therefore, next time you see a woman, a girl, a lady compliment her genuinely on how smart, intelligent, original, clever, witty, funny, sensitive, motherly, kind inquisitive she is. There is so much more of a vocabulary that you can use for the majestic women, don’t limit yourself by just using ‘beautiful’


Pindoria, V. 2014. How to Effectively Use Hashtags for Maximum Engagement. Sendible. [online] Available from <> [Accessed 19th July 2015] 
iTech Dunya

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