Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing
I'll get right on with it and tell you that there is no versus when it comes to these two marketing tools. They should also run along side each other and flow from one to the other.What I mean by this is, that when you are looking at running any sort of marketing campaign you need to make sure you are using all channels provided to you and that are accessible to your customers.
Statistics prove that email marketing has a higher ROI but that is not to say that it should be your only investment when it comes to advertising.
EDM is definitely a cost-effective way of getting brand exposure. So if you are choosing to use an EDM program, try these techniques to improve your open rate, and enjoyment rate.
- Subject Line: KISS, (Keep it simple silly) Make sure that your header is short and sweet. 6 words are the ultimate length. Creativity will be needed.
- Number: Make it a list. By that I mean, 10 ways to..... 5 must have......7 things never to.... You get the gist.
- The content should be short and sweet and with just enough information that you pique their interest for more.
- It should lead on to somewhere, ie your website or social media platforms, where there is more information, or info about new products.
- Make sure it is actually relevant to you and your company. There is no point sharing information that will only promote another company.
- Keep it personal. This is the best technique, for any type of writing. Something really magic happens, when you write like you are actually talking to just one person, your best friend. Your content will sound authentic, and that is really the start of some great relationship building.
I could share with you so many more tips and tricks to emails, but will stick to what I say and keep it short and sweet. (KISS)
Just remember, any content you share, be it in an email, or on Social Media, stick to the 3 E's.
Empower, Engage, Entertain.

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