
Ready to thrive in your career in 2016? There’s something awesome that happens when you decide you want to create a different, more positive career experience than you’ve had in the past. Deciding that continuing to just survive in your career isn’t going to work in 2016 will begin to create momentum for all kinds of exciting opportunities to start coming your way.
3 Tips for Career Happiness in 2016
Ready to thrive in your career in 2016?  There’s something awesome that happens when you decide you want to create a different, more positive career experience than you’ve had in the past.  Deciding that continuing to just survive in your career isn’t going to work in 2016 will begin to create momentum for all kinds of exciting opportunities to start coming your way. 
As someone who has guided hundreds of new and seasoned professionals to be happier in their careers, here are three tried and true tips that can help you gain more career success this year:
Say Yes to Happiness!  A Gallup poll taken in October of 2013 found 87% of workers are not engaged or satisfied.  Decide you are not going to be one of them!  Say yes to a more positive experience at work this year.  There’s nothing more miserable than dragging yourself into work every day and spending 8-10 precious hours doing things that don’t excite you or resonate with who you are. There are many reasons professionals end up in survival mode at work — the people, the work, the culture, the horrible boss, disorganization that drives you crazy, not being able to make a contribution, not having any guidance or direction, being under-appreciated, etc.  The bottom line is just surviving at work every day takes its toll — on your health, your attitude, your energy, your spirit, your overall well-being and your relationships — personally and professionally.  If you’re experiencing these things decide that you’re going to thrive in your career instead in 2016!
Find your Target. The great Philosopher, Lucius Seneca, said, “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”  If you’re ready to generate some results around career satisfaction and greater success in your life you’ve got to get clear on what you want and where you’re headed.  You don’t want to waste valuable time, energy, effort, and the momentum your dreams stirred up heading in the wrong direction, do you? 
What is your target?  Do you want to change jobs, create a better situation, have better relationships at work, gain a promotion, learn something new or get along better with your boss?  If you’re unsure, take the Find out How to Start Thriving in Your Career Self-Assessment on my website to start zeroing in on some specific targets.  
Take Action.  Once you’ve decided that the stress and dissatisfaction of the past isn’t going to follow you into 2016, get into action by taking the steps you need to hit your target.  Get support from friends, family or an experienced coach to keep you moving forward. Statistics show only about 8% of us end up accomplishing our new year’s resolutions.   Decide that's not going to be you! 
A happier career in 2016?  You deserve it!
(c) Linda Hardenstein, 2016
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Linda Hardenstein, MPA, Professional Certified Coach is a Career and Leadership Development Expert and CEO of Hardenstein Consulting, specializing in training, leadership coaching, leveraging millennials and developing careers.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

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