سنو اے چاند سی لڑکی..!!

Sajid Khan Turri - May 13 2018


Ok, I am truly lost here as to which Smart phone is the 'best' and what the 'best' actually is... I am sure that those of you who have been with me the last couple of years will have guessed that I am an Apple boy... So it will be no surprise that I took delivery of a lovely shiny tactile iPhone 6 last week. Not the flex 'plus' model, just a standard one.
Which smart phone is the smartest?
Ok, I am truly lost here as to which Smart phone is the 'best' and what the 'best' actually is...
I am sure that those of you who have been with me the last couple of years will have guessed that I am an Apple boy... So it will be no surprise that I took delivery of a lovely shiny tactile iPhone 6 last week. Not the flex 'plus' model, just a standard one.
On the exact same day, Matt our IT specialist at my new role placed a rather nice looking new phone on my desk... a Nokia 930 - direct competition to the iPhone...
So I now have IOS 8 vs Windows 8 (can you hear the war of the worlds music playing as I write this?).
We were comparing these phones to my brothers Galaxy S5 last night and oddly felt that the Galaxy did not feel like a quality phone compared to the others. But it does have a great screen and seems faster.
This morning, whilst thinking about what to tell you all about - I also noticed that Amazon have launched their own new phone, The Fire and Blackberry are launching The Passport.
Aimed I am sure at completely different markets, yet I wonder if in this 'clash of the titans' either is really relevant in today's market?
I look at the latest products from Blackberry I am always left cold. It seems like the latest Passport model will have the same effect. Part smart, part keyboard - all droll and old fashioned. Blackberry and Nokia both have had issues in recent years - a lot to do with making products that the market just did not want. Nokia, bought out my Microsoft and now making some really credible products... Blackberry?
I think in 2014, a phone is a lifestyle choice. For me, most of my entire life is on that phone be it everything from contacts, calendar, email, Facebook, LinkedIn and games to my bank details. So I not only want to have a secure easy to use phone, but also one that looks good.
I can see why people buy a Samsung phone. The 5S has got a lot of things going for it - none more to me than you can change the battery! It's interface is not dissimilar to Apples'. Up until now the screen has always been bigger and it does appear to be able to be rufty tufty with it's gorilla glass.
The Nokia 930 - great camera (20mp), very 'Windows 8', great windows experience. It does seem heavy, it does get confusing (to an IOS8 user) but it's Lync integration is great - if your business is planning to go to Lync and enterprise voice. Email, great, tile moving, great, weight... Not so great...
So to my lovely new iPhone... No review here, because I am too biased. All I will tell you is that it feels lovely to use. I am not a techie, I loved the fact I could back up my 4S and then plug in my 6 and in 10 minutes - everything from the 4 was "Hello" in exactly the same on the 6.
Will the Passport save Blackberry? I do not think so... I don't think there is a market for the product now that Microsoft has Nokia because the people who loved the Blackberry of old can now have a better experience on the Windows phone. Do people want a keyboard? Truth be told, if they did - Apple, Nokia and Samsung would be making them...
The Amazon phone I think will appeal to the market who look to HTC, Huawei, Motorola, Sony and countless other brands. People who want less from a phone and who are less interested in brand than cost. Nothing bad - but nothing really cutting edge.
So here we are, a market flooded with smart phones and fablets, they all make calls and they all have emails and yet each says something about the owner as much as they car they drive or the retailers they shop with.
Is your choice of smart phone like your choice of car?
Is your choice of phone based on features or apps?
Do you like me, always buy the same phones because you like the brand?
What makes you choose?
I would be really interested in knowing.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

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