
2016 is going to be an interesting year for AEC firms. The import of technological innovations from other industries continue to transform our industry a bit at a time, and this process is not slowing down by any means. This can cause some upheaval, but for us that means an opportunity to help lead our professions in figuring out how to use these new tools to our benefit. There are a lot of exciting ones out there, but I picked out the three I think will have the biggest impact this year:
My Top 3 AEC Tech Trends for 2016

2016 is going to be an interesting year for AEC firms. The import of technological innovations from other industries continue to transform our industry a bit at a time, and this process is not slowing down by any means. This can cause some upheaval, but for us that means an opportunity to help lead our professions in figuring out how to use these new tools to our benefit. There are a lot of exciting ones out there, but I picked out the three I think will have the biggest impact this year:

1.      Virtual and Augmented Reality

Hands down, advances in VR and AR are my number one trend. Just trying to name the companies with new products this year is exhausting. Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Google Glass, Microsoft Hololens, Daquri, Etc… The list goes on and on. Google’s cardboard, Merge Labs, Samsung Gear VR, and many others have “containers” that turn your phone into AR/VR powerhouses. But wait, this is an AEC Tech Trend discussion, so what’s the big deal? Well, ALL of these companies have shown demos or are even built around AEC use cases. Want to see what new Ikea furniture would look like in your living room? There’s an app for that. Want to lay out all your studs using AR and a laser pointer? There’s actually an app for that too. Want to walk through your Revit model real time and see changes live? There’s an app for that as well. 2016 will be the year VR/AR go mainstream and professional all at once. So, look out, there may be a goofy looking pair of goggles on your desk in the very near future.

2.      Reality Capture 2.0

I know, I know. Why can’t I write just one post without throwing “Reality Capture” around? Well, not today at least. Here’s the deal though, normally when I say it, I am talking about laser scanning and photogrammetry. While that isn’t old hat yet, it is getting there. In 2016 we’re going to see the rise of other reality capture mechanisms. Forget about 3D, think temperature, pressure, humidity, decibel, illumination, VOCs, occupancy, adjacency, etc… Enough people have bought into the idea behind reality capture – that there is actually value in digitizing the real world and bringing it into the digital world for modeling, analysis, and QA/QC. It isn’t just about buildings either. You know those fitbits or smart watches so many people are wearing? They record things like heart rate, galvanic skin response, UV exposure, skin & air temperature, etc… With just those sensors and the right software things like heat stroke could be predicted through early warning signs and environmental data in order to prevent it from happening at all. Sounds pretty cool right?
 As a result, all sorts of people are furiously working to be the next revolution in reality capture by throwing new data streams at us. You may not know this, but we had a first generation attempt at this in our office for about 3 months recording most of those items above as we remodeled our office. Like any first gen system we had some issues (like two of the three units being broken during demolition), but we got some really interesting data and at least a peek at how it might be valuable to a PM or Superintendent for monitoring their jobsite.

3.      Optimization

Within the design and engineering world, optimization is something that makes people both uncomfortable and excited. It is the artificial intelligence of the creative world if you will. It is also something those of us at Beck are a lot more familiar with than most people in our industry because of the great work Beck Technology has been doing with Optioneer for several years. However, in 2016 there are a LOT of new products that are working on the optimization of design decisions. FluxIO, Autodesk’s Akaba and Fractal, numerous plugins for Rhino, Grasshopper, and Dynamo are just some of the examples that come to mind. The right way to apply it in practice is still a bit of a mystery. Many people are worried that, if misapplied, it could mean bad things for the quality of design and therefore beauty of our built environment. But, it could also mean substantial reductions in the cost to build a given project, or big increases in energy efficiency and reduced operations costs. Bottom line, the real impact is unknown but a lot of people are pushing forward with it anyway – and that’s good for us as integrated practitioners and for Beck Technology regardless. And, unlike artificial intelligence, at least design optimization tools don’t involve the risk of creating a real Skynet!
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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