
Apple Moves Onto Apple Watch 2.0 This Year With New Partner Samsung is Apple's Sundance Kid. After all, it's the smartwatch business they both are in, as well as leading the smartphone business worldwide for the last few years. Not that Samsung sold all that many smartwatches last year. Or that Samsung is any stylish fashion smartwatch maker either. And the world has responded favorably to the Apple Watch. Some of Samsung's smartwatches look like a shrunken down Times Square marquis screen on your wrist with a super bright curved display. I happen to like them a lot. You can see the smartwatch easily at night, while riding in a taxi in Tokyo.
Apple Moves Onto Apple Watch 2.0 This Year With New Partner

Apple Moves Onto Apple Watch 2.0 This Year With New Partner

Samsung is Apple's Sundance Kid.
After all, it's the smartwatch business they both are in, as well as leading the smartphone business worldwide for the last few years. Not that Samsung sold all that many smartwatches last year. Or that Samsung is any stylish fashion smartwatch maker either. And the world has responded favorably to the Apple Watch.
Some of Samsung's smartwatches look like a shrunken down Times Square marquis screen on your wrist with a super bright curved display. I happen to like them a lot. You can see the smartwatch easily at night, while riding in a taxi in Tokyo.
Yes, it is Samsung that has something essential to the Apple Watch. Apple needs  to resolve Watch delivery issues So an unusual partnership unfolds with negotiations, that is nothing new for the industry either.
Shocking some critics, Apple's closed ecosystem Watch preview launch, in just a few days, reflects that world market demand can support 10-15 million Apple Watch sales easily. That number by Q4 could reach 30 million.
Apple Moves Onto Apple Watch 2.0 This Year With New Partner
Additionally, Apple's own SVP Adhrendts' rides into new opportunity for Apple Retail growth, which may become its greatest haul on new product launches yet. SVP Retail  Angela Ahrendts' has real brilliance in luxury market retail strategy. And Apple Watch demand is getting greater as prices rise for product on eBay.
Still, Samsung has something Apple needs to round out their Apple Watch production issues as we have seen Watch Sport and, Watch limited quantity, (Watch Edition practically sold out) with delivery pushed out to June/July, with just several days of preview underway. 

Samsung's got the curved flexible OLED Screen Apple Needs

Clearly pesky production problems are irritating Apple on the Apple Watch. The fexlible OLED display has been nothing but big trouble in paradise, and every merchant knows what that means. Samsung smartwatch pic below.


In addition, Quanta, a computer assembler Apple hired, has had production line issues due to the Apple Watch's small size. Something every Swiss watchmaker knows about and how Swatch has built a limited quantity collection business since the 1990's.
Every fast fashion, money making, retailer knows testing a new product is essential to finding out what customer bestsellers will be. Technology and fast fashion have a lot in common, and Apple is learning fast. So they are moving on to new product.
The Apple Watch 2.0 is coming, and rightly so.

Apple Watch 2.0 Will Have Internet Access Without iPhone Tethering

News on this from Asia started months ago, and is very forthcoming. Even so in March ,Tech Trader Daily reported it also, and analyst Arcuri has been on point so far with predictions.
"Cowen & Co. semiconductor analyst Timothy Arcuri today writes that based on conversations in Asia last week with a number of parties, Apple (AAPL) remains supply-constrained for the first batch of the forthcoming Apple Watch, which was formally detailed last week during a presentation by the company in San Francisco.
Arcuri writes Apple is working with suppliers to boost supply. He also speculates a2.0 version of the Watch will make wireless connections to the Internet on its own, without the need to be tethered to the iPhone:
Regarding Apple Watch, the Taiwan supply chain remains generally skeptical and Quanta/ASE yield issues persist. Our work indicates overall unit supply of ~6MM units by June for Apple Watch with Apple now working with Foxconn to try to improve supply and also trying to develop a parallel supply chain in Japan. We got more confirmation of the likelihood of a 2.0 version of the Watch to be launched later this year that will not require iPhone tethering for full connectivity and, we think will also be the first Apple device w/OLED screen, supplied by Samsung. On iPhone, we expect Apple to stick w/in-cell for now given its sunk costs into the technology, but we also see Samsung selling OLED for iPhone, but this is still likely a few years out."

Parterships Are Key To Apple Watch Success and Delivery

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid knew about partnership success and delivery in the wild west, as well as moving on quickly with agility. If Apple's going to make their new smartwatch product entry an essential item by next year, they need the right OLED screen partner. Samsung.
After all, great partnerships are priceless. Even if your new partner is also your competitor.

iTech Dunya

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