
I Don't Want To Trick You Into Buying Insurance I really don't want to trick you into buying insurance. In the various careers I have had throughout my life, I have always, and I mean always taken an educational approach to sales. My first objective when I start a new business is to drown myself in data, to learn everything I can about the new products and/or services I will be selling I then attempt to script the things I learned (that is exactly how my book, True32 Flow Manufacturing came into being) in a way that allows me to teach someone else what I learned. Obviously I can't include everything I learn about a product or service as part of my sales routine, so I have to condense it. The key word there being condense, the key part of that word being dense. I want my sales presentations to be as dense as one of my pastors sermons (I can dream). I have to tell you that to make anything as dense as one of Allen Jackson's (not Alan Jackson the singer) sermons is no small task. His sermons are not only dense with scripture, they are dense with application, with humor, with wisdom and with revelation. No one likes to hear someone ramble, we want densely packed information that is succinct, and relevant. That is what I attempt to provide in any sales presentation I do.
I Don't Want To Trick You Into Buying Insurance

I Don't Want To Trick You Into Buying Insurance

I really don't want to trick you into buying insurance. In the various careers I have had throughout my life, I have always, and I mean always taken an educational approach to sales. My first objective when I start a new business is to drown myself in data, to learn everything I can about the new products and/or services I will be selling

I then attempt to script the things I learned (that is exactly how my book, True32 Flow Manufacturing came into being) in a way that allows me to teach someone else what I learned. Obviously I can't include everything I learn about a product or service as part of my sales routine, so I have to condense it. The key word there being condense, the key part of that word being dense.

I want my sales presentations to be as dense as one of my pastors sermons (I can dream). I have to tell you that to make anything as dense as one of Allen Jackson's (not Alan Jackson the singer) sermons is no small task. His sermons are not only dense with scripture, they are dense with application, with humor, with wisdom and with revelation. No one likes to hear someone ramble, we want densely packed information that is succinct, and relevant. That is what I attempt to provide in any sales presentation I do.

I might be selling a homeowners policy at 9:00am, a VOIP phone system at 10:45am, cabinet estimating software at 1;30pm, consulting with someone on cloud based computing at 2:15pm, consulting on "The One Thing that can Change Everything" at 3:45pm, selling a commercial insurance package at 4:28pm, and in all cases, I attempt to educate my client on the product or service I am providing. I try as hard as I can to condense what I am trying to educate my client on as much as possible, without dropping valid/relevant information.

I personally find this type of sales presentation compelling, and much prefer being compelled to purchase something I may or may not need as opposed to being coerced into buying something I may or may not need. I think most people will know what I am referring to if I say that some pastors use coercive amen's. There are two types of amen's, the first being your typical amen of affirmation, always stated with a downward inflection. The second is the coercive amen, always stated with an upward inflection, which sounds like a question, and begs you to answer with your own amen.

In other words, you are coerced into saying amen. You are coerced into agreeing with the speaker (even if you don't agree with the speaker, you say amen if only to be polite). I don't mind being persuaded to do something, I actually love being compelled by superior information or a dense educational process to do something, but I despise being coerced, and I'm betting you do to.
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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