Will Pinterest Bring In More Clients to Your Clinic?
One of the most effective ways to showcase your clinic is through visuals. Not everybody likes to read long articles. So the use of visual imagery can go a long way.
What is pinterest? Put simply it’s an online visual pin board where you can pin pictures and share things that you love in an organized way.
So what works? No one single social media channel works alone – they all work in conjunction with others. But basically if you have great content, reviews and striking pictures – that works! The pictures can be of your clinic, before and afters, and even you or your staff (or both!) at work.
Pictures with a bit of description can be so effective in building your audience and creating raving fans, which in turn helps get more people through your door.
Here are some tips to get you into the Pinterest feeds:
- Your pinnable website – Your website, including your blogs and all pictures on it should be pinnable. This way, you’re making the spreading the word about your expertise and your clinic incredibly efficient. (this is really simple for your techie to do – if you have a wordpress site, it’s just a plug-in)
- The use of Infographics - Information via infographics can give you an extra edge. Visuals alone speak so much about you and your clinic’s expertise. Using graphics with info is a great option.
- Competitions & Special Promotions - Contests using Pinterest can be a big hit. If you are starting up in your business, this can be an effective way to make your presence known and increase followers online.
I think the secret to anything is just getting started, so get one of your staff (or yourself) to spend an hour setting it up. It’s easy – maybe start with 3 boards, something like FACE / BREAST / BODY. You may even choose to have a ‘fun’ section – somewhere you can pin whatever is fun.
A you can start with a little target – 1 pin per day. This will give you over 300 pins in a year!
Whatever you decide to do, have fun with it!

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