
Mobile Marketing in 2016 Mobile marketing in 2016 will see unprecedented growth. EMarketer makes it clear – in 2015, more than 1.76 billion people will use mobile devices ranging from tablets to smartphones.
Mobile Marketing in 2016 Mobile marketing in 2016 will see unprecedented growth.  EMarketer makes it clear – in 2015, more than 1.76 billion people will use mobile devices ranging from tablets to smartphones.

Mobile Marketing in 2016

Mobile marketing in 2016 will see unprecedented growth.  EMarketer makes it clear – in 2015, more than 1.76 billion people will use mobile devices ranging from tablets to smartphones.
I advise any marketer to keep the customer as the core of their mobile marketing plan.  If  you make their experience a safe, trusting and an interacting one, your bottom line will suffer far less if you don't.  Please if you have a comment share it, you could be helping others.

Mobile Marketing in 2016

The knowledgeable online consumer now expects from mobile marketing in 2016 and beyond to be of value and tailored to solve their  personal problem.  With the advent of marketing automation, along with analysis and customer data software, brands must be able to ensure a quality and personable mobile experience.  This wealth of information will provide new ways to get to know and understand their need

The Rise of Mobile Optimization

To quote Isabel Williams;  "It's only logical that strategies for mobile optimization – already a focus in 2014 – will become an even more pressing issue for businesses. In the near future, these mobile strategies will move beyond responsive design or brand apps for mobile – they will focus on mobile-optimized content.
The fact that Google considers mobile usability as relevant for optimal search results is itself a sign of the growing importance of mobile. Among Google Webmaster Tools you'll find a new one called Mobile Usability, designed specifically to cater to this new requirement.
In 2015 and 2016, businesses will be more about mobile than ever – they'll build fully responsive websites, focus on mobile ads and create separate content meant specifically for mobile website users.  They'll develop mobile social media strategies that will concentrate on making the most from the ways in which mobile users consume and interact with social media."  Adjust your campaign now to the upcoming trends to reap the benefits later.

Mobile Web Basics

 Mobile websites, will not go away via apps, but instead follow a trend of innovation.  This is a necessity in order for mobile websites to stay competitive and ensure website stability.  According to Ms.Williams;  "It won't be just about improving the infrastructure of a website so that it's able to manage an increased mobile traffic, but also about short load time and intuitive navigation built specifically for mobile.   
Over the last decade, companies would use their presence on the web to foster brand awareness and communicate the brand message. The same went for mobile web – it was basically a question of building a mobile-friendly website. Some brands went for apps that were more decorative than functional (virtual dressing rooms anyone?). 
As consumers start to use mobile for shopping, retailers will go back to the basics of web development and build their presence on mobile via secure, functional and stable websites.  It's likely that most brands will focus on mobile experience than mobile apps. 
Mobile apps can be problematic because users generally find it hard to adopt them, they silo data and offer no help in SEO. Moreover, the rise of various mobile operating systems means that building an app that works for the whole audience is expensive and requires complex maintenance.  In the near future, we'll see a real revolution in mobile websites – they'll be cleaner, more functional and providing great user experience."

The Top 7 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2016

By Jayson DeMers
1. Video ads will start dominating. Video ads are certainly nothing new, with social channels like YouTube dedicated to hosting billions of videos and advertising platforms like Facebook and Bing already offering advertisers video options. 2016 is set to be different because Google is finally getting on board with in-SERP video advertising. It’s a sign that users are becoming more accepting of video ads online, and as that trend continues, expect to see more types of video ads popping up in more unexpected places. With Google’s ownership of YouTube, the possibilities are virtually limitless.
2. App indexing will lead to an explosion of apps. Google has offered app indexing for a while, but as the ranking possibilities for apps become more complex, 2016 will be the year more business owners realize the online visibility advantages of a dedicated app.
A mobile-optimized site works wonders for appealing to the mobile crowd, but soon, apps will begin to replace them. Apps can do everything that websites can, except in more intuitive, convenient, accessible ways. We’re still several years away from apps completely replacing websites as a medium, but 2016 will be a pivotal year in app adoption from business owner’s perspectives.
3. Mobile will completely dominate desktop. 2015 was a big year for mobile—not only did Google announce that mobile traffic finally overtook desktop traffic in 10 different countries, it was also the year they released the “Mobilegeddon” algorithm update to phase out sites not optimized for mobile.
But apparently, you don’t have to have an optimized desktop site in addition to a mobile version—according to Google, a mobile-only site with no desktop counterpart is perfectly acceptable. This alone won’t be enough to drive down desktop traffic, but it’s clear what side of the fence Google’s on; they’re banking on desktop traffic fading away, meaning the smart money rests on mobile-focused online marketing.
4. Digital assistants will lead to a new kind of optimization. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising are two highly popular strategies for getting your site seen by thousands of previously unknown visitors. But the rise of digital assistants is going to lead to a new kind of optimization.
Digital assistants like Siri and Cortana do utilize traditional search engines, but only when necessary to find information. The key to optimizing in this new format is to make sure your business information is easily accessible to these assistants, rather than trying to funnel people to your site specifically.
5. Virtual reality will emerge. There are dozens of different virtual reality devices set to release in the next few years, some of which are dedicated for specific applications like video games, and others which are available for general use. Oculus Rift, arguably the most hyped VR device, is set to release in the first quarter of 2016.
Oculus Rift and other VR devices will introduce an entire new medium of online advertising, with integration to popular social media platforms, video channels, and even forms of direct messaging. There’s always a chance VR could fizzle as a temporary fad, but there are billions of dollars of funding in limbo, ready to bet otherwise.
6. Wearable technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) will pave new ground. While not quite to the level of virtual reality, wearable “smart” devices should start gaining more traction into 2016. 2015 saw the unveiling of the Apple Watch, a first-generation smart watch, but more smart watches and similar wearable devices should start emerging next year. Such devices will change the landscape of local marketing, and will do more to blur the lines between “online” marketing and “real” marketing.
7. Advertising will become more expensive. Competition in the online marketing world has increased dramatically over the course of the past few years. 2016 will see it increase even more. As the basic laws of economics suggest, an increase in demand is often accompanied by an increase in price, so all those new online marketing competitors will drive the prices for online advertising even higher. Realistically, online ads are pretty cheap, but the increases in price may drive some smaller companies out of the landscape.

8 Mobile Marketing Stats To Help You Plan For 2016

November 13, 2015 Greg Miles
Up until recently, the desktop experience was the primary focus for marketers, but in 2016, mobile strategy will play a critical role in the success of a growing number of brand campaigns. If you're not convinced, take a look at these 8 mobile marketing statistics.
The number of smartphone users has reached a new high, and this figure is only going to increase as they become cheaper and more accessible around the globe. Choosing to ignore the mobile customer is not an option for brands that want to thrive in the modern landscape.
It's estimated that users spend an average of 1.8 hours on their smartphones every day, and mobile apps account for the majority of that time. Marketers should consider developing apps for their brand, as well as tapping into this growing audience with in-app advertising.
It's not just the savvy of brands that are taking advantage of the mobile market - it's the vast majority. You can bet your competitors are attempting to engage with your potential customers via their smartphones - if you haven't integrated mobile into your marketing strategy yet, it's time to catch up.
In 2016 you need to have a mobile mindset when developing your website. Being mobile-friendly is important to Google, and it's likely this will become a more significant factor as smartphone usage increases. How your content, product pages and layout appear on mobile will affect your search performance more than ever.
Almost half of all internet users own a tablet, and these devices are now seeing better add-to-cart conversion rates than desktop. Tablets are often the go-to device for casual browsing and buying, and the tablet demographic tend to be higher income - and therefore less price-sensitive. As such, online retailers should give extra attention to the design and user experience of the tablet version of their site.
Design is no longer just about the look of your website, user experience is paramount. Brands should consider implementing dynamic serving, which allows you to serve different website code to users with different devices, while maintaining a single URL.
Today we're more connected than ever, which means having a consistent strategy across all user platforms can be extremely effective. Although certain design elements should be adjusted for different devices, brands should create a natural and fluid experience across different channels. This will help users seamlessly move through the buyer journey.
8 Mobile Marketing Stats To Help You Plan For 2016 | Social Media Today
The 'phone' part of a smartphone is now just a feature, rather than a primary function. In fact, more people use their smartphones to open emails than those who use them to make calls. Marketers need to focus on creating the most compelling emails possible to maximize mobile open rates - responsive design is no longer a luxury - it's a necessity.
Mobile marketers know that the smart consumers of today are using smartphones. So mobile marketing in 2016  will have to become personal,and for optimal marketing results, stay on top of new technological advancements.
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