
Dear +HTC, Hi. I've been a fan of HTC devices for a while. I wanted the Nexus One, so badly. It never came to Verizon Wireless as initially promised though. So, I did the next best thing. I purchased the HTC Incredible. I loved that little guy. I loved it so much, I got a second one for my wife. Fast forward 2 years and some time later, I ended up getting the HTC Droid DNA. Damn, that phone has some amazing hardware. While I'm personally not a fan of HTC Sense, I had intended on keeping the DNA, hoping to eventually run an AOSP ROM on it. I've always been a fan of HTC phones and their performance, their speed, and their build quality. Heck, the radio technology isn't bad either.

Dear +HTC,

Hi. I've been a fan of HTC devices for a while. I wanted the Nexus One, so badly. It never came to Verizon Wireless as initially promised though. So, I did the next best thing. I purchased the HTC Incredible. I loved that little guy. I loved it so much, I got a second one for my wife. Fast forward 2 years and some time later, I ended up getting the HTC Droid DNA. Damn, that phone has some amazing hardware. While I'm personally not a fan of HTC Sense, I had intended on keeping the DNA, hoping to eventually run an AOSP ROM on it. I've always been a fan of HTC phones and their performance, their speed, and their build quality. Heck, the radio technology isn't bad either.

Times, they are a changin'. After your recent legal bouts with the Android development community, namely, I'm not impressed. While I understand trademark infringement using the HTC name and backup files, I do not understand the removal of custom Sense ROMs. Removing ROMs because they used HTC internal code names was uncalled for.

The Android development community doesn't hurt your sales, the community helps it. Your recent financials do not put you into a position to bite the hand that feeds you. You're already starving.

I'll be selling my HTC Droid DNA the moment an adequate replacement pops up on Verizon Wireless. I won't be purchasing another HTC phone again.

Itech Dunya 

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya is a technology blog that specializes in guides, reviews, how-to's, and tips about a broad range of tech-related topics..

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