
With ICD-10 being implemented in a few short months and the everyday stress of the CDI process, it’s clear – we CDI specialists could use a little play in our day. Here’s a lighthearted article about Sun signs and CDI specialists for a quick “brain break." Let's have some fun out there! Aries (March 21st-April 19th) Need someone brave enough to approach that ornery provider? Sign your Aries CDIS up for the challenge! They are also known to query fearlessly, often verbally (so they know the answer right away). These folks enjoy being a team lead, but their focus is the program (people problems are not their cuppa – no patience for it!). Not sure who your Aries is? He or she is the fidgety one in the ICD-10 training session. They have a lot of “do” energy and try to get up to the floors ASAP, after only a brief look at the chart. Tap them to kick off any new CDI initiatives. Assign them the new doctor's cases to review. Taurus (April 20th-May 20th) Which CDI specialist has the highest query response rate? Most likely, it’s your persistent Taurean CDIS. When they were first introduced to CDI, the reimbursement shift really made an impression, and now they are driven to prove the program’s inherent value. If you’re uncertain who your Taurus is, she or he is probably the one who was most pleased to hear about the ICD-10 delay last year. They are not fans of change; they enjoy their regular schedule, job security, and creature comforts (desk included!). These CDIS excel at offering common sense advice about choosing the correct DRG or code.
How to Inspire Your CDI Specialists, Sign by Sign
With ICD-10 being implemented in a few short months and the everyday stress of the CDI process, it’s clear – we CDI specialists could use a little play in our day. Here’s a lighthearted article about Sun signs and CDI specialists for a quick “brain break." Let's have some fun out there!

Aries (March 21st-April 19th) Need someone brave enough to approach that ornery provider? Sign your Aries CDIS up for the challenge! They are also known to query fearlessly, often verbally (so they know the answer right away). These folks enjoy being a team lead, but their focus is the program (people problems are not their cuppa – no patience for it!). Not sure who your Aries is? He or she is the fidgety one in the ICD-10 training session. They have a lot of “do” energy and try to get up to the floors ASAP, after only a brief look at the chart. Tap them to kick off any new CDI initiatives. Assign them the new doctor's cases to review.

Taurus (April 20th-May 20th) Which CDI specialist has the highest query response rate? Most likely, it’s your persistent Taurean CDIS. When they were first introduced to CDI, the reimbursement shift really made an impression, and now they are driven to prove the program’s inherent value. If you’re uncertain who your Taurus is, she or he is probably the one who was most pleased to hear about the ICD-10 delay last year. They are not fans of change; they enjoy their regular schedule, job security, and creature comforts (desk included!). These CDIS excel at offering common sense advice about choosing the correct DRG or code.

Gemini (May 21st-June 20th) Wonder why Dr. Smith is not returning calls or Dr. Brown is showing up on the units in the afternoon now? Your Gemini CDIS knows. These CDIS seem to have a pulse on the whole hospital. If you haven’t figured out who your Gemini CDIS is yet, they are the one asking a million questions during ICD-10 training. Their innate curiosity means queries come easily to them too. They are known to sit up on the units doing reviews, so they can lean over and ask the doctor a question when it pops up in their heads. Get them to help edit your CDI newsletter, but make sure it doesn’t get lost on their desks!

Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd) Can you think of one CDIS whose resignation would rock the undercurrent of the department? It’s probably your Cancer CDIS. They’re devoted to the program, and they’re more than willing to nurture it and watch it grow. This can mean spending extra time with a resident, onboarding a new CDIS, or letting a provider vent. You can probably tell the Cancer CDIS from the brooding after a harsh physician encounter or rebuff. They will bounce back, but in general, implementations might be too grating. They have a natural ability to mentor and precept new CDIS specialists though, so bring them out of their shell!

Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd) Who’s the CDIS that brags about metrics? Has the nickname of “Query Queen/King”? The one who "holds court" with providers on the units? It’s your Leo CDIS. They can see both sides of the pride issue as it pertains to CDI. They instinctively understand providers who are too proud to adapt. They then approach CDI from the “pride in your work” perspective when talking about physician profiles. The way you will spot this lion is by her or his promotional skills. They do a remarkable job with upper management, especially when rolling out a new program or service line. Put them in charge of CDI Week festivities!

Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd) Who does (or should be doing) your CDI audits? You’ve got a natural with your Virgo CDIS. Detail orientation is so well-developed in these folks that they usually “pick up” conditions that the coder missed. Their clinical indicators are oh so precise too. The happiest moment in their day is when their census is completed (it’s their microcosm). If you have a go-to person for references or finding the exact way to phrase your generic query, you’ve found your Virgo CDIS. If they’re not already doing metrics, assign them query templates to write. They need to be needed!

Libra (September 23rd-October 22nd) Is there a CDIS who has an unusually hard time choosing between principal diagnoses? That’s your indecisive Libra CDIS. They have fantastic abilities as program diplomats, but their fear of confrontation can affect their query response rates. You can usually tell who your Libran CDIS is by finding the unofficial interdepartmental liaison on your team. Send your Libra CDIS to coding reconciliation meetings to boost cooperation and communication between departments. Consider them for second level reviews, for their ability to argue either side. They are fair in their judgments.

Scorpio (October 23rd-November 21st) Does one of your teammates wind up with a lot of queries from past medical history or encounters (à la chart biopsy)? He or she might be a Scorpio CDIS. The investigators of the zodiac, these professionals are discreet and shrewd. They aren’t going to place a query unless they’re absolutely sure it will be an “agree.” If you’re still baffled as to whom your Scorpio CDIS is, think about the last time you had a CDI “crisis.” Who came to the rescue? Despite being jaded and/or paranoid, they had your back. If your program has a problem, let your Scorpio CDIS find it and give them the power to excise it.

Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st) Which CDIS can’t stop using the word “integrity”? It’s probably your Sadge CDIS. They were sold on CDI based on the principle of it. It’s a secret, maybe even to them, but they got excited when they heard about training for ICD-10. They love to learn and then share the knowledge. Still wondering who’s your Sadge CDIS? He or she bluntly asks the provider why he or she disagreed with the query. They possess an infectious optimism, even about ICD-10. A Sadge CDIS gets excited about doing presentations, so free them from reviews every once in a while and let them shine!

Capricorn (December 22nd-January 19th) Who has the most credentials and/or certifications on the team? Probably your Capricorn CDIS. The Cappy CDIS loves prestige and takes her or his career seriously. Efficient and ambitious, these folks will take on responsibilities (reconciliations, metrics, query follow up, you name it). Can’t find your Cappy CDIS? Look up. They might already be above you on the career ladder. They are disciplined and politically correct. Since they get embarrassed by compromises to the program’s reputation, put them in charge of the official PR for the department.

Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th) Did a CDIS offer to help the team with the new CDI or EMR software? Is that the same person who is all ready for ICD-10? You’ve located your Aquarian CDIS. They like pushing boundaries and coming up with innovations. They have no doubt heard of the emerging CDI practice areas and the government’s new initiatives. If you can’t find your Aquarian CDIS on the forefront of change, look on the units. Networking is in their blood, but they don’t like to get personal. Ask her or him to be the department’s representative for local CDI chapter meetings, or send them to the annual conference.

Pisces (February 19th-March 20th) Have a CDIS that places queries based on his or her intuition? Perhaps this is your Piscean CDIS. Their query rate can be lower than others as they so easily identify with the patients that they read about. They can get lost in the chart in that way. Still looking for your Piscean CDIS? Ask yourself who has the biggest dreams for the program. They champion what goes beyond the day to day review work. The reality of a metrics-driven program is harsh to them. Without even giving them a project, you’ll find them inspiring others with the program’s purpose and mission.                      
iTech Dunya

iTech Dunya

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