Success is simple, but it's not easy.
It's not something you get. It's not something you find.
Success does not drift to you on the breeze nor wash in with the tide. It does not come in the mail from the Publisher's Clearing House or arrive in a pretty package on your birthday.
Luck and Chance do not care if you are successful or not. Drifting along in the currents of life will not bring you your heart's desires any more than making random turns at every intersection you come to will get you from a home in a Denver suburb to New York's Times Square in time for New Year's Eve.
How Many View Success

We often see success as being like winning the lottery. We put in a little effort, a token amount of money, and a lot of wishing and longing, and we become successful beyond our wildest dreams! That is a deceptive view that will waste your life, drain your motivation, and crush your spirit! It's simply not going to happen! So how is success to be obtained?
Success comes to those who choose it, prepare for it, pursue it, and pay for it.
But first, we must define it.
What is Real Success?

Is it money or fame or status or achievement? It is far more than any of those.
It is being happy with your life. It is looking back without regret. It is the warm, satisfying feeling of touching the lives of others to make a real difference. It is taking charge of your own life, identifying life's constraints, and enthusiastically living within the ones that you can't change, or choose not to. It's about creating the world you want to live in!
What Success is Not!

It may involve lots of money, but it can't be only that. Millionaires can be just as miserable and unsatisfied with life as anyone else. That alone is not success. Using money as the only measure of success is an illusion that fills your pockets while it bankrupts your spirit. It's great accomplishment in a single area of life while other precious parts of your life lie in ruins.
It can't be only fame. How many popular figures have you heard of that succumb to drugs, alcohol, corruption, divorce or suicide? How many have been found to live a secret life of scandal and deceit so very different from their public image? Fame by itself is not success either.
The key to real success is choosing to be successful in ALL areas of life that are important and meaningful to you, all at the same time. Don't sacrifice any one thing dear to you to gain another. That's like wanting to lose weight so you have your arms amputated. Yes, you'll lose weight, but combing your hair will become quite a challenge!
Never pursue that big promotion or accumulate large sums of money only to lose your spouse or become a stranger to your children. That's not called success. It's called stupid.
How to Start on the Road to Real Success

Examine your heart. Write down what's really important in your life. Don't rely on stereotypes or other's view of success. This is Your life! What do YOU really want?
Then, identify goals that have you excel in every one of those critical areas.
Then Choose Success! Real success. Success that honors you and those around you. Success that gives you a full life of warm memories and a wealth of achievements you can be proud of. Success that gives you power in your own life to make a real difference in the lives of others.
And then go for it! Don't let anything stop you! This is your highest calling, your life's greatest achievement. This is your true path to greatness. The most spectacular journey you will ever undertake.
This is well worth every ounce of effort you can muster and every sacrifice that will be required.
Success Awaits You
Success will not drift to you on the breeze. But it is out there, waiting for you. And if you pursue it with all that you have, moment by moment, it will wait for you. And you will find it. And it will be far more rich and fulfilling than you ever expected it to be. And you will wonder how you could have ever considered doing anything else.
Even Better, Be Success!

If success is something you get, it might not come to you. If it's something you find, you might pass by it without recognizing it. If it's something you pursue, it may slip away and elude your grasp.
But if success is something you ARE, it cannot escape. If it's something you ARE, then small success builds on bigger success builds on still bigger success, without end. No obstacle can stop you. No distraction can dissuade you. No illusion can deter you. Because success is who you are! The achievements will naturally follow!
You can adapt to, compensate for, or overcome literally anything that may happen, because success is who you are, not something you do. It's not a mindset or a mantra. Those are external things that lay on top of who you are. They're simply tools used to achieve something else.
Success is a way of being. It IS who you are. But you must choose it to become it. Success is a simple choice and no other can choose it for you. Only you can choose success. And nothing on Earth can prevent your choosing to BE success right now and living into it.
Become success, because that is who you really are.
I know you can do it. Do you?
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